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What makes you block someone?

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For the most part I don't block/mute. There are exceptions.

A region I once hung out in was neighbored by a region set up with no rhyme or reason. Objects displayed much like a Pollock painting. It ruined any views of the sea or any nice objects they rezzed.. One was a New York City skyline. It just didn't make sense of its purpose. I ended up muting/blocking about 60 items that ruined the experience on the region I hung at. The owners went as far as building a climbing pole to a skybox, located about 700 m in the sky. Spent about 30 minutes "cleaning" what I could see. When that region closed shop, I removed the blocks.

For spam, it really isn't spam if you subscribe. After a few weeks, I tire of it and follow the instructions of returning to their shop to unsubscribe. They make a smart move and make it next to impossible to get off their mailing list. BOOM! On the block list they go and remain. Avis who are obnoxious get the same, though removed after a few weeks.

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I have a pretty lengthy block list, mostly objects; sometimes the people attached to them...if I couldn't get it to shut up any other way. apart from that, I tend to use block as a way of 'walking away from an argument' with strangers or people I don't know that well, whom I would like to become strangers. I'm not averse to the occasional tussle with an idiot, but once i'm no longer having fun, block is awesome for really saying, 'i'm done with this'; unblocking them after a few hours. The only time I've really had to use block consistently was for an ex who wasn't that into me, but once I stopped dating him decided to annoy me during discussions I facilitated; and his ex who stalked me when she found out he'd started dating me.  Apart from that, there are a few annoying people on the BDSM discussion circuit whose voices I have turned all the way down. That's about it. 

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I play as a 10 year old boy with the Tweenster avatar and stick to kid friendly sims.

The vast majority of people in SL are awesome but I have encountered the occasional sicko who wants to engage in adult activities or send inappropriate IMs. Always men. They're immediately blocked and AR'ed. 

Edited by brodiak90
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I'm pretty liberal with my blocking of objects and people. Though the people would most likely never know I've blocked them. I tend to block people at concerts who

  • spam full page emotes, 
  • run over me while dancing,
  • or use personal particle effects that are excessive (basically a one person fireworks exhibit).

All of those affect my quality of life while trying to enjoy a live music performance.

I also block lots of objects that pollute the sound quality around my home. I had a neighbor several parcels away who constantly left the piano playing the same song over and over.  I live on a waterway and consequently from time to time someone will crash into something and leave the boat behind with the motor running. It would be easy to return if the thing was on my parcel but most often it's not so I have to block. My neighbor's neighing horses also made the list. Well you get the picture. Yes, I could just limit all sounds to my parcel but then I don't like that solution so taking the time to locate and block offending sounds works better for me.

Then there's shopping. People who have voice on and are flooding the area with whatever music they are listening to or sound effects from playing some FB game while they shop get introduced to my block list. And the last thing I can think of is an annoying sound effect I hear much too often of someone breathing. This particular one is so loud you'd think the person needed medical attention.

I guess you could say I'm easily annoyed, and perhaps I am. I've only ever blocked two people in all my time in SL because the person was actually being verbally abusive. 

So for me using the block feature is much the same as using the derender feature. It's simply a quality of life issue.

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Block and Mute seem to be synonymous, but it would be really nice if they were actually two different things, i.e. block means block and mute means mute.

A pair of yappers in local who think they're entertaining everyone with their incessant garbage sums up the vast majority of people who I block, but that doesn't happen often. However, I'd much rather 'mute' them, literally, so that I simply never hear (see) their comments in local chat anymore and I'll never get an IM from them either.

Blocking someone renders them silent, but now I have this blob worse than a jellydoll in the vicinity. Ok, I could derender them but then they're still there and could be standing right behind me for all I know, unless I man the minimap constantly.

 For those in sight, be seen and not heard would be the ideal option - mute. For people elsewhere who you never want to hear from again - block.

Unblocking. If the person is in your vicinity then you can right-click on their avatar and unblock. If they're not around then I always struggle to locate the list in Firestorm.

