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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Yep, that's a problem. Log a bug at the Feedback website: https://feedback.secondlife.com/
  2. The number is right there - how much easier could it get?
  3. Object tab of the About Land window -- click the land title at the top of the viewer to open About Land
  4. That's actually better than my first attempt -- and even better than my 1000th attempt.
  5. One would hope that the OP figured it out at some point, since it has been 3.5 years since this thread was started
  6. If your friend is the one being harassed, then your friend needs to submit the AR. Additionally, your post needs to be modified ASAP to remove the last picture and the same part of the first picture -- that language is not allowed in the forums. If RL truly is being threatened, then the police need to be contacted.
  7. Please don't post the same topic in multiple locations in the forums.
  8. Well, if it was up for a full day, then at least they covered all time zones. Dig thru the web pages for the Faire to find a non-Mole person that is associated with the event. Since the event is a big money raiser for Relay For Life, maybe suggest that they put it back out at a higher price tag for folks that couldn't get it in time. Heck, even at L$2500, it is still less than $10 US.
  9. 45 days after you joined
  10. With the correction of the word 'land' to 'tier', the above is correct. It is always 'tier' that is donated to groups, and then 'land' get deeded to groups (or at the point of direct Mainland purchase, you can "Buy for group"_). Unfortunately, as Qie mentions, you cannot buy Auction land specifically for a group. Action land is always bought by a specific individual, and thus if it is over 1024 sqm size, you will get dinged for the extra tier, for at least one month. If you don't want to incur any extra fees at all, but still want somethin larger than 1024 sqm, you will need to search out and buy Mainland directly, rather than via an Auction, and do the purchase using the 'Buy for Group' option.
  11. WOW - I must say that I definitely do not agree with anyone's decision to create a 'collector' item that can only be gotten during a very, very small window of time. SL has folks from all over the world, in a large variety of time zones, with all sorts of things going on in our lives. It is "possible" that the kiosk for buying it has simply moved to another location, now that the Jail event has concluded. I highly encourage you to reach out to one of the event organizers about this.
  12. Translation: I'm from Egypt and I want to transfer my lindens from Balance to PayPal, but of course I can't sell until after I buy the first one, and I tried to do so even though my PayPal is fully activated, knowing that my PayPal does not understand Balance, it withdraws from my Visa all the time, is that the issue or not? يجب التحقق من PayPal الخاص بك. وهذا يعني في معظم الأحيان أنه يجب أن يكون مرتبطاً بحساب جاري، على الرغم من أن القواعد قد تكون مختلفة قليلاً باختلاف البلدان. يمكنك أيضاً التواصل مع تيليا عبر البريد الإلكتروني: support@tiliapay.freshdesk.com Your PayPal must be verified. Most of the time that means it must be tied to a checking account, though the rules might be a bit different for different countries. You can also contact Tilia via email: support@tiliapay.freshdesk.com
  13. Go to your Dashboard and click Change Membership, on the left, under Account. Far right side, click "Downgrade to basic" If you own any Mainland, you'll need to sell it first. If you have a Linden Home, you'll need to abandon it. If you donate any tier to groups, you'll need to remove those donations. Your other membership benefits will continue until the current paid timeframe is up.
  14. WOW - Now that is a price tag
  15. For those that never heard of the show: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Millionaire
  16. TLOU is a Disney flick compared to the gore in Fallout. I'm not typically squeamish, but I've turned my head a few times and I've only gotten thru episode 4. TLOU had violence, but the actual gore aspect was really pretty minimal. Fallout has some seriously gross scenes. You probably want to stay far away from this one.
  17. I keep wanting to make snide comments about the title of this thread, but since it is in Scripting, I'm being nice.
  18. When you are too busy to get to the forums until mid evening and a thread that could have been fun is already locked *frown*
  19. Unless you know her in RL, you don't know for sure that she actually has RL training and experience.
  20. 1) If this was indeed the same woman that you posted about in the thread you opened in early March, then I personally feel that you would be better served by a RL therapist. 2) If this is a different woman, apparently you have fallen "very much" in love with a new person in roughly 6 weeks or less. Thus, again, I personally feel that you would be better served by a RL therapist.
  21. And if any of those accounts are the 'forever' accounts that paid extra back in the early days to have 4096 tier for life, then LL will be even more reluctant to just kick them out.
  22. My husband works for Xfinity and so we get their TV stuff for almost free. We don't get a lot of the movie channels, but we do get HBO, which is where that one was shown. If it wasn't for his TV benefit w/ HBO, I likely would not have ever seen that one.
  23. I'm holding off until I get a mostly free weekend later this month, so I can watch it all at once (or across 2 days anyway). Similar to TLOU, I never played the game (or even heard of it before the TV series), I've never played Fallout -- though I have at least heard of that one. However, I am definitely looking forward to watching the series and really hope it is as good at TLOU.
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