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Jordyn McGregor

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Jordyn McGregor last won the day on August 24 2022

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  1. I recently pruned (ie boxed up and stored away) over 20,000 items...and have even more in need of unpacking.
  2. This AI thing is addictive. Me and a friend...yes i do have them.
  3. Cos knowing my luck, they'd notice me doing that!! And also I couldn't peeve about it then My alts have my same shape, cept a little bigger cos Jordyn has the petite body and they don't - and different heads. Also Jordyn controls the purse strings, so when I am in "alting hiding" and want money, I still have to log her in to get the moolah - unless I can MP shop for it.
  4. When you are so passive aggressive that instead of deleting the person who has miffed you, you check your SL home page to see if they are online before logging in...and of course they always are, despite NEVER logging in when you were the one they said they wanted to spend time with. So now you are waiting them out till you can log in and do the shopping you wanna do.
  5. Not a fan of turning my brown eyes blue, but damn I'm hot!!!
  6. Thank you so much @Luke Rowley, I did manage to get my name updated. You have created something amazing here, and I am in awe of your talent. I'm just not a social media person at all and do not like new things or change. Yes I am a grumpy old Gen X-er.
  7. I don't like it, but have joined because the stores I blog for seem to be moving to that platform and I don't want to lose the opportunity I have blogging for them, cos then I really have no reason to log in anymore. I hate that it has my profile there under my old name that I paid to change back in December 2023 and all my messages asking if or how to change that have been ignored. I hate that the "gallery" is just all the pictures everyone posts, no groups or only from people I choose to follow. I hate social media and here I am participating in it...albeit reluctantly and to the bare minimum.
  8. Went to the exhibit opening, and got a snap with the gorgeous @Rowan Amore
  9. I find ^^^that^^^ peevy. I always hear people saying "smiles" instead of picturing them doing it - as in when they actually use the "/me". It makes me twitchy!!! Anyhoo, my peeve for the moment - Everyone LOOOVES a freebie/gift etc....but its damn annoying when stores use the SAME freebie/gift over and over and you already got that "gift" two years ago!!! It's the thought that counts (and I, and my alts, do thank you) - but come on! Please update your gifts!!!
  10. So three days ago my friend met her perfect man in SL. They were starting to build a life on his sim, were enjoying learning about each other and having fun. Last night his account was banned for "violating the terms and conditions" of SL. He'd been reported by a vindictive ex for "playing with personages not of age". He appealed, but he is out. No telling him what he sposedly did or giving him a chance to defend himself. This is a man who spent hundreds of RL dollars every month in SL. So if he can be tossed aside and lose everything without warning or explanation, anyone can. I almost don't want to interact with anyone inworld ever again if this is what can happen.
  11. Rogan Diesel - Diesel Poses (I still use his walk animation as my AO walk in SL) Dick Wiesel - WoE (my fav go-to jeans place back in system layer days!)
  12. Neighbours who have objects with obnoxiously bright flashing lights rezzed at their homes that light up your home as well, so you have to play "hunt out the pain in the butt object" and derender it! Yes I found it and sent him a biting my tongue to stay polite message!
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