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Jordyn McGregor

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Jordyn McGregor last won the day on August 24 2022

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  1. So I was talking to someone the other day and they said something, I responded to it in the context of what I understood they had said (which is what all of us do after all)...and they ghosted me all yesterday cos apparently I didn't respond how I should have and they're pissed with me over it. This is why talking to people peeves me!
  2. I did not call anyone here that, cos I don't stoop to name calling when I disagree with a person. It was a generalisation of some men that you can find out in the wilds these days.
  3. I think the problem is that people have forgotten how to communicate, hold conversations, know its okay to disagree and still like each other. Mobile phones and the pandemic really have done a number on how people interact with each other and its quite sad. I enjoy a good conversation or debate, but these days conversations inworld are like pulling teeth - painful and a challenge to get through, so I tend to tap out and not bother with them. As for disagreements or debates? You're labelled a "-phobe" or an "-ist" if you disagree with certain opinions or viewpoints, so again, what's the point? And yet I am still hopeful one day I will find interesting conversations and healthy debates.
  4. I'm still trying to ditch the one I made from here...cos he's a butt! *eyes @Orwar *
  5. I never thought I would give up my Catwa head cos I just loved how I looked with it, even though it was 6 yrs old and "outdated", I still loved it. I switched to a Lelutka head back in December when I did the whole "new name, new me" thing and no regrets. I love how I look now too! I am going through a whole boxing stuff I no longer use phase and a few weeks ago boxed up my Catwa stuff. I went down over 5,000 items just from my skins/makeups alone!
  6. It could be...but with added bangs?
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