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Elora Lunasea

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Elora Lunasea last won the day on January 5 2020

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  • Member Title
    Happy Idiot

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  1. I did, I've been using Lelutka forever and have most of the female heads. It works fine on all of them, except two. Very weird.
  2. Got all the updates yay! And happy to finally have a current Lake too. Weird thing, though. I was trying everything out and saving as "outfits" so I can always have a quick start if there's a head I want to use in lieu of another and 2 of them, so far, the eyes were messed up. Used same alpha, same parts, used the shapes in the box etc. but I could see the system eyes underneath. Anyone have any idea how that could happen when the rest of them are fine?
  3. When did Studio Skye update that tree pack? I know he was talking about doing it but it's not listed yet in the Marketplace.
  4. I managed to find something halfway decent as far as eyesores is concerned lol. No signs at all! Can see some skyboxes but if I turn down draw distance most disappear. And the homes nearby are all relatively good and not out of style for the area. Price was certainly right and I have over 3500 prims so that works for me. I actually had found something else that was so perfect I couldn't believe it. I was standing on the land buying the lindens and someone else snatched it up and...put it right back for sale at 4x what it was. Damn land barons /shakes fist
  5. I decided to try living on mainland again after at least a decade of living in Belli, renting in various private islands to even owning my own homestead. Anyway what I forgot is that you sometimes can't raise the height of land and didn't think to check this before buying said land. Ugh. So now I have a decent sized parcel that a good portion of is underwater and well, I want land so I can landscape! Can someone recommend some decent prim or mesh land shapes I can use instead? I already have the Studio Skye Land Forms pack - I suppose I could use that but looking for something maybe more island like? Or just throw a flat textured prim down as the ground and be done with it?
  6. Aww thank you, really appreciate that! I don't need it anymore; I did have that same house but just the other day gave it up. I decided to try living on mainland again. Hoping I made a good decision!
  7. A++ love everything you've done here. I've been looking for a wood ceiling for mine, can you share where you got yours? Or did you create it yourself?
  8. I was home on leave with a broken leg and saw a news report on Second Life. It looked interesting. I had never played any kind of computer games whatsoever let alone a virtual world. Since I was bored out of my mind and couldn't do much than lay on the couch all day I signed up. First few weeks I was equally bored and all I found was empty shopping sims. Didn't know you should go through a welcome hub to learn how to navigate through the world. Things perked up once I discovered the forums. Back in those days (2007) it was a great way to meet people and I certainly did. Still friends with several I met back then.
  9. Curious if anyone can guess what will happen with Mirandela? My Med house is on the South edge and right now has a water view. There is a road west of my land which does seem to indicate something will be built in back of my property eventually. Any ideas?
  10. I've had them a while, it's by Love. There's several versions in the box; corners, tops, trellis, etc.
  11. Very slowly working on the Bella Vista. I'm finding the living area (or what I'm using for it) somewhat challenging to fit in the right sofa shape and placement but I'll get there. So here's front and back for now (also, unfinished).
  12. Years and years ago, at the first land I bought, another resident had created some kind of "boys club" group and to say the place was overrun by teenage boy avatars is an understatement. This I could ignore but what I couldn't was their apparent desire to buy up the entire sim piece by piece as other residents left. Eventually I was the only holdout and they started erecting those giant prims all over the boundaries of the land they owned to force me out. Never offered to buy my land, just wanted to piss me off and make me leave. Eventually they blocked me in and I lost nearly all my water views. That left me no choice but to AR them but I never saw evidence that it made any difference. I stuck it out for months because if nothing else, I'm a stubborn girl and was not going to go down easy. But man those mega prims sure were annoying. I met Ghosty around this time and we eventually decided to find a place together and wanted more space than what I had myself, so I did abandon the land. But on my terms!
  13. I have those! Thanks for the reminder!
  14. Ahh! Ok I don't have that house but sure do have plenty of others and can probably find similar in my inventory
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