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What are some more of your pet peeves?

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7 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I don't know what Watt mine is...hopefully it will handle a little wheat grass too..

It should say on the sticker what the wattage is.. But they are made for smoothies, so you should be good to go with most anything you wanted to make..

I would say looking on youtube for what you want to achieve and just doing some all around searches..

Like what you feel like you want to work on for yourself first and then just go from there.. if there is something wrong with you, you can bet there is a smoothie or juice for it..


I'm off to bed for work tonight..

Everyone have a great day or night..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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Every so often I post the simple, but true peeve as: people

Today I will amend that. Today my pet peeve is a people, but it is me. You may find it hard to believe but sometimes I bend over backwards to accommodate people. I try to be calm and rational when dealing with cray-cray. Hey, I'm crazy, so I sympathize.  But at times the back bend just ends up me taking way more abuse than any single person should and I have no one to blame but me.

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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

Every so often I post the simple, but true peeve as: people

Today I will amend that. Today my pet peeve is a people, but it is me. You may find it hard to believe but sometimes I bend over backwards to accommodate people. I try to be calm and rational when dealing with cray-cray. Hey, I'm crazy, so I sympathize.  But at times the back bend just ends up me taking way more abuse than any single person should and I have no one to blame but me.

know your limits and respect them... no one else will.. only you can prevent forest fires.

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10 hours ago, Sardonyx Mysterious said:

When someone ends their debate by calling someone an idiot who clearly is not

If it's a guy  just say, Oh Yea? well you gotta small peepee..

If it's a girl, just tell her, Oh Yea? well your hair looks like you just took off a beanie..


When things resort to name calling, I like to come back with really childish sounding ones,just to show where it's gone to now..

That or just no reply at all.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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My pet peeve for the day is when I go to share my latest blog post to my own facebook page only to find someone has reported the material of my blog as offensive to fb and now my entire blog is blocked. I can no longer share a simple blog about fashion, exploring and family in SL. I have a very small following and audience (almost non-existent in the grand scheme of things) so I'm just at a loss after blogging over five years this even happening. This is extremely disheartening because I took a break from blogging from January up til a few weeks ago because I've been ill. I began a completely new blog to celebrate this entire new beginning path I'm embracing in both my lives and this happens. It just doesn't feel too good because my little blog means so much to me. :(

I'm sorry for such a pathetic sounding rant. I just feel disheartened.

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My pet peeve today is people who profess beliefs or training that would suggest they understand people are connected to various degrees simply by co-existing and talking like such rugged individualists I'm amazed they don't go off-grid and whinge about their shipping container tiny homes on manually typed 'zine pages. Of course, that would mean they couldn't spread their idea of the gospel truth to as many people as possible, so sacrifices must be made in the name of preaching.

/me softly sings a Carly Simon song as she steps back for the next peever.

Edited by Lysana McMillan
I said a naughty word. Dog breeders must hate this filter. ;)
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I am sure this peeve has been entered in the records already but it bears repeating. If someone in a group asks for shopping suggestions, "Look on MP" IS NOT AN ANSWER!!! God. People ask because they want firsthand opinions as to what is actually good. Ok, I feel better.

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54 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

My Peeve for the day is a fellow ham radio operator who's also a LEO in California. She posted on the radio mboard saying she was chasing out looky-loos trying to do selfies with the fire behind them.  Such idiots.

Sometimes I think the world would be a better place if the technical ability to take selfies did not exist, and I really can't understand why one would want a picture of themselves by the fire unless they were taking pictures on their own property before evacuating.  My heart cries for all that has been lost from the fires. 


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9 minutes ago, theorangemikan said:

My pet peeve of today: When a person's apology starts with "I'm sorry you feel that way." Non-apologies are the worst. Just don't apologizes at all if you are going to pull that! 

Well.. I'm sorry you feel that way!

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11 hours ago, theorangemikan said:

My pet peeve of today: When a person's apology starts with "I'm sorry you feel that way." Non-apologies are the worst. Just don't apologizes at all if you are going to pull that! 

/rant Yeah. Faux apologies suck. I've written it before. "I'm sorry you feel that way..." and "I'm sorry IF I hurt your feelings..." (like you're lying about being upset? or there's some doubt?). Then there is the lovely "but..." No true apology has a but in the sentence. I'm sorry but... is just saying "sorry, not sorry." My favorite one I got in the forums was of the ilk, "Sorry, I went over the line, but we both made mistakes." uh no, sunshine, WE didn't.

Yes, apologizing can be hard. But ffs, it shouldn't be that hard. We all eff up. When it dawns on one that they have, indeed effed up, then own it and move on. "I'm sorry I said/did that. I was wrong." Boom. Done. yeesh, it is hardly rocket science. Yet as rare as rare can be that folks can muster it up. And I've found that few people really appreciate a GOOD apology, not recognizing that it is different from their faux apologies.

/end rant

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6 minutes ago, MelodicRain said:

Conversations with autists like this. Don't IM if you have nothing to say, like are they expecting me to read their mind and start the conversation or something??

Wait wait what, do you have an issue with having a conversation with Autstic people, or what is the deal?

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11 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

Wait wait what, do you have an issue with having a conversation with Autstic people, or what is the deal?

You do realize it's a metaphor right? How would I know if they're autistic unless I'm their physician? I just don't have the patience to deal with pointless conversations like that with people who clearly have no intention in talking, yet decides to IM me anyways for some reason. I consider it a form of trolling. Yes they may actually be autistic but I'm here to have fun, not torture myself with people who are not worth my time. The example I gave isn't even the worst one, it usually goes something like this:


[xx:xx] Random person: waves
[xx:xx] Me: o/
[xx:xx] Random person: \o

[xx:xx] Me: Um can I help you?

[xx:xx] Random person: :)

[xx:xx] Me: ...

[xx:xx] Random person: Hi

[xx:xx] Random person: o/

[xx:xx] Random person: \o


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