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How does your avatar look today ?


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Riley and I tonight, and day #2 of playing with Phototools and practicing the advice of @Orwar and the tutorial by @Skell Dagger (slowing animation is an absolute gem!) 

I should have turned off shadows in retrospect but the end result is still better than the previous portraits I've done of us IMHO. Multi-focal point doesn't seem to suit DoF (especially for a nooblet such as myself) but I'll definitely attempt what @Chic Aeon suggested with a simpler subject. And with a subject that doesn't move around so much! You thought human toddlers couldn't sit still, try waiting for an animesh child to stop rolling her eyes upwards and leaning forward... And while I know I'm late to the party, OMG Backdrop City! Of course I came across it AFTER spending 3k lindens on backdrops... typical. Never mind. Love that too!

Thanks all! 😁 👍 

Edited by RaeLeeH
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1 hour ago, RaeLeeH said:


Riley and I tonight, and day #2 of playing with Phototools and practicing the advice of @Orwar and the tutorial by @Skell Dagger (slowing animation is an absolute gem!) 

I should have turned off shadows in retrospect but the end result is still better than the previous portraits I've done of us IMHO. Multi-focal point doesn't seem to suit DoF (especially for a nooblet such as myself) but I'll definitely attempt what @Chic Aeon suggested with a simpler subject. And with a subject that doesn't move around so much! You thought human toddlers couldn't sit still, try waiting for an animesh child to stop rolling her eyes upwards and leaning forward... And while I know I'm late to the party, OMG Backdrop City! Of course I came across it AFTER spending 3k lindens on backdrops... typical. Never mind. Love that too!

Thanks all! 😁 👍 

Personally I like the shadows in it; I think is totally adorable shot!

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On 8/27/2019 at 7:41 AM, VanillaLovelace said:

[Moderate Edit: Image with nudity removed]

I can see one of your part what I shouldn't on the bottom of the picture.  

Edited by Dakota Linden
[MODERATOR EDIT: Image with nudity removed]
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I started off this morning with a fresh cup of coffee and a bright attitude.  I logged in and kind of flipped through the MP for nothing in particular but saw a cute pair of shoes.  Black lacy goth-y little shoes.  I had to have them.

Then came the job of finding the right outfit to wear with them.  I don't have much in the way of goth but I knew I could come up with something.  Maybe a black leather jacket and a nice dress.  I just could quite get the right combination.

Then suddenly, my SL house was on fire!  I had to throw on something to hop up on the roof where Maddie had started an inferno.  She even brought giant marshmallows with her.  We had a nice chat and she eventually put out the fire.  Bellisaria Fire and Rescue were no where to be found :(

So back to dressing.  Can't find the right dress.  Maybe a skirt and top?

Digging through the skirts I find one I have not seen in a while.  Wowsers, it's a nice skirt.  I like this.  The shoes could go back in inventory, I'm wearing this skirt today!


Everything looks great ... until I turn off the pose.  My AO and the skirt do not get along and my leg clips through all over the place.  😡

So back to the black jacket and lacy shoes.  Throw on a pair of jeans and call it good.


Cute shoes. right?

After 5 hours of sorting, trying on, taking off and even demoing ... I'm finally dressed for the day.  Still not the right outfit for the shoes tho.  :D


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Dacy, the new trainee. Mobile Animesh NPC, 29 LI. Texture clothing, which looks OK for workout wear. As the trainee, she gets to try all the latest scripting.


We're training Dacy to move around fast without getting in trouble. She moves at regular avatar speed, sometimes faster, not at old slow pathfinding zombie speed. So she wears workout clothes while zipping along that bridge. New pathfinding system of mine. SL pathfinding characters can't cross that bridge.

Her social skills are improving. If she's blocked by an avatar or another NPC, she stops and shows an impatient expression for a second or two while the path planner and maze solver work out an alternate route. If she approaches an avatar on purpose to say hello, she stands off about one and a half meters, as social distance. But when moving, she will pass close to avatars if necessary, trying not to bump them. If she bumps into an avatar, she apologizes. Once NPCs start moving fast, these social skills matter.

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