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premium members get double land allotment, tier prices sliced

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Nah. I have 2 premium accounts. So I just got 1024 more tier from this. The plot in question is a double prim 1024 plot on Zindra.

ps: Anyone looking for some double prim land right now. Look NORTH or Zindra.

Horizons continent is about half unsold lots. All 1024, all double prim. Some of them low priced (that might not last to the end of the day though...).


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2 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

in short it means for me, it doesn't work as we, logically, would want... nor, hopefully, how it should work as meant by LL.... otherwise it's again a .....not allowed to type it by the decency police .....gift by LL

I don't know how LL wants it to work but I suspect there are some teething problems going on here.

But what I do know is that if I can launch a huge bunch of premium alts and deed all those 1024 m2 tiers to my land group and this change doesn't cause the L$ exchange rate to drop too much, I'll save more than 300 dollars a month. I'm only a medium sized landowner. For the big ones we're talking thousands of dollars a month - 100 dollars or more per sim. That should be more than enough to be worth the trouble managing all those alts and if the limit of alts you are allowed is a problem, there are always RL people you can trust to be the official owners of them.

I'm even happier if this change causes the exchange rate to drop btw. I make more from my sales than I do from my land.

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3 hours ago, Parhelion Palou said:

 Perhaps the changes will reduce the amount of empty wasteland.

From looking at the buying activity on the grid today, it just might.  There were a few times while I was looking at a plot that someone bought it while I was standing there. I bought new land, more than doubling what I did have. 

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9 hours ago, ChinRey said:

It may be intentional. As it is right now, A full sim split between 64 premium member alts would cost less than 60 US dollars a month - about a third of what it costs if it's all owned by a single alt. If all the alts can contribute their whole "free" tier to a group, we'll end up with big mainland landowners starting armadas of alts to save money and I can't imagine LL wants that to happen.

I'll be very happy if I'm wrong though. :D

Edit: Seems it's even more complicated than that. You can only deed 512 m2 of the premium tier to a group and if you do, you won't be able to use the remaining 512 to get a Linden Home. I'm not sure if you can use it to get a private mainland plot. Has anybody tried that?


The Lindens used to have a limit on alts of 5 per name/credit card. Don't they still have that? I seem to recall that the system literally stopped you from making new alts. But that may have been years ago when I did that. Nowadays I see so many alts made quickly that I wonder if they have any bar on the making of more of them.

I don't see why you couldn't use the tier additional tier for either a plot or group donation or all one or all the other. I didn't realize you couldn't split it between group donation and Linden Home, that's a shame, I was going to get one again.

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18 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

 I didn't realize you couldn't split it between group donation and Linden Home, that's a shame, I was going to get one again.

Actually you are supposed to be able to, based on another post somewhere, but there looks to be a bug in that process right now.  If you get the Linden home first, then you can donate the other 512.  However, if you are already using/donating the 512, the system gives an error when you try to get a Linden home.

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12 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The Lindens used to have a limit on alts of 5 per name/credit card. Don't they still have that?

I don't think anybody knows for sure. The rules have changed so many times and there is so much outdated info around.


14 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I didn't realize you couldn't split it between group donation and Linden Home


1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Actually you are supposed to be able to, based on another post somewhere, but there looks to be a bug in that process right now.

According to Grumpity Linden it's been fixed already. We should be free to do whatever we want with our icnreased tier now

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35 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

The Lindens used to have a limit on alts of 5 per name/credit card. Don't they still have that? I seem to recall that the system literally stopped you from making new alts. But that may have been years ago when I did that. Nowadays I see so many alts made quickly that I wonder if they have any bar on the making of more of them.

I don't see why you couldn't use the tier additional tier for either a plot or group donation or all one or all the other. I didn't realize you couldn't split it between group donation and Linden Home, that's a shame, I was going to get one again.

That was definitely true and it cost $9.95 per alt (one time fee). Later they changed the rule to to "as long as you aren't making alts all over the place and not playing nice with them policy" and it was no longer limited to five. Lots of folks have "armies of alts" and The Lab certainly can tell who those folks are and do nothing -- hence it is OK in that sense of you won't get in trouble.  They had to know that some folks would make more alts to take advantage of the tier leverage, but those are still more premium folks and that empty mainland has been empty for-e-ver. I have been saying for well over four years, "increase the free tier to 1024". It just took awhile LOL.

As far as the Linden Home and donated tier it seems like that is part of the plan that may not have been working as smoothly as it could have when this rolled out. Not long after the issues with donating tier appeared, they were fixed. This may be fixed now too. It would have been very difficult to TEST all this so understandable that all wasn't perfect. 


