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How does your avatar look today ?


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Taking pics:

Choose an outfit

Choose a location


Engage windlight

Mess around with shadow and sky settings

Point and click

Maybe crop and/or mess with generic settings.........

Job done.

Use poses as a last resort. Prefer to shoot while fidgeting.

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51 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Are we invited? What are you cooking?

IDK something  about  him looks  a little  creepy, like yes we are invited and we are going on the grill.

I think  I will  just hang  out here at my gallery with my  new painting

new painting


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I guess I'm really happy about groups for basics staying at 42 and as it pride month which I do come under so I'm wearing my rainbow top with well yeah; PRIDE! :D 


Edited by MrsSeren
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Hello everyone! Got an invitation post, so this is my avi as of yesterday and today~ 


These are edits I made while I'm trying to branch out onto flickr. I'm trying to learn more about posing, windlights, and editing. I definitely want more high-def, studio, and antiqued looking shots, though I'm unsure how to achieve that... I work predominantly on tablet and with CSP atm, and I'm open to critique/advice. 😊

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21 minutes ago, KirinGale said:

Hello everyone! Got an invitation post, so this is my avi as of yesterday and today~ 


These are edits I made while I'm trying to branch out onto flickr. I'm trying to learn more about posing, windlights, and editing. I definitely want more high-def, studio, and antiqued looking shots, though I'm unsure how to achieve that... I work predominantly on tablet and with CSP atm, and I'm open to critique/advice. 😊

Yay! And welcome!

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Auntie Winnie on the Schloßbrücke (or Castle Bridge), "with F," as the note on the back of the photograph indicates. The picture is not dated, but couldn't have been taken before the end of 1927, because the bridge was (or so Wikipedia tells me!) under repair for most of that year. It's hard to be certain but, to judge again by my aunt's appearance, this was most likely taken in the spring or summer of 1928.

My aunt had, by this point, found part-time employment with the German postal service at a postamt (postal station) near Alexanderplatz. Here, her fluency in English and her growing competence in German were particularly valued, as the station was frequented by foreign visitors to the city, the vast majority of whom arrived in the city through the train station there. It proved, apparently, to be a good job, and she did well there; in 1930 her position was made permanent. She remained in that service until her departure from Germany two years later.

In fact, though, in her first few months in Germany, Winnie had some difficulty finding a position anywhere. Her skills as a stenographer might, of course, have been of value, had her skills in German been more advanced. She was very fortunate in her choice of landlady, Frau Becker, who was well connected in the neighbourhood, and set up Winnie to take in laundry from the such local middle class households not quite wealthy enough to employ their own maid to do the job. Not only did Frau Becker drum up business for my great great aunt, but she also provided the sink, water, iron, and laundry line for Winnie to use, as my aunt's simple bedsit had no water supply of its own. The income Winnie gained from this was pretty meager, but it did at least mean that she was not eating away at her savings as quickly as she otherwise might have. In any case, she seems to have managed reasonably well until she at last secured the postal job.

I'm not at this point sure who this "F" who was on the bridge with her (and, I assume, took the picture?) might be: this is her -- or his? -- first appearance in the journal.


Berlin-Bridge-2 Blank.png

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