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Kyrie Deka

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Everything posted by Kyrie Deka

  1. Anything is happier than this. But the music and presentation is - power! And anything after it seems, well, lightweight.
  2. Its all conjecture of course, but I'm kind of encouraged by the Feedback thing documenting stuff, Last evening I actually received an email with links one-click (and if signed in already in the browser) I could comment or vote like 10 seconds or less!). Wow. Not what I have grown used to. Encouraged, that is all, nothing more... yet. Communication avenues new? That work? That aren't so buried and mired in blocks between here and "comment" that I run out of time? This, at least in this moment, looks different - and maybe even promising. So as related to Tillia/Thunes, perhaps this movement of assets is part of a plan to overall better the place, realigning workgroups/experts to work on stuff that needs work inworld, and less time/expert resources committed to Tillia (which is less needy per se). Blind, I am dreaming, conjecture. But encouraging. Time will tell. And you can bet in 10 years many of us will be here looking back, to see what the changes of early 2024 actually produced.
  3. Amazing. Disappointing! I'd have never expected that. Nothing should be that hard. I know in many things though it seems digital communications are either mired in system-mud and two computers don't talk to each other (still!), or they are soooo mired in s security-mud where unfortunately it keeps the real owner away from their money more so than it seems to keep away the crooks! Nothing should be that burdensome to any customer wanting to hand over funds to an entertainment source. If that article about Thunes has any truth to it beyond rah-rah press release, its possible the cleaning up of those kinds of connections is right up their alley of expertise!
  4. Thinking... I know what that would remind me of... hmmm... and giving up that control, well I hope I don't see it but we just don't know what's in the agreement. Word play in documents - could be anything in it. That might sway things noticeably different for us if whatever determines the rate goes with Tillia ownership or the agreement.
  5. Over the years I've understood that being outside the US is troublesome in this respect. I wouldn't be at all surprised if those issues would begin to ease, if/after they take over that role.
  6. And to be clear, I would never define this as "sky is falling". In my case, the "sky is falling" group to me are very very small and they rarely if ever post of anything positive, always slice-and-dice everything. That seems to me like the way they "role". Its not fruitful for me, but I am only one reader. They have a right to their opinion, but it is an exhaustive read... which admittedly I don't have to read ever. At any rate, this change may be coming. Glad I know about it. It will likely not be as bad as any list of "bads" we can come up with.
  7. Worth quoting! The "I hope..." part is a good plan always, in any world. Eggs all in one basket kinda-thing. Even in the best of times at the best of places. Individual, or entity: Diversify. Cannot be stressed enough. its a long life out there. Multiple streams is essential.
  8. This makes me sad when I see this. When sandboxes are plentiful really. Is it the sandbox and that type of fun they can't find anywhere else? Or is it the somewhat captive audience? I wouldn't know for sure, but I wonder.
  9. Abso-freakin-lutely. Total agreement. What you said: For their own sake. I mean, the most important intelligence may be in knowing oneself fully and getting out of the way of the avalanche they fear is coming.
  10. I will only add this: *If there is any "sheer and utter lack of faith" for SL LL, it has been grown and cultivated a long time by: SL LL. Restated I guess: If customers have/lost faith in an enterprise's ability to _____, it is the result of actions not/taken by enterprise SL LL.
  11. Nuttin new here. This. Yup. Always (and the primary bet). And, along the lines of, "What do you say when you talk to yourself": * I don't run the joint, I remain rooted that my role is *customer*. My control is only where I choose to (continue) dropping an amount of money (amount(s) of which they have complete control to define, whether spending, or being paid). So how many brain cells will I burn off worruh-worruh about this? Well I certainly hope none. * Look at that shiny sparkly thing in the grass - over there *points* - lookee! I wanna go see. The effectiveness of strategy is bedazzling. * Change is uncomfortable. I don't think we can expect changes to occur overall that will benefit us, without some risk that more than a single change will happen and result in a little unknown = discomfort for awhile not knowing where it all settles out. But as we've all lived it for some time now in all lives, we apparently navigated it and today are fine. I certainly hope we are. I am. I will navigate this change. A bit easier for me admittedly, because I have never done payouts. If I chