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Do You Put Your Avatar to Bed When You Log Off?

Prokofy Neva

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I have had tenants over the years that do this, and one reminded me of this again when she described how she put her avatar to bed in a certain place before she logged off.

Some people go to the trouble to make sure their bed has the head pointing East.

I have never considered doing this. 

It's not that I think my avatar is merely an inanimate token or cartoon or, as Benjamin Noble once put it famously, "like an email attachment".

I think of it as an extension of my real self in some way, but something like the soul, or part of the soul, not requiring feeding or watering or rest of course, it's a virtual world. So he could go in a tree or underwater, doesn't matter.

The only thing I make sure to do is to log him off away from a merchant's event so if the log-off happens not to work (and it doesn't often with SL and I'm too tired to wait for it), I won't be taking up a precious avatar space on a busy sim. So he could be at the bottom of the sea, where it is less laggy on an empty Linden sim where inventory sorts. Or he could just be standing in a field, which I happened to set as "home" because I was working on that sim.

I just don't feel the need to put him on a chair or in a bed. 

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Putting your avatar to bed before you log off implies that your avatar is somehow in statis, sleeping until you come back to wake her up. That's an interesting thought, sort of a Sleeping Beauty twist on the meaning of Second Life. It has a romantic appeal.

At my age, though, I know that it's an unrealistic view. When I go to bed in RL, I know that I will wake up at least once before dawn to pee, not waiting for any alarm clock or for the return of Prince Charming. If I put my avatar to bed and log off, I know exactly what would happen.  She'd get up at 4 a.m., stumble around trying to find the bathroom (I don't have one in SL), and be disoriented and a total wreck by the time I log back in.  That's not a fair way to treat her. 

No, I prefer to leave my avatar wide awake, free to roam around and enjoy herself.  I only leave her one simple instruction: "Be here when I get back."  She may explore and have her own secret life -- I'm not going to pry -- but it wouldn't be fair for her to leave me without a skin to crawl into when I log in either. I leave it up to her to figure out how to make it all work.  She's a smart woman and she's never failed yet.

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I put my avie to bed before I log off,  but I swear, she gets up in the middle of the night and lord knows what she does, because when I log back in, she is standing there with this sly grin on her face, like she's saying, "you'll never guess what I've been doing" I've been putting my avie to bed, since the first week I logged onto SL. I don't know why I do it, it just felt like it was the thing to do. 

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I have done this in the past.  Mostly when I was in relationships.  I used to leave my desktop on all night while we slept in a couple of relationships, long, long ago.  I especially liked waking up in the morning together. Going to bed together before logging off was also nice.  But I've been single in SL since August of 2020 and I hardly spend any time in SL anymore.  I don't even change my clothes every time I log in anymore.... and my desktop died and I don't want to overheat my laptop.

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Never put my Av to bed, when I was new to SL I used to hide in the stairwell of a small mall next to Freebie Dungeon in Deva Loka when I logged off not knowing what happened to me when I logged out. Then when I got a rental or a place to call home I would log there. When I got my mainland place I started logging in/out there I always make sure I end my SL day there. I guess to me starting and ending in the same place is like putting myself to bed

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I don't exactly put my avatar to bed or anything, but I do have the habit of teleporting back to my apartment before logging out. Not that it really matters since it's my home point and I could log in at that spot automatically, but I still seem to do it anyways. I guess it just seems like the proper thing to do, like how we return home in RL after going out for the day.

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I used to.
I actually bought a beautiful bed with tons of poses and linen, (NOT Lindens 😝), none of the poses or anims being of le bawdy/rumpy humpy type ^.^
The routine was complete when you could "sleep" with a bento head anim of closed eyes. 
It served well to close off the inworld session emotionally.
I haven't done it for ages and I see it as just a bit of extra fun. :)

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For those keeping score at home .... with 14 posts so far, we have one avatar who goes to bed when we log off and two who used to but don't any more. Most of us are nonchalant about what our avatars do in their free time.  At most, we take them home, wave good-bye, and trust that they'll be there in the morning.  We are so naive.  

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Log Off?  Is that like vanishing from the face of the grid?  

I seldom log off, but I do put my avatar to bed before I sleep in RL, including closing my Bento eyelids.  It seems only right that my SL and RL avatars should be in time sync.  Then I forget to open my SL eyes when I wake up in RL, until someone accuses me of sleepwalking.

Same with a partner, we both usually stay logged in but sleeping in bed, or couch, or blanket.  Since I sleep longer, I wake up to an empty bed only to find my partner is already out shopping, spending my money.


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I usually send my avatars home before putting my RL self to bed. I don't even have a bed out for them currently, though I have put one or the other to bed when I had a new bed for them.

If they have been standing by some lucky boards or recently gone into a space that was hard to get into, I may leave them there on purpose, so when they rez in next time they will be right where that lucky board or sale item is.

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Well, when other people log off, I see their avatars disappear. So, I infer that my avatar does the same. I figure that since she's not anywhere, it matters not where she is, or how she is posed when I log off.

My friend Que Forager had the coolest way to log off. We would be high up in my skybox, and she'd casually bid me goodbye and jump off the balcony, logging off on the way down.

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I don't put my avi in bed before I log out. I usually TP to my platform (quicker rendering time when I log back in) before logging out.  As far as I'm concerned, my avi doesn't exist when I'm offline.  

I will admit that when I played World of Warcraft, I often put my avatar in a bed in an inn before logging off.   I could get the resting bonus at any spot in an inn, but for some reason I DID like putting her in a bed before logging off.  I'm not sure why. 

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