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Rowan Amore

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Rowan Amore last won the day on September 29

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    My confusion is actually my WTF!

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  1. It never said that. Child avatars were allowed on any adult land umless.they were specifically not allowed by the region owner. However, they were not allowed near any adult.activity.
  2. I guess since I didn't log iinworld yesterday or today, I've lost all credibility. 😂
  3. Yeah, the voodoo security is different than the sploder with the blue popup. Security orbs don't ask anything. They tell you.
  4. Rowan Amore


    There are no kits for shape. Shapes all start using the default avatar.
  5. How do I request a specific Linden Home? Premium Plus members can request a Linden Home by submitting a support ticket (click Submit A Ticket on the top right of this page or go to https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new) and choose the Issue Type of Land & Region with the subtype of Linden Homes. Please be sure to include the SLurl for the Linden Home you would like to claim in your support ticket. Can I reserve a Linden Home on an unreleased "SSP" region? No, the homes on these regions cannot be reserved, and can't be chosen through either the automated system or by support ticket until the region has been released (renamed to something other than SSP______). Can I request a specific Linden Home though Live Chat or Phone Support? Unfortunately no, specific Linden Homes may only be requested through a Support Ticket, because they are not assigned by the Support team. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000167487-premium-plus-faq#I-heard-that-Premium-Plus-members-can-request-specific-Linden-Homes-for-themselves.-Is-this-true?
  6. His insistence that I use social media to.promote my business was wrong since I have no business nor use any other social media aside from Flickr. Him saying I flip flop my answer to him saying Flickr was gone by saying my Flickr is alive and well and my statement in another thread that I stopped using Flickr groups as some sort of proof of the flip.flop was wrong. Him saying I told someone in the SL going downhill thread that they were stupid was wrong. Pretty much every reply to me.or about me was wrong and made assumptions not based in any fact or him reading a reply incorrectly. Did he do it on purpose?
  7. Yes. It will cost an additional $7/month. Might be cheaper to make an alt premium though and have them grab a.home. I know @diamond Marchanthas done the math on that.
  8. You could also check out the Saturday Sale Extravaganza. Lots of free gifts from.lots of stores... https://www.seraphimsl.com/2024/09/21/get-your-bags-ready-its-the-saturday-sale-party-extravaganza/
  9. https://ryanschultz.com/2019/11/24/clip-and-save-ryans-all-in-one-guide-to-freebies-in-second-life/ Updated Sept. 15, 2024
  10. So, if I'm on the ground at a.place called family friendly pool and use radar to.see if there's anyone around but low and behold, I see some questionable activity I'll be doing something illegal? Explain please.
  11. As the port strike continues into its third day, some consumers are growing concerned about whether it could lead to a toilet paper shortage, prompting some to whisk supplies of the product off store shelves. But experts say there's no need to worry about a shortage of toilet paper because the bulk of it is manufactured in the U.S. Please don't hoard toilet paper!
  12. If it's the same "family friendly pool" that was mentioned in the forums before, I checked it out as well and it's definitely not one that I'd call a family pool. It's basically the nude family beach without the nudity or the beach. It's up high in a box with lots.of male avatars and kids. No families that I saw. Technically, there wasn't anything reportable going on, though.
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