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Bree Giffen

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    Fairest of them all

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  1. You know how the song goes. If lust and hate is the candy, if blood and love is so sweet, then we give them what they want.
  2. I didn't rent on mainland on purpose. I just searched for land that met my needs. Since I use a skybox I don't need my parcel to look pretty or be close to water. I also didn't need any existing houses or furniture. I believe mainland rental prices are also lower.
  3. I honestly forgot where I rented my skybox and zoomed out on the map to find I'm on the Jeogeot continent. I'm next to a road and I will see people traveling along. Businesses have popped up but they haven't caused any problems. I've only rented parcels on the mainland since I've been in SL and haven't encountered many problems. The one time I had lag was in a home near the border of a region and had to move out because it was so unpleasant.
  4. From what I’ve seen in game development, having the ‘fit’ is purely about fitting where skin meets the clothes. Everything under the clothing is alpha’d out. So, SL designers are going above and beyond when they make clothes fit with the body still visible underneath.
  5. Alpha have a grey shirt icon with a darker grey grid pattern on them. Your screenshot above shows the Maitreya body alpha that has the shirt icon. Look for other worn items with that same icon and try removing them. To complicate things a bit. The Maitreya body has two modes, Bom mode and applier mode. Bom mode requires you take off alphas to show the system skin you are wearing. Layer mode uses a skin applied to the Maitreya body. Applier mode requires you to wear the Maitreya alpha. This mode can be changed in the Maitreya hud.
  6. The product looks like it would be okay to use when roleplaying as a toddler taking a bath. Bree Giffen is not a Second Life lawyer. Any statements from Bree should not be taken as legal advice. Bree is not responsible for any TOS violation that may result in banning from Second Life.
  7. I recently went to a nice clothing store. It looked brand new but had a lot of items for sale with well made vendor pictures and good prices. I had a few solid choices that I planned to buy. But the store had no demos. I looked and looked. I right clicked on things but no demos to be found.
  8. I finally went through the shop n hop gifts from last year and there are quite a few decorations you can get for free. You can expect a home decoration from a furniture store but many different kinds of stores will give you random decorative gifts. I don't think you can fully decorate with gifts though. Unless you like an eclectic design. Using the shop n hop does help with discovering stores and then going to the main location of those stores allows you to dive deeper into their products.
  9. How exactly would banlines work if they were 'fixed' ? 🤔
  10. We need to bring back the zombie hunting game. Halloween is coming up.
  11. This thread is giving me a fear of missing out! Now I want to get what he's wanting. What is it? Maybe I can buy something before it's too late.
  12. I was always seeing it but for some reason never thought there was a way to toggle it on and off. Thanks for the thread.
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