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Lillith Hapmouche

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    Yeah, whatever.

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  1. So if you deleted the skin you were wearing... what skin are you wearing now? In other words: congrats, you successfully borked your avatar.
  2. Hope they enjoy the DMCA report or whatever they might get for that blatant copy of the name. Plus, pay for the "priviledhe" to become a Beta Tester? Thanks, already did that for BF2042 and it sucked big time.
  3. Dear Ex Machina users, the few of you... your body is most likely screwed. ๐Ÿค•
  4. I might believe in it when I see it on the market... the UV map, I mean.
  5. Plain ole Belleza Jake as a body. Avarosa head texture and eyes. Wings3D hair. Bondi glasses and.... ugh, is it Deadwool? Or Cold Ash? ... sweater.
  6. Of course, me could not resists Jon...
  7. Clarify ... too kind, I had no doubts, though, but get whatever you want. ๐Ÿ™„
  8. Why not write to the participating content creators and let them know how the "event lady" treads potential customers?
  9. Ah... I mis-took "nothing but the best" as the title. In that case: perfect match.
  10. Looks like someone stole your idea. I was at the Marketplace website yesterday to send one of the m-alts shopping. Tried to log in and was presented with a popup, "How likely are you to recommend SL to your friends and family" with a rating scale from 1 to 10. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคจ
  11. Guess it helps hat Stray Dog has a skin of him, pretty old one though.
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