Edited by Candice LittleBoots
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I'm pleased to see that most of the people who posted here before I discovered this thread are pretty much like me.  I hardly ever use the block function, and I don't think I have ever used it on a person.  I have blocked a handful of annoying objects that persisted in sending spam --- including one store's Subscribe-o-Matic system that just wouldn't give up.  I have a pretty high tolerance for stupidity.  If it's really egregious, I submit an AR.  Otherwise, I don't bother responding or even blocking.  I just walk away.  You know the old proverb, I'm sure: "Never teach a pig to sing. It only wastes your time and annoys the pig."

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I have too many tentacles in too many oceans, so you would have to be awful to be muted/blocked by me, because I always worry that if they had to contact for support for something I am a part of, then I would not see it, and my personal issue with someone is not the same as them receiving customer support etc. I have never been under attack though, and I appreciate that there are such tools that can stop someone being harassed/stalked etc. I hate when I hear of someone changing accounts or having to close of any communication other than friends etc because of someone just trying to destroy their time in world. No one should have to feel so isolated in SL.

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That gave me the idea to check my blocklist - is pretty long now!

Most are shop owners and objects though - spam blocks. A nice side effect is that vendors with blocked owners no longer work - but unfortunately marketplace is not affected.

If someone pisses me off by spamming too much garbage in chat or making too much noise/musik I'll quickly switch them off (block). Fire and forget :) Does not happen that often.

Unwanted IM's don't need a block. If there is no reaction they assume I muted them and I never hear again anything. :)


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Now you made me curious. I had to look at my block list. I have 62 in total, avatars and objects.

I have several ones starting with "group". Does that mean I have blocked IM from group chat? I don't know what else it is. And Bloodlines - thirst. That is quite understandable. And a plant pet? Sounds like it was talking near me and I blocked it. 2 statues and a hot air balloon. Several annoying stores.

I have blocked a book, a tree and a tush. And Lolas Tangos and a security orb. Why an orb? No idea. Plus an security plant? Half of a piercing. The Dressing Room - probably a subscriber that send out messages. I unblocked it to see if the event is still alive.

Surprisingly many avatars. If they have a high rendering number, I block them in crowded places. I think half of them is that.

Edited by Marianne Little
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Just now, Lindal Kidd said:

Your Complexity controls, or de-render, are better tools for that.

Yes, but I think many of them is really old, from before jellydolls. I don't remember what tools we had, I just remember it was suddenly like walking in syrup when I came close to them.

I never bothered to look at the list and unblock someone before now. An average of six objects, stores and avatars per year in SL.

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9 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Your Complexity controls, or de-render, are better tools for that.

Bildresultat för Flamethrower gif

   I think you'll find this tool the most effective. Although it does create a lot of particle lag ...

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Not sure about the SL viewer, but Firestorm has the Asset Blacklist, which is the permanent derender list.  I have a lot on there that is from misc ugly or noisy stuff around my home.  Then there is the Blocked list.  I have 9 entries, all of which are store objects/owners that continue to send me things no matter how much I try to get out of said spam - and 5 of those are the various subscriber/spammy objects & owner of one store.  

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After 12 plus years my blocklist is pretty long. I primarily block rude, mean people. Especially those who've said hateful, racist, sexist and homophobic remarks to me. Text spammers and gesture mongers get temporary blocks. Personally, I'd never block anyone with a "complicated avatar".

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So far, I have blocked a TV in the property next to my home, which was set to autoplay on youtube.  I have also blocked two bots in portal park that were playing  7 nation army on repeat for several days.  There  hasn't been a need to block anyone or anything else for me, most people are decent here as far as my chat window displays.  I'm not much of a socialite, so there really has been no drama my way.  

If I were being harassed for whatever reason, I would probably block the person.  I'm not opposed to using the feature, I just haven't the need to very often.

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I typically block anyone who's name I'd ever seen on SLUniverse before 2012, or anyone who turns out to be a racist, libertarian, or misogynist. Most of the people on my post-SLU block list, and about half of those from the SLU-list have long since left or been banned from SL itself from factors having nothing to do with me, as once I've blocked them I don't ever cycle back to them.

I do temp block people that spam me or who's objects spam me - but I usually remove these after a bit and if the spam doesn't come back they don't get blocked again.



Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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