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Lines that annoy you most


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1 hour ago, Ren Toxx said:

Individual lines never bother me; it’s when it gets close to a couple hundred trying to find an angle to what I invariably wish they’d asked in line #1, so that I could answer “no” and move on.

This one. Three lines of small talk is not going to have any impact on my answer, so just get it over and done with.

Although the confusion when I reply with more than five words to "how was your day" is often entertaining. The whole concept of a pair of T&A belonging to a brain seems alien to some of these guys.

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3 hours ago, Skygirl Kline said:

mmmmmm, where did you get your skin?

Sometimes girls ask me that, ... kinda funny - I wear the default GA skins that came with the Maitreya ...

2 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

Once I saw a rescue helicopter hovering over me, the pilot shouting:
"Madam, are you ok down there?" Actually that was pretty funny and cool.

phew you were glad it wasn't an SLCG pilot - he would have tossed you a lifejacket package ... they always do, you could be in the desert and they would send you a lifejacket to save you from the perils of drowning...

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Its not a certain line that annoys me, its not even the request for sex, because that is at least a specific question. No, what annoys me the most is any variation of the "how are you", followed by the silent expectation that the conversation will magically develope itself... I'm not a small talk person. I talk to people, when I have something to say or something to ask. I'm even okay with very plain, mundane topics, but the interest needs to come from the person starting the conversation.

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26 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

The whole concept of a pair of T&A belonging to a brain seems alien to some of these guys.

You must have missed the thread where it was suggested that women were wasting their money buying mesh heads at all, 'cause nobody's gonna notice!

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The thing I don't like is someone trying to turn something I said into something dirty. I just play dumb and act like it went over my head.. especially in the first five minutes of meeting someone..

With friends it's different because it's just goofing around.. But with someone I just met,it's kind of creepy..

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2 hours ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

"Can someone lend me 100L? Please help me complete 1250L for pay my rent, I promise pay back tomorrow."


I always like to answer these IMs. My typical answer to this one has always been: "Absolutely. Send me a 5000L$ security deposit and I'll have your 100L$ loan ready in a jiffy!"

5 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

"Hi hru "  will get the IM closed instantly without reply.  I don't do text speak 

"IR GR8, HRU?"

5 hours ago, Fionalein said:

The usual opener I get is: "You look beautiful" Somtimes it is an innocent compliment but most of the time... I started answering "I better do - I payed a good bunch of Lindens to do so."

"Thanks, but not the *MOST* beautiful, huh? I am epic fail, then." (Usually leads to some fun, generally innocent conversation from there)

5 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

"hi want some fun"

"Are you presuming I'm not already having fun?"

4 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

"How old are you?"

"Let me check my profile so I can give you an accurate age"

4 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Oh also: "do you voice?" see many other threads on how popular that line is...

"I like to dance, fly, swim, sail... but how do you *do* voice?"

4 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

"Hi how do we have sex here"  

"Easy: you jump on some furniture and do naughty things, looking like a fool and I'll bring friends to watch and laugh as you do it."

4 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

"Are you ok?"

"Madam, are you ok down there?"

I actually got BOTH of these! LOL

To the first one I replied "Is there a reason I wouldn't be?"

And the second one I laughed (I was on my boat "tanning" at the time) - So I replied, "Well, your helicopter is blocking my sun!" - then I told him how funny his line was and it was actually a nice, albeit short, conversation from there. :D

Edited by Alyona Su
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I've been in a pissy mood and someone ask me where I am from, right out of the gate..I remember being so irritated by it that I said to them..

Why ,are you wanting to come over or something?

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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The most common one is Hi or hello especially if I've noticed it quickly, replied hi or hello to see if they want something and they don't reply. Also the ones begging for money are really annoying too

One I find annoying if I go to a game sim is I will sometimes get messaged "do you want to get banned?" By someone who out of a sim full of games thinks it's their God given right to waltz in and have the one i'm in the middle of using even though there's several other identical machines they could play. I don't waste my time responding but the really p****d ones will follow it up with the threat of "you will be"

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The "hi hru" messages are the annoying ones for me.  If I respond, I make sure it's long, with proper spelling, grammar, punctuation. It usually takes them so long to read it, they don't bother following up.  The ones that do, most often go the A/S/L route, so I point them at my profile, which not one of them want to bother to read. I don't think I've heard from any of them after that.

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29 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

No contest for me, it has to be:

”Can I ask a question?”


Ah damn yeah, "Can you help me?" is among my favourite "I know I'm gonna hate you" lines as well. If it wouldn't be so impolite I really would like to answer "most likely - unless you are stupid" (a few rare real tech based problems I could not help solve nonewithstanding)

Edited by Fionalein
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To me, the most annoying lines are "how r u", "u r hot" etc. When I'm in a good mood, I respond with "Hi there. Use proper words next time you approach Me."

Or, when some stranger messages me out of the blue with "you're hot" - my reply usually is "I know."

Usually, there is nothing after that ^^

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4 minutes ago, ThorinII said:

To me, the most annoying lines are "how r u", "u r hot" etc. When I'm in a good mood, I respond with "Hi there. Use proper words next time you approach Me."

Or, when some stranger messages me out of the blue with "you're hot" - my reply usually is "I know."

Usually, there is nothing after that ^^

My diva line from my profile  " Please don't talk to me like a text message.  U is not a word"  ?

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