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Was ejected from a furry adult land. Officer claims I look too young. Do I?


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39 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

At 54, I have very few wrinkles. Not Botox, I just try not to make any facial expressions. 


And I look like a balloon what got trampled by buffaloes.  

So I won. 


Also page 4. 

Edited by Zzevir
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4 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

In the interest of showcasing a bit of my earlier points: In the Snapzilla I have listed as part of my signature, I have a snapshot I took of a somewhat disused avatar/form change (the clothing being the disused part) at the very bottom of the "Forms" album.

Going by nothing more than said image, what would your reaction be to that showing up at an Adult rated club? Would you treat that feline as being "underage"?

I try not to guess the age of anthros.. I find it very difficult as they have no human facial features to go by. 


2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Yes, I think the age could be an opinion.  I was thinking perhaps anywhere from 13 to 18.  

Dear gods, i wish Teen girls looked like that when i was a teen.. 

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Most sim owners are just paranoid when it comes to looks, they are afraid that people will come in as child avatars in an adult themed place and do adult things then record it being allowed then report it to LL to get that particular sim closed because of age violations. 

Was the sim owner in the rights to do what they did yes, but will it have possible negative impact at some point maybe or maybe not. Does any of this matter? Not really. As long as LL gives them open reign on the sims with no guidelines on how to use or not abuse their power, they will do as they want regardless of what anyone else thinks.

What I see the real meaning of the topic was just a simple question, it didn't need to be drawn out this far really. Did she look younger then 18.. a simple yes or no would have sufficed.

No need to debate why or why not, a simple yes/no with maybe a simple short reason why you said so was all that was ever really needed.

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23 hours ago, Allegra2 said:
[16:43]  : Howdy there
[16:44]  : you are getting tp-ed home due to your avi looks teen
[16:44]  : please adjust this and you are welcome to enter
[16:44]  : This is an Adult sex sim and does not allow young looks teen and child.


It's happened to me many times for looking "too young". No big deal.

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15 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Any thoughts that the original post may be trolling in some way?

No I don't think so. She came back to thank people for their responses, and that's not normal behaviour for a troll.

14 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

In the interest of showcasing a bit of my earlier points: In the Snapzilla I have listed as part of my signature, I have a snapshot I took of a somewhat disused avatar/form change (the clothing being the disused part) at the very bottom of the "Forms" album.

Going by nothing more than said image, what would your reaction be to that showing up at an Adult rated club? Would you treat that feline as being "underage"?

Hard to say without an indication of height but based on the proportions (small head, long torso and limbs) I would say no. That's an adult cat wearing a kid's outfit.

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6 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Man... it's definitely middle of the summer. Look at all the bored people in this thread. 

That is all. Carry on!

This summer has a little extra juice, because of the virus..

I keep forgetting since I got called back earlier than a lot of people, that there are still a lot of people  that haven't really gotten back out yet..

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13 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

wasn't considering "pedo" tendencies...just trying to determine her age as she asked in regards to her head since she was told it was the head itself making her look teen or tween.

As far as real life, yes many of us look younger than our years and even in our 20's we can look teens.  I remember meeting a bf's mother for the first time, she thought I was seventeen!   Seventeen!?  I later in my 20's realized most people thought I looked younger than 20's but I really never gave it too much mind except when meeting "Mom" then it's not cool to get bf's Mom upset but bf's Mom later accepted me as is.  But, that's real life, if needed, we can prove our age. 

But the owner in the scenario of the OP and the one who voiced their concerns here both seemed to be worried about child avatars involved in sexual activites. There was talk about all those pedos coming to the adult places in their child avatars... which is such nonesense. Pedophiles are attracted to pre-puberty bodies. Not to people with the bodies of young women.

My comment was never about how it is in RL (and the trouble about someone being 17 instead of 18 in a relationship of close-aged people is very foreign for me). It was more a rant about how now even a fully grown adult body doesn't seem to be enough to not be considered a child avatar. In SL we just have avatar apperance to judge by. And thats what people should stick to. If an avatar has an adult body, treat that avatar as such. The TOS is concerned with stopping simulated child pornography, it is not about the RL hassle of "is she 17 or 18", because as you said, avatars do not have an age.

