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Ramen Jedburgh

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Everything posted by Ramen Jedburgh

  1. Well, with Virtualverse gone I guess I need to expand my community horizons a bit for SL. So i followed a bunch of people posting their profiles here. I am: @Noodles@mastodon.lol Which also, to some extent helps answer what some people have pointed out, about "Talking about one Social media on a forum centered around a social platform." It doesn't say anything about Second Life, or these forums, or Twitter or Mastodon. People use these things for different things. I'm not going to go into some random group in a whole 3D world and be like "I'm eating a sandwich". I'm not going to do that in a forum. I might do that on Mastodon. Or like this, the previous forum I was regularly visiting up and went kaput, but hey, I still see people here from there, etc. The forum here is more of "I want to discuss the community with the community". Mastodon is more, "I have this thing I want to say and people can listen if they want, or they can ignore it if they want." I mean, plenty of people don't exclusively use Facebook or Reddit or Twitter or Instagram, or private Forums or SMS or whatever. Multiple outlets is fine. Especially when they are all so different.
  2. Maybe try to figue out if the T-shirts you already have are a template and where they came from. The easiest way would be to edit them, then edit linked, and check the shirt. As someone who makes and sell from templates, I can tell you that the first thing i do when prepping templates, is to add an invisible cube to each one, so I will show as the creator instead of the template maker. i have seen this process recommended by template sellers (so they don't get people looking to them for support I imagine). but if you edit linked, then the original creator is still listed on the shirt itself in the linkset. As for why it can't be perfect, I think mostly just templates are not perfect. I find things made for Maitreya all the time that don't fit right unless you have a 0 body fat slider or smaller boob sliders. Pants are SUPER bad about this on the waist line, and anything more than 0 Body fat clips around the waist a lot.
  3. The problem is, it isn't. They see it the way they see something like all NFTs. It's just another "investment" scam that they can hopefully make money off of int he long run. They have no actual interest in the metaverse, just in trying to scam others by selling the scam NFT "things" they massively overpaid for.
  4. I have an alt I use for the latter sometimes. Like for a while I was a dolphin, just swimming around near boaters. I left that same Avatar logged in near a public hub just there, as a tree. I only got one comment about the tree thing though. For a while that avatar was a BBQ Grill.
  5. The shoulders would probably need to just use a BOM alpha or the alpha cuts,
  6. Is there a client that works on the M1 Macs? They changed the basic architecture to arm or something didn't they? Doesn't that break a lot of older software?
  7. Virtualverse.one (Previously SLUniverse) has a Discord server but I am not sure the invite link. There's also always the old in world group chat.
  8. integer onoff = 0; default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer total_number) { if(onoff) { llSay(0, "Fountain Off"); onoff = 0; } else { llSay(0, "Fountain On"); onoff = 1; } } } Something like this? Hmmm, it sounds like there would be another script in the fountain itself that listens on channel 10 for the word "Fountain".
  9. There will be no legs and no llewd stuff, so it will fail. This won't be helped by the fact that FB's reputation is quickly spiraling down the toilet.
  10. It feels like saved log ins get screwed up all the time in Firestorm anyway, so I just kind of roll with it anymore. Plus a One Note File to keep track of them.
  11. Just a thought, though it could be exploited. If you want the send home system to be completely seamless, without a toggle on off, you could set it to simply not issue the command if it detect a large number of avatars not wearing a mask. For example, I don't know how many people we are talking, but say there are normally 10 people at the event with masks. If it does a check and says "these two people are not wearing masks" it should boot those two people. But if it detects say, 8+ without masks, it "says" to itself "the unmask event must be happening, I should boot no one." (Not literally says but that's the logic.) This could be exploited though if enough people just showed up without masks, or enough people decided to unmask all at once randomly. You probably would want to do it as a percentage and not just a thresh hold number. Also, you mentioned using RLV for the masks I believe. You could also, instead, have a trigger that the host controls, that will disable the mask detector, and automatically force the removal of all masks.
  12. Yeah. I got it working by also doing the "Save changes" on the land page as well.
  13. Seems like maybe it's just not quite rolled out everywhere yet. I only see 512 available in world and on the website.
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