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Stephanie Misfit

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Stephanie Misfit last won the day on July 7 2023

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  1. You can't expect people to help you if your image link is broken. Upload images to the forum when you need to find something.
  2. SL landscapers make money by doing exactly what the OP is saying. I haven't really heard anyone complain about SL landscaping services. Some rental businesses rez furniture in multiple properties, so the tenants don't need to buy it from the original creator. If creators don't want their stuff rezzed all over the place, they should make it no copy.
  3. Well this change will save me some money, no way I am playing gachas if the items are no transfer. Terrible move.
  4. I don't think that the forums are overly welcoming to new people who come here to make suggestions or complaints. I have seen many instances where new people were mocked. I get it, if the post is really over the top or something, but sometimes people get flamed for pretty innocent stuff.
  5. Well if that is considered flaming, I would like to see the mocking and off topic memes that get posted under some people's posts reported too.
  6. Deleting everything from Black Tulip in furniture is bad advice. I would not be deleting EVERYTHING from Black Tulip in furniture, as they make a lot of scripts for many different interactions with AVSitter such as texture change, not just for facial animations. Just make sure you are only getting rid of the Black Tulip faces script and notecard, not any other Black Tulip scripts. Also, there are different facial animations that furniture builders use, for example Kabuki and RNP, and to get them to work most builders will use the Black Tulip script too. The easier method is to just turn faces off in the furniture menu if the builder has enabled this function. Most do. You will usually find that option under the Adjust menu.
  7. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HEVO-Distressed-Plaid-Brown-B/20700393 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Flannel-Plaid-Shirt-Red-Signature-Belleza-SLink-CA/16959923 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WAZ-Patrol-Buttonup-Plaid-Graph-Grey/19902716
  8. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MadPea-Houseboat/18025650
  9. Probably cliques of merchants are one thing. You will see the same people invited over and over to major events, even when they don't bother to make stuff in theme, and other merchants reporting that their applications for events are ignored. Not to say that all events are "cliquey", some are easier to get into.
  10. Leaving a review on a shape on the marketplace, only to be contacted by someone in world asking if I will share the style card with them (which is arguably the most important part of the product). They assured me they were "trustworthy", and had bought the product themselves, which is ridiculous because if they had they would not need someone to send them the style card. Kind of puts me off leaving reviews of shapes.
  11. Good for you for finding and reporting those abuses of the TOS. It also reminds me of how some forum goers cast aspersions on those who were worried about child avatars engaging in adult activity in previous threads, insinuating they must be perverts themselves to be concerned about it.
  12. I change my skin and shape regularly. It annoys my partner, he gets used to one look and then I change to another.
  13. And add to that, a large number of really cheap skins available in the weekend sales. I like the Genus male heads, but the options just aren't there for them.
  14. I only use the forums on my main avatar, and I run a business too. I have an alt with another unrelated business which is not very active, just a bit of passive income from the marketplace. I have less time for alts these days, but I used to spend more time playing them, to the point that I did not really have a "main".
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