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When your name is the one on the line, I would not consider it paranoid to police your property for underage inappropriate game play and take the hard line.  It is smart business.  Any world business.  Why assume any shade of risk?

And on the Genus head the base shape may be the same for many wearing it, but one's face is really detailed by the skin file in how many ways, and in extremes of youth to old. So any statement of a Brand head "always" looking one age or the other makes me wonder if they were just talking to talk and not taking the conversation seriously.  

At any rate, yah, they rule, and best to move on to another area, or like RL set-up your own place and assume risk in your own name :)

Don't let anyone ruin your inworld experience, not for a minute.

Edited by Kyrie Deka
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A lot of Millenial users trend younger with our looks. OP's picture to me, is reading as a woman in her mid-twenties. Someone in an older generation is not going to be as familiar with our fashion trends, and say something like "oh you're in your teens". I get it. Each generation has a different idea of what a teen is.

Take my pic, for example, in my icon (edited: put in another pic for reference). Some people would say I look like a teenager. My avatar is almost six feet tall! She has extra height on her, but she has larger eyes because I like my avatars to be inspired by anime. My husband makes women who look older--which he technically is, himself. We both say the women we make are in their twenties. He's Generation X.

I think this is a cautionary tale about how different generations of users see youth and youth fashion. What colors we wear, how big our eyes are, what our hottest stars are for our age, etc. Look at Instagram for examples of beauty for anyone after Gen X. Google "insta baddie". You'll get the trend: thick lashes, big lips, soft face shape...

...she looks like the girl in OP's picture. She is the picture of the girl of our virtual times.

Keep in mind that there's hot babes for every decade, and that I could care not a bit for how old anyone actually is. This is about cross-generational dialogue. Just some food for thought.


Edited by Aemeth Lysette
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I also think it has something to do with features being overexagerrated in sl in general. Compare to the trend of the thicc look. Compare to the glamazons of ye olde days. 

For what it's worth, OP is on the mild side. Seen much younger looking faces. Personally, there's a line that does make me feel uncomfortable myself, but this isn't such a case. 

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5 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

But the owner in the scenario of the OP and the one who voiced their concerns here both seemed to be worried about child avatars involved in sexual activites. There was talk about all those pedos coming to the adult places in their child avatars... which is such nonesense. Pedophiles are attracted to pre-puberty bodies. Not to people with the bodies of young women.

My comment was never about how it is in RL (and the trouble about someone being 17 instead of 18 in a relationship of close-aged people is very foreign for me). It was more a rant about how now even a fully grown adult body doesn't seem to be enough to not be considered a child avatar. In SL we just have avatar apperance to judge by. And thats what people should stick to. If an avatar has an adult body, treat that avatar as such. The TOS is concerned with stopping simulated child pornography, it is not about the RL hassle of "is she 17 or 18", because as you said, avatars do not have an age.

I always thought "pedos" where after underage minors and especially virgins as they are easily manipulated.  Marilyn Monroe even talked about her own sexual abuse she encountered in a Foster home environment until she was 16 years old.  

As far as the rules of SL and child avatars, some may misunderstand those exact rules, but, personally I don't see any need for child avatars on adult land.  Now moving into teens, that could still make some people uncomfortable and perhaps their guests too.   So, each land owner makes their own call about it.

As far as the OP's avatar, I'd say she is borderline; could be 15, could be 18.  It was still something that made the land owner and their officer uncomfortable.  And, like, someone in this thread said, a land owner can ban someone who has red hair.  

I play a bit of a child-like avatar in that a Dinkie is a cat with human characteristic and a soul, but it's still a tiny cat and they are kind of toddler-like in their little bit of awkward animation.  However, I know where I should and should not go.  We have some tiny sims us tinies can have events at. 

As far as being an "unusual" avatar, it can take a bit of time to see where one fits in.  It's scary to test the waters a bit to see if you will be accepted.  I can tell the OP she would be accepted at Raglan Shire but it's moderate and avi's need no exposed genitalia and usually the humanimals wear clothes.  


Edited by FairreLilette
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38 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I always thought "pedos" where after underage minors and especially virgins as they are easily manipulated.  Marilyn Monroe even talked about her own sexual abuse she encountered in a Foster home environment until she was 16 years old.  

Pedophilia is the attraction to children. The DSM-5 classifies it as the "sustained, focused, and intense pattern of sexual arousal—as manifested by persistent sexual thoughts, fantasies, urges, or behaviours—involving pre-pubertal children." So its not about fetishizing virginity or the desire to manipulate a vulnerable, weaker person. That being said, not all child abuse is done by people, who are pedophiles. Sadly, curelty comes in all shapes.

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2 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I also think it has something to do with features being overexagerrated in sl in general. Compare to the trend of the thicc look. Compare to the glamazons of ye olde days. 

For what it's worth, OP is on the mild side. Seen much younger looking faces. Personally, there's a line that does make me feel uncomfortable myself, but this isn't such a case. 

I agree. The OP's avatar looks fairly borderline to me, I could easily accept her age as being anywhere between 16 and 25. Not so the avatar that turned up at an adult venue I was at a couple of days ago, who looked more like 12 (while claiming in her profile to be 20). Fortunately for her, the place she was at did not have any sex activity or items nearby, and merely being in an adult region, away from such activity/items is still allowed within the TOS. It did make me uncomfortable though, and it makes me wonder about the real reasons for a person with an avatar like that going to adult places.

Skin is one of the major factors in the apparent age of an avatar. My alt Nelya wears the same head as the OP (Genus Strong) but with a very different skin and a much more mature look, even with minimal makeup.



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3 minutes ago, Maitimo said:

I agree. The OP's avatar looks fairly borderline to me, I could easily accept her age as being anywhere between 16 and 25. Not so the avatar that turned up at an adult venue I was at a couple of days ago, who looked more like 12 (while claiming in her profile to be 20). Fortunately for her, the place she was at did not have any sex activity or items nearby, and merely being in an adult region, away from such activity/items is still allowed within the TOS. It did make me uncomfortable though, and it makes me wonder about the real reasons for a person with an avatar like that going to adult places.

Skin is one of the major factors in the apparent age of an avatar. My alt Nelya wears the same head as the OP (Genus Strong) but with a very different skin and a much more mature look, even with minimal makeup.



Skin helps forming the shape of the facial features a lot! Shape shapes them the most, of course. But in the end, they play together in the whole look, and how yound you appear is mainly about proportions. I'd put your alt into the 25-30 range. 

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I got ejected once for my female avie looking too young. Primarily because she is short and skinny, so she gets typecast as underage. I even deal with the issue irl of always being mistaken for a teenager. 😅 But, your avie looks like a grown woman, imo. I have no idea how anyone could possibly think it’s a child? 

And...I mean you got big boobies and have a curvy shape so I dunno what they’re talking about. Seems like nitpicking to me. 

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Well.. you have to admit you wanted to look super young in an adult body, and possibly, show it off here in these forums.  If You took that face, change the hair, and do a more child like body, it wouldn't be weird.

Skin goes a long way.

Either way.. at most you look 18 years old, and not furry at all..

And of course, I agree with most that said it is their sim, they can do whatever.

Edited by Elisaisabel Munro
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So based on this discussion, I've created a new tag for Flickr and blogs called #21challenge. You all should dress your avatars up to look 21, then upload your pics with that tag, and we can see with enough submissions just what everyone thinks someone of age (drinking and legal) looks like. This will probably give everyone a clearer picture of what's going on with consensus. Here's my entry, based on my impression of the e-girl fashion trend.

What does a 21 year old look like to you?



Edited by Aemeth Lysette
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I’m still just not seeing it though. The OP’s avatar looks 25 or older to me? I don’t see the teen avie factor. It’s a shame she got ejected, I think she looks lovely. 💜


Compared to my avie here, I think she looks adult enough to me.


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On 7/15/2020 at 9:34 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

Any thoughts that the original post may be trolling in some way?

It does seem like a viable conclusion.

People usually vanish from their own threads for one of two reasons:

  1. It turns into a flame war and they don't want the drama. That hasn't really happened here.
  2. It was a troll thread, and their point of vanishing is usually right after the initial post or two, and that is when the original poster vanished here...



Did we get clickbaited?


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