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Bath or shower?

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Long shower, preferably in the evening so I don't have to rush around in the morning. Helps me relax to sleep better too. I don't like sitting in my own dirt so no baths unless I shower first.

Edited by Sam1 Bellisserian
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if i get in the water then hot tub, which is not for washing myself in

altho when I go back up home then because the plumbing is broke, and nobody lives there long enough to do anything about it,  then wash in the creek which gets a bit chilly sometimes

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Shower, evening. 

Baths make me feel like I’m soaking in my own filth. Not to say that I’m filthy, but it just seems like they defeat the purpose, you know? 

Evening because again with the filth thing. My OCD/Anxiety probably plays into it too with my need for a clear and concise schedule expectation. But ugh - I just can’t imagine sleeping in my own skin after a long day of doing who knows what, and just rolling under the covers like an egg roll in the crack of a sidewalk. Heebie Jeebies. 

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just because I'm curious and was having this discussion with a few friends, I wanted to get some other input.  Shower or bath, morning or evening?

Shower - and always in the morning because I get really bad bed-head and also because this past year the super oily hair of my youth has returned and my hair now looks oily after only about 12 hours.

If I am on vacation and if there is a huge tub, one that I can truly sink all the way down into, then I might do an evening relaxation soak while reading a book and sipping on a glass of wine.

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24 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I shower for getting ready for things like events or work.. Usually if time matters.

I take bathes to relax and escape or when I may be stressed and have all day to take my time..

Same here 🙂

I don't understand the fear about sitting in your own dirt? Unless you work at a sewage plant it's not that bad 🤣

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4 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Same here 🙂

I don't understand the fear about sitting in your own dirt? Unless you work at a sewage plant it's not that bad 🤣

Our bath has a hanging shower head to rinse off before getting out, which I also use to rinse out the tub each time..

I also always make sure I clean the tub before taking a bath.. Not that day but sometime before I take the next one..

I love our shower also. It has the rain head above which is so amazing for waking up. Then there is another rain head on the left wall and a removable shower head with 5 different settings on the right wall..

Then there is the lever on the side shower head that you can turn it and have them all come on..  The only bad thing about that is, if you don't grab the hanging shower head and aim it away, It will shoot you with cold water.. So you have to turn them all on  before you get in so it's not cold water.. hehehe

The rain head over the top is really nice after being up at the barn all day.. I mostly just use that one because you can step out of the water when you want to..

I take a shower when I get home from work and then a wake up shower before going to work..

With Covid, the morning shower is right away. where before I would try to do some things before taking one..

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   Shower. Haven't had a bath in a tub for absolute ages. I did have a tub in my first apartment, but never used it to bathe (it was a combined shower + tub). There's also the water usage issue, and whilst my living arrangements always had it so that water was covered by the fixed rent, the environmental aspect is one I mind as well. In school we were told that after PE class, we were to try to keep the water at a run time of no more than 60-90 seconds, with the first burst being used to soak, then you soap up and scrub with the water off, then a second burst of water to rinse. As far as I've heard, the English term for the practice is 'navy shower'. 

   I also do the water fairly cold, both because it stops me from wanting to stay in there for too long, and because using less energy to heat water is good, and supposedly it's good for one's health too. I often end showers ice cold. It helps with wanting to step out of it and get dry ASAP.

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Shower in the morning after my exercise torture session. 

Baths as needed in the evening to manage stress, clean up, or if I have company planned. Bath-time frequently involves something aromatic and a trashy book I would not be caught dead with anywhere else 😉

The downside of showers;


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Shower.  At various times of the day.  That's the joys of shift work.


early shift: shower 2 pm


late shift: shower 10pm ish


night shift: shower 6am ish before I go to bed, and again when I get up to feel human.


Baths, only in SL when I catch someone afk by the water then I make sure that they get a "free bath".

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10 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Just because I'm curious and was having this discussion with a few friends, I wanted to get some other input.  Shower or bath, morning or evening?

Quick shower in the am then a nice soak in the tub before bed. Warm bath in winter, cool in summer.

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I shower in the evening, several times a week and always on Saturday, before making pizza and watching crap sci-fi movies. In summer, I'll shower mid-day after bathing in the lake.

I recently remodeled my main bath, removing the tub and replacing it with a walk--in, doorless shower. I also replaced my ancient whirlpool tub with a new one that has a heater. Like the old one, it's there for show. My friend is a real-estate agent and scolded me for even contemplating having a home with no bathtub.

I will take a bath when I feel like shaving my legs*, because doing that in the shower results in too many bumps on my noggin from banging it into the wall when I stand up.

*a feeling killed by Covid-19

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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Shower, mornings (and often in the afternoon too, especially if I exercise). I really don't like my "I woke up like this" look and that out-of-bed feeling. Also I am a typical night owl so it is very hard for me to focus in the morning. I need to take a shower to properly wake up and be able to work. For that reason it doesn't work for me to shower in the evening.

Someone has already mentioned about the idea of taking a bath instead of taking a bath. I think I prefer the idea too. I had a bathtub in my previous apartment and I used it very occasionally, I was bored after 10 minutes and it was not really relaxing. Now I don't have the tub so problem solved.

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It's always a shower for me and always in the evening.  I'm with those who like to be clean before getting into bed.  I'm tall for a woman.  The only tub I was ever comfortable in was an old claw foot tub in a house I rented.  

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5 hours ago, Orwar said:

we were to try to keep the water at a run time of no more than 60-90 seconds, with the first burst being used to soak

Using the word 'soak' there truly made me laugh - since soak basically means to saturate with water.




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