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Your Virtual Name.....Why?

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It took a while to think of a name...I am part French...it was a play on words from there...I love drawing fairies with wings in RL, and my real life name means "fair".

p.s.  I'll put wings on just about anything.  I always have.  I also collect antique bee and butterfly pins, Art Nouveau style.  The Art Nouveau style wings are amazing!

Edited by FairreLilette
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When I first started using virtual worlds, I was Serenity but my Welsh friend kept shortening to Seren as she says I'm her star of a friend as Seren is Welsh girl's name meaning star; Mrs because when I first came to SL on this account; I came with my then partner from another virtual world which very behind in terms of animations, clothes etc who I was married too but he since left SL for RL and other reasons 5 years back.  So I guess I'm technically MsSeren now; LOL!

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My RL nickname is "Maddy" and I can't be bothered to remember to respond to anything else. My original SL last name was Marbach, a good German sounding name that begins with the same letter as my Germanic RL last name.

I eventually abandoned that avatar by setting her adrift on a burning raft, because that's what a drama princess does. Brenda Connolly bet I wouldn't be able to stay away from SL for even three weeks. I won the bet by staying away for... five!

When I returned, I went through several last names, rejecting each as a better one became available. If you do a "Member Search" here for "Madelaine", you'll see my original "Madelaine Marbach" (dunno why she doesn't show a start date of April 6, 2008), then you'll see "Madelaine Mosswood" (Oct 8, 2010), "Madelaine McKeenan" (Oct 12) Madelaine Macpherson (Oct 19) and finally "Madelaine McMasters" (Oct 20). The e-mail address I used to register all those names was madelaine.yourlastnamehere, an admission of the absurdity of my endeavors.

I settled on McMasters because it's Irish sounding (Mom's 100% Irish) and I didn't expect McMistress to show up anytime soon.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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   It was about 1994 when I got strongly curious about the Russian language. I have since then dabbled, experimented and doodled with it. When I chose a name for my avatar, I'd decided I wanted something that sounded Russian. I figured out a first name after thinking about it for a while. Of course, I wanted something feminine. But at the same time I wanted something strong, something that I thought reflected my own will. I hadn't really gotten a lot of experience with the naming conventions of Russia. It was after I'd chosen Ivanova that I began to realize it was more of a patronymic. But it doesn't really matter now. I like it.

   Shostakovich was only the second last name that came up in the lists. It immediately clicked with me.

   И это все!


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1 hour ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Nothing profound or even interesting for me.  I just like the name.

omg, you just jarred my memory of an alt I have.. (and I just checked she is still active) I bet I cant remember the PW though. lol  HOLY SMokes// Im in!! woot now to terrorize my boo.. oh wait.. I dont have a boo.


Edited by Tarina Sewell
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I clicked through the list of last names and chose Tamalyn because I thought it was pretty. I was signing up for SL with some friends from Facebook (back in the days when everyone played games there), and didn't expect to stay more than a few days, so I was lazy about choosing my first name. I used the same one I have in RL, which actually turned out to be handy as I don't have to remember to answer to any other name than the one I've always gone by. 

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12 years ago, I loved the simpsons,  I saw CNN has an SL segment, and knew I kinda had a pc that would run it, so I went and signed up,   Some one had taken mostly all the moe names,  and none of the last names where standing out,  until I found whitfield,   I tried moe whitfield at first,  the name was taken (the account looks to have never been used either) so I ended up with bigmoe whitfield,  now with displays names, I am just moe :3   so yes,  I got my first name from moe off the simpsons lol.

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I just like cheese.

i sometimes go as a moniker of “generic girl name #1047” but when I’m on a male avatar I sometimes use my real name (Genwyn)

which is an issue because there’s a semi popular oldschool furry named Genwyn who is primarily a red panda so I can’t mix Male + Red Panda + Genwyn and it’s really god damn annoying 

edit: also oh my god, if someone mentions jay naylor im going to set them on fire

i do not like the Genwyn, in a world of coincidence my relatively rare (in the us anyway) name HAD to be affiliated with a furry who’s character is in porn 


Edited by cheesecurd
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5 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

In RL, Lindal is a most unusual name.  And, much later, I found out that in Scandinavia, it's most usually a male name!

Hah. My first 2006 avatar was named for a woman in a Sci-Fi book. Some time later I discovered her name was ONLY a man's name in the country of origin.

Pussycat came about because after returning to SL in 2009, I was wandering around some freebie place and wore the contents of a box - making me a catgirl. On seeing that I realized it was a perfect 'me', but I'd been getting increasingly annoyed at having a man's name... so I decided to try again.

I went through a dozen possible cat names and looking for last names, and eventually managed to get catnap off of one of those old third party gateways that used to exist that often had different names on hand than the ones on the official site. Somehow Pussycat wasn't taken... and thankfully 'kitty' was and I think 'kittylicious' either was or I discarded the moment I read it back to myself...

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One of the LL provided last names, way back when, is/was my rl last name, still makes me chuckle when I see it. I almost picked it as my last name here too, but then thought it was a wee bit too close for comfort. 

Sometimes I wish I had chosen it, then just used a variation of my rl first name, since no one ever pronounces my  first name in sl the right way anyway and it's only 4 letters.  At least if I had chosen my rl name, no one would get it wrong, and I'd actually know if someone was talking about me or someone else (this is really just an issue on voice, obviously, lol). 

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Because, at the time, how could I not?



I chose the last name Gregoire because that is the French version of Gregory. It derives from the Latin name "Gregorius", which came from the late Greek name Grēgórios meaning "watchful, alert" (derived from Greek grēgorein meaning "to watch") and that is what she was doing in the opening scenes (as I recall), watching. I created the account long before it came out that Selene was Hungarian, otherwise I would have chosen something that, at least, sounded Hungarian.

It just fits.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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How I chose Lyrical Bookworm is pretty silly, but here goes. I've studied music and sang opera since about the age of four. I'm deaf though so my dad used to tell me that I spoke and sang music...that I was very lyrical since I was curious to know what I sounded like. I love music. I'm so lucky to be able to hear some of it, but to feel the vibrations of all of it. It is amazing and I've always been obsessed with music. That is where Lyrical came from. 

The Bookworm part is because I am also obsessed with reading. Always have been. I was called a Bookworm quite a bit. Soooo... Lyrical Bookworm was born.

Edited by LyricalBookworm
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I was made to be a model -- NOT an avatar. I was to be all silvery and manikin-like. Well THAT didn't WORK - LOL.  So that is where "Chic" came from although I pronounce it "chick" like baby chickens.  The Aeon?  Well I am pretty sure I had just finished watching Aeon Flux on Netflix - LOL. And really who wants to wade through a whole long list. My building alt's last name (made for a blogger challenge oh so long ago) is "Ashland" :D


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16 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

One of the LL provided last names, way back when, is/was my rl last name, still makes me chuckle when I see it. I almost picked it as my last name here too, but then thought it was a wee bit too close for comfort. 

Sometimes I wish I had chosen it, then just used a variation of my rl first name, since no one ever pronounces my  first name in sl the right way anyway and it's only 4 letters.  At least if I had chosen my rl name, no one would get it wrong, and I'd actually know if someone was talking about me or someone else (this is really just an issue on voice, obviously, lol). 

I tend to pronounce it as tar-ree. Is that wrong?

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When I singed up I tried to use my real name, Talitha, but it was taken, so with very little thought I came up with Talligirl, then thought it would be cute to spell it wrong. It was only after it was to late that I learned what a T gurl was, I get asked a lot if that is the inspiration of my name. If I had had any idea how significant SL would become to me, I would have put more thought into it.

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My name is a mash up i wanted to go with my name but every last name i tried it wouldn't allow me to have. I toyed with some other names even deciding to use the name of the next female singer to come up on the radio but i couldn't commit to any them before having the bright idea i'd mash the two names together. When it came to a last name i picked one i could remember how to spell and liked i can recall several names similar sounding to mine that i would've picked being in the list Hesse, Hester & Heston. Since Hesse & Hester didn't sound quite right it was a toss up between the "en" or "on" spelling variants, Hesten felt more like a last name spelling so i went with it

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Before SL, Maddy had inhabited several IRC chat rooms which withered and died in the face of other social networks. She maintained a friendship with one fella she'd met there, and with whom she shared engineering interests and an appreciation for hyperbolic banter. When she discovered SL, she created an avatar for him to flatten the SL learning curve with the hope they'd both find ways to get in trouble here.

And so "Snugs Eisenhart" was born, cuddly but hard as iron. Unfortunately, she was unable to lure her friend in. He stayed behind in RL where he found and married a sweetie, leaving Maddy with an unused male avatar and no foil for mock sarcasm. She'd pull him out of the closet now and then to help arrange couples poses, but never really found good use for him until finding the forums, where she struck pay dirt.

Upon her return as a McMasters, Maddy repurposed me as the angel to her devil. I've had to bear the burden ever since.

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Growing tired of hearing @Rolig Loon describe her clever trick to create a second LSL timer by using llSensorRepeat() to scan for the nonexistent "Bill The Pirate" and placing the timed logic in the no_sensor event, Maddy created me to foil Rolig. As so often happens, Maddy's effort was a failure. Never go up against a Smart Woman.

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