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What to do with alts

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I have gathered a few alts over the years.  They had roles or some reason for being created originally.  Things like running a store, testing permissions or just adjusting poses but for the most part those reasons have long since past. Only three of my alts have survived the long years and password reshuffles, however they no longer have a purpose.  They just take up space and get new makeovers ever few months. 

I don't know why I'm curious, but what do you do with your alts?  Do you even use them anymore once they were made co-owner of a group or whatever you made them for?

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Well, in the true sense of things, I am actually the first alt of the original account - but I pretty much took over a few months after coming to life.

At one time, I had a total of 8 accounts at Premium that were donating their tier to the land group to cover my Mainland.  With the arrival of the new Linden Homes, I reduced my Mainland a bit.  Then with the Premium  price increase, I reduced it a bit more.  

So now, I have a Premium alt that owns a Linden Traditional house and another that owns a Linden Houseboat.  Another Premium alt still donates her tier to the land group, which when combined with my tier covers the current Mainland parcel.  I then have another 13 that were created for various purposes.

The Premium accounts log in every few months to give me the L$ Stipends.  The rest of them log in if I want to use them for some specific testing or such.  The single male does have one of the freebie mesh bodies and a single outfit for it.  Five or six of the girls also have free or super cheap mesh bodies, but only 2 or 3 have more than a single outfit.  The rest of them are still using whichever LL avatar they started with.  Since they never actually get any real inworld time, I don't bother spending L$ on makeovers for them. 

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My alts are all Premium and I use them like Lil describes, to contribute their land tier to my land group (one of them owns a Linden Houseboat instead).

Mostly I ignore them other than to steal their stipends, though recently I gave a few some new avatars just on a whim. I now have a Toddleedoo, a chicken, a cat, a little annoying purple fairy, and a Dinkies cat. In a few more years, I might dust them off and change them again. 

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Pretty much what was said before me. I'm the alt that since became the main and I steal the others' lindens while they gather dust. Three are premium (including this account), a couple aren't. They don't donate land or anything like that. Rae has a Linden House, an alt is the one rolling for that perfect isolated beach spot away from house boats on the new continent. The other literally does nothing beyond accumulate linden for me to pillage. All the premiums have had make-overs, the alts haven't, again for reasons described above.

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I am the alt of an alt, who has become the main.. of sorts. I’ve been in SL for close to 14 years and apparently I had commitment issues in my younger years. 

1) Me. The business alt. The professional alt. The 24/7 workhorse who is capped with messages the moment she logs in. Always happily landscaping, taking photos, planning weddings, editing photos, building wedding venues, creating poses.

2) A toddleedoo child - inactive. Updated. Sometimes logged in for photoshoots, flowergirl usage if necessary. 

3) An adult female. Updated. The fun one. Spending time dancing with friends, or just standing at info hubs chuckling at trolls. A dual-main, if you will, although this really just means that I’m on her secondary to most. I will say that a recent self-imposed break from Nora has me refamiliarize myself with her. 

4) An adult male - inactive. Updated. Used mostly for photos, or if I go somewhere with slow dancing that requires a date, and then I’ll bring myself sometime. 

5) An adult female. Mostly inactive, but updated and honestly my favorite avatar creation to date. She was made with a group of friends who were making their own. All alts were made with pun names, and we log into them when we need a break. 

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4 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I don't know why I'm curious, but what do you do with your alts?  

I used to have a couple, mostly for testing, teaching and creating purposes. They were kinda fun for event purposes sometimes too though.  I don't really do anything at all with them anymore. Unfortunately my days of being able to see well enough to create number in the less than hundreds now.  

It's a sad day when you come to that kind of realization.  I'll probably have a funeral for them, pack them a lovely lunch, a nice blankey, place them on a beautiful iceberg and send them out on a waterlogged journey from whence they shall never return.

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There's my main and my building alt who's taken on a slife of her own which waxes and wanes. Their tier is for the land my shop is on. The boy alt got tier for a Bellisseria house. He's still not sure what to do with all of those extra groups slots but's he's very proud of his ability to repaint the entire house in 3 seconds.

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Main alt - gets used a lot.  She is partnered to my partners alt and we use them strictly to avoid doing anything business wise,  other peoples drama,  group chatter,  friends  (sorry friends).   When we made those alts we made sure they had the same last name.  She has 1 person on her friend list apart from me, my partner and her partner and that is my best friend. I don't mind him contacting me on my alt because I know he would only do that for something really important.  This alt is premium and her tier is used for my mainland parcel.  She saves up her stipend too and generously gives it to me.

1 male alt for aligning animations, testing perms and all that business stuff

2 alts for stores both male for no real reason 

1 business alt for the bank.  Also male 🤔

a few long forgotten ones from club owning days.

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I used to play Tiny Empires with my alts; a whole line of avatars representing the Buffyverse, at one time. Buffy, Faith, Willow, Giles, Xander, Tara, Spike, Angel, Dark Willow, Kendra.  Ahh 2014.  Where does the time go.

They outgrew that game.  I retired them with honours and a nice bonus for a job well done. 

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8 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

Dang, we are harsh. :D

It's a good thing alts don't have their own minds.  I can see the protests now. "Alts are people too!"  "100% tax is unfair!"

I am very good to my alts. They have a little skybox of their very own so they have a "home" to log in to (because I don't want them clattering around in mine), and I put a few Linden bears in there to keep them company. I even let them all go to the most recent SLB (just to get them all freebie avatars, but still, it was an outing!). 

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One i use primarily to put money away towards a mesh head. one i use for trying out cheap bodies. along with two others i log them in if i want to check something after i've logged out or don't wan't to log in just yet sometimes i'll use one of them to model or try out animations

Edited by Claireschen Hesten
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Alt one... she holds my rent money once I earned so whatever I earn as host/stripper there after is mine for whatever; she is Maitreya with Catwa non bento head so she basically my bank; lol! :D 

Alt two... when I feel need to escape Seren and being adult; my toodledoo and sometimes just nice to be a child and feel that innocence again however I feel less of need to go on her now as the stress I did have as gone now.

Then is my main which I post here; and often found in world with; Seren which is Maitreya and Catwa Bento head; when not working as hostess or stripper;  I can be found shopping or sim exploring for photos or if I don't reply then likely to be off screen focusing on my blog or posting here in forum or dealing with my mom as I'm RL part time caregiver to her when she unwell but touch wood so far she fine.  

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OH!  I just remembered a 4th alt.  Well .. a 4th alt's password ...
I have a cat avatar I once used to wander around RP sims with.  No need to update her, tho.  She's a cat.

She was always welcomed and fits in with virtually any setting.  Only interacting in emotes and not taking part of the actual story.  It was kind of fun.  She was even allowed to stay at human only clubs but she was just a cat and sat on the bar cleaning herself.  No one ever asked where she kept her lindens for tipping, tho. :D


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I have really no idea what to do with alts. All of them were created because I forgot emails, logins and password to previous accounts so I am not really sure if I need them, except one of them which will be the businesswoman if I ever learn how to create mesh items and clothes, which is probably never.

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