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Anna Nova

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Anna Nova last won the day on April 2 2018

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  1. and sympathy!!! We were all like you once, long long ago...
  2. My BIG issue is 'can see if I'm on-line'. I do not want 'Hi, how are you' from everyone I know, every time I come on-line (it seems to be mainly guys who do this). Sometimes I want to do other things...
  3. 100% agree about the butt! Sidetable, yes! This is where Maitreya Lara (not LaraX) is the best of the bunch in today's offerings, IMO.
  4. I said terrible, not horrible, and yes, I think you are right about the " Ugh, this is too much work, I'll just use this ". I made myself a male avatar once using a Jake body and free Lelutka head, none of the 'naughty bits' I could afford were 'up to much', and even with the expensive ones it was impossible to get a good skin-match. So I sympathize. Hope this helps... 🥰
  5. After years in SL, I can definitively say that the guys' bodies are still terrible.
  6. I used to love exploring mainland. I seldom try now. Lag, Region Crossing (bits not rezzing, etc.), but most of all sky-walls round small holdings. Mainland is now <expletive deleted>
  7. If you don't offer demos, people like me never ever buys them.
  8. SL is not RL. When you come to SL there is no real privacy, not for anything, but then, there is no real danger either. I get weirdos saying 'Hi, how are you' all the time. My stock answer, that I wish had a button assigned to, is "Fine thanks, busy right now though'. Even when I have a good time with someone and 'friend' them, if I get the 'Hi, how are you' every time I log-in, they don't stay 'friend' (if they were really really good the 1st time, they might just lose my visibility). To enjoy SL you need to develop a little hard skin in these matters, and not let it affect YOU that others are weirdos. It's because I AM sympathetic that I took the time to say this.
  9. Damn, Replying to myself is never a good plan. It's in the Creator Script Kit available at the Ebody store...
  10. For my old Maitreya body I had some scripts that would learn my alpha cuts, save them, and then I could apply them with that outfit. Is there anything like that for Reborn? Similarly is there a scripted object to set the foot shape (Flat,Mid,High..)? Thanks a bunch.
  11. I just don't know.... You work out in the Gym all those hours to get those muscles to attract the girls, and then they tear through your best suit... It's tough being a hunk.
  12. I love the horns though.... but then I was always evil.
  13. I always get it to work in the end. In fact, since I posted here, I have tracked my issues down a bit. Let's just say it has more to do with the latency of the rural farm house to ISP connection than the VPN per se. I would suspect that the Thai local connections have very high latency. Note 'latency' isn't speed, it's the average time it takes for a response to a data packet - we are in the gory technical details of a connection here. With a VPN the latency of the initial connections can be very high while the connection is being established - this is what hits me when I change exit-node, but subsequent traffic might be almost as good in latency as the ISP connection.
  14. I have 2 cellfones (note new Version 14 spelling), a lovely Sony that runs Assdroid 10 and is my go-to carry-in-the-purse phone - and my car uses it too, and an even more wonderful Samsung SM-G800F running Assdroid 6, that I use when out running, 'cos it is tiny and light. I don't go to Second Life in my purse, nor when I am out fell-running. If I go to SL, it is on my HUGE Desktop running ArchLinux. It amazes me that any idiot would invest in developing SecondLife for cellfones. I don't want to meet people in SL who are on a cellfone.
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