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GoSpeed Racer

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Everything posted by GoSpeed Racer

  1. The v4.0 update to my LOGO Alexis head with an Evox skin. Looks good, but still needs tweaking, especially the mouth area.
  2. I also did an inspect also on that media bar and found an .m4a being streamed, but it's only one song. I suspect it is feeding you one .m4a file at a time instead of a steady stream over a shoutcast / icecast port. SL will stream media files, but apparently not in a jukebox fashion.
  3. There's a disembodied arm floating over his shoulders!
  4. I run KONA Stream which has been streaming into Second Life since 2006. I play mainstream pop, rock, Motown, and a variety of other genres from the 60s 70s and 80s. The in world URL is : http://jenny.torontocast.com:9002/stereo
  5. After 17 years looking a certain way I figured it was time for a makeover.
  6. Made a major/minor makeover this week. New skin, new nose, tweaked body. It looked so strange at first, but now I see the old me shining through.
  7. It has been rough on me. Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of her last in-world login. I've gone through all the stages of grief and all I have left is heartbreak and sadness.
  8. It has been 20 months since my SL partner left the grid. Mo IMs, emails, or Discord communication at all. Her last message indicated she had personal things to attend to and that's all I'll say. Her island is still here, however. A $229 a month tier payment seems to indicate she still has her foot in the door. Honestly, I miss her presence in SL and I can understand that her RL comes first, but zero communication is hurtful. She could at least let me and her friends know she is okay.
  9. Trying to process my medical diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. Up to now my health has been good and this comes out of nowhere. I am only 57 years old and suddenly I am confronted with my mortality. I figured that I'd have at least one more decade of good health before I'd have to deal with a serious condition.
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