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Premium membership is $72 a year. Each premium member gets L$300/week, or about US$60 a year. It costs 3.5% to sell, so that's worth $57.90. So premium membership only costs $14.10 a year.

Tier is $32.76 a year on 1024 m^2 if you buy an entire sim. So now it's a win to buy an army of premium accounts instead of buying land in bulk.

Am I calculating this wrong, or are we going to be overrun with even more alts that do nothing?



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Whoot! That explains why I saw $7 instead of $8 as my current land cost yesterday when I was checking on a land thing :D so I guess 1536m2 will only cost $4 instead of $8 now? Because 1024m2 is free from your premium land allotment, and the extra 512m2 will cost $4 o: that's crazy! Also 2048m2 will cost only $7 now wow o -o

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5 minutes ago, animats said:

Am I calculating this wrong, or are we going to be overrun with even more alts that do nothing?

You're slightly overestimating the net cost of a premium membership actually:

7 minutes ago, animats said:


Each premium member gets L$300/week, or about US$60 a year

That should be 62-point-something with today's exchange rate.

I don't think we'll be overrun by more alts though. I'm sure all big, active mainland landowners will switch to some variant of the alt armada option but there is no reason for those alts to ever log on to SL if their only purpose is to donate tier to a group.

I'll probably go for the tier rental option myself. It'll cost more than an alt armada of course but there is no risk it will violate the ToS and probably much easier to manage for a landowner of my size.

How about this?

  • Create a premium alt and rent out the tier to a group for 400 L$/month. That's 4,800 L$/year.
  • Add 52 weeks of 300L$ stipend and you end up with 20,440 L$/year
  • Sell for 249 L$/USD (the current best sell rate) and you have 79 dollars - a net gain of 7 dollars after you've paid the premium fee


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58 minutes ago, animats said:

 are we going to be overrun with even more alts that do nothing?

and what's your concern about that?... most people have no bad intentions with their alts at all.

Nobody holds you from making alts, go premium and do the same.

These alts pay for their 1024

If they'r kinda active inworld they pay for their skins, clothes, and other "usefull" stuff...

There is totally no reason at all to have concerns about people's other accounts.

I have several,  one normal 300 L stipend, a 400 L and a 500 L , and also a basic stipend of 50L on another.....most have payed for their looks the same way as i did... so... again... what's the problem?

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47 minutes ago, animats said:

... So now it's a win to buy an army of premium accounts instead of buying land in bulk.

Am I calculating this wrong, or are we going to be overrun with even more alts that do nothing?

It was always true even when the bonus was only 512m². I remember sitting in Jack Linden's office ten years ago when a Mainland baron did the calculation and surprised himself to discover that by far the cheapest land to own was what came with an annual Premium membership. The numbers have been there for a decade so I wouldn't really expect it to become a problem now (although I guess it is more than twice as tempting as before).

About the 5-alt limit, I don't recall it being five accounts per credit card (although it may have been); what I remember was five per email address

Speaking of hazy memories for hypotheticals, does anybody recall how tier was previously priced above the full-sim level? I know it was tiered in half-sim increments (instead of by quarter-sim now) but I can't recall the price. I could fire up the Wayback Machine but maybe somebody remembers off the top of their head. I ask because the new numbers got me thinking...



As of March 14, 2018, pricing for each mainland tier allotment has been reduced by 10%. Additionally, Premium subscribers now receive 1024m² of bonus land allotment, doubled from the previous 512m².

Pricing and allotment comparison

Previous tier structure    New tier structure
Total land allowance (m²) Pricing (USD)   Total land allowance (m²) Pricing (USD)
512 Free with Premium account   1,024 Free with Premium account
1,024 $5.00   1,536 $4.00
1,536 $8.00   2,048 $7.00
2,560 $15.00   3,072 $13.00
4,608 $25.00   5,120 $22.00
8,704 $40.00   9,216 $35.00
16,896 $75.00   17,408 $67.00
33,280 $125.00   33,792 $112.00
Not available Not available   49,152 $150.00
66,048 $195.00   66,560 $175.00
    Above the maximum shown on this table, tier allotment increases in quarter-Region increments at $44.00 each.


which makes the per quarter-sim tier starkly non-monotonic: $67, $45, $38, $25, $44, $44, $44.... Probably it was somewhat similar with the half-sim increments before, but that $25 to $44 seems a big barrier.

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