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  1. Selling my mainland parcel at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Foxboro/60/232/77 located right besides a rez zone on the road which is perfect to rez things like vehicles or unboxing objects which might go beyond the parcel limit Surrounded by abandoned land to the right and behind so it can be expanded to your preferred size by contacting LL support if needed, cheers
  2. VR and the Metaverse movement is missing this 1 very important piece; and Second Life has allow the average person to do it easily for years
  3. An in-depth presentation on how to make Second Life's image and onboarding even better c=
  4. I agree with Coffee here in term of bugs not being that big of a deal for new users and new people checking out SL, it's certainly important that bugs are getting fixed (I can think of some major ones myself) but most people's reason not to join SL seems to be because it looks and feels old even though it has the ability to look and feel much newer
  5. Some people seem to think that modernizing Second Life means making it more for the "younger generations" and less for the more mature main audience of SL This is not true, modernizing it might mean it becomes more appealing to newer audience, yes, but it doesn't necessarily mean making it less appealing for SL's core audience It would just be better for everyone c=
  6. A lot of us who are for modernization of SL are not really complaining for the most part, more like showing that SL can be better and that things aren't as gloomy in term of SL's future as many would believe (and propagate) most of us are just really invested in SL and it's frustrating sometimes to see it unfairly perceived over and over again so I guess there's where the venting comes from
  7. Always enjoy your coverage of these Pantera, thanks for the video c=
  8. Just putting this out here, to make it seem less like I'm just upping my expectations without any goal I'd say we have done it when people and the media look at SL and then go like, "Wow holy this is so great, why don't more people get on SL? Guys look at SL now, wow!" - and then people get on SL because it's great and exciting, and you know, like, snowball this rejuvenation of SL as the virtual world that keeps going and gets better and everyone are just excited about it, talk about it, make videos about it, see SL in a very different light I follow all the Second Life coverage as much as I can and a lot of them keep referring to it in borderline past tense, or "it's still there", "still around", "still profitable" comparing SL with all these newer virtual worlds that offer a lot less than what SL offers because they are better at convincing people that they are the better shinier platforms
  9. I have talked with some Lindens about it, I'm talking about it here so we also have better expectations of what's possible so that more of us (or anyone checking the forums) can see that SL still have things up its sleeves c=
  10. That looks great (and I hope LL don't take this as me not appreciating the hard works that they have done) but it can certainly be better And no, we didn't have things that look as good in term of welcome area, it's really possible though
  11. We're so trapped, we are believing that the upper limit of design and presentations of SL are things based on SL's relative standards that we have seen so far, and then believing that improvement can't be made in those regards. "That's just how things are on SL" - well of course perhaps eternally if we keep looking at the same pond and rearranging the same set of stones to construct our vision It's really a mindset thing I can't fathom the notion that what we have are SL's upper limits
  12. Having a starting area like this would IMPROVE first user experience: An example of what a level artist can do, of course with SL's engine it won't look as good but even just counting the mesh & design work it's a definite improvement over what we have. Of course a good artist can also make it so it won't lag with proper optimization, and make sure there are no weird things like object popping in from low draw distance (by tailoring the space so the surrounding area that is visible is within draw distance) Then we can tweak the default camera preset to make it more modern, which is super easy to do from debug settings We can also replace the current HUD on welcome areas with more modern-looking ones, that's properly and efficiently guiding the users through the hoops THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS THAT CAN BE DONE WITH VERY LITTLE COST - we gotta escape this closed-mindedness, stop thinking about SL from what you have seen inside SL and you'll see all the possibilities! c= Another thing with presentation: modern dev diaries. A continuous series of /modern/ styled development vlog, the possibilities of what we can do to improve SL's image is endless, it's why it's so frustrating to me when people keep making u-turns to what we have on SL when envisioning these things, of course we're going nowhere that way There are so, so, so many more that can be done for very little cost it's insanity that we're not even considering those Tagging @Patch Lindenfor reference
  13. LL can > Hire a AAA game level artist or someone with equivalent experience / willpower > Make a flagship tailored showcase modern continent equal in appearance to modern standards > Make it the starting continent for new users There are many more that they can do, if they do it RIGHT it will change most people's perception of SL in a rather short period of time c=
  14. That's one of the things I like so much about SL and the Lindens, I don't universally dislike corporations but a lot of them out there are like creepy heartless authoritarians and LL just never seem to be that way to me, even with their downsides, with the focus on human-first approach and communities and stuff c=
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