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Pamela Galli

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Pamela Galli last won the day on January 26 2020

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  • Member Title
    Doesn’t Believe the Big Lie

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  1. It will not update its OS beyond 10.13 High Sierra. I have been using an old version of firestorm that worked fine for my purposes, which is to provide support for customer issues. But now I have to update the viewer because my version of Firestorm won’t work. If I have to, I will just buy another Mac . Has anyone figured out what to do if you have an old Mac?
  2. Just a FYI: The term is technically plural, and refers to the agreed upon conventions of war: Wikipedia: The Geneva Conventions are international humanitarian lawsconsisting of four treaties and three additional protocols that establish international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war. The singular term Geneva Convention colloquially denotes the agreements of 1949, negotiated in the aftermath of the Second World War (1939–1945), which updated the terms of the two 1929 treaties and added two new conventions. The Geneva Conventions extensively define the basic rights of wartime prisoners, civilians and military personnel; establish protections for the wounded and sick; and provide protections for the civilians in and around a war-zone.[2]
  3. I am vegan Blue Zoner but in the past I knew how to cook southern bacon meals. Now, I cook collards with garlic and olive oil, veg broth, , onions, sometimes fake sausage or fake sausage drippings. Stir in some salt and vinegar and it’s a pretty good w sweet potatoes, beans *, and cornbread. * beans are very good stirred IN the collards, better than as a side
  4. The south made up for the lack of garlic by liberal use of bacon and bacon grease. Everyone saved their bacon grease in a can.
  5. The coalesced object will be named whatever the last selected object is named. So your living room might be called lamp.
  6. I keep running into customers who want redeliveries but for whom I have no record of purchases — which tips me off that they either bought on a different account or, more recently, that they changed usernames. How can I verify that a new username is for the account that made the purchases? Also, can they redeliver marketplace purchases to their new account name?
  7. Finally, the bug can no longer fixed by replacing the affected object — it is borked from rez.
  8. https://www.6gworld.com/exclusives/the-way-were-building-the-metaverse-is-all-wrong/ Discusses SL quite a bit, accurately. ” Despite its age, Second Life is still the best example we’ve got to a working metaverse. But before you make comparisons to the likes of Fortnite and Roblox, it’s not so much a game as it is a social platform. There are no goals or objectives. Instead, you socialise with friends, buy and sell property, shop for virtual merchandise, dance at nightclubs, watch live events and even attend virtual classes and exhibitions – all the stuff that’s described as being essential to the metaverse. But there’s one important thing that sets Second Life apart from the majority of metaverse contenders, and that’s its content creation tools. In Second Life, anyone can create and sell content, ranging from skins, animations and textures to property, clothing and even virtual art. As long as you’ve got the coding and development know-how, this can be done by utilising the in-world tools alongside Linden Scripting Language, Second Life’s programming language. By giving its users the tools and resources that it needs to create, Second Life has continued to innovate and evolve over the years. It’s a shining example of how integral thriving creator economies are to the success of metaverse platforms”
  9. I check the forum out of habit a couple times a week, but it has come to the point where for me world conflagration overshadows every other conversation topic. This is yet another of many places where I have to converse like Rome is not burning or not at all.
  10. Wonky how? The exchange rate does indeed sometimes become wildly unstable for no discernible reason but for a long time it’s been very stable.
  11. It’s another example of someone blaming LL or a merchant for a problem caused by them not understanding how things work. I suspect this approach is not limited to experiences in SL.
  12. My default interior doors are set to physics type none but also auto open for those who like to stand and wait for them to open, which some do. Some even like to Touch to open, which is the default for exterior doors. The key is having options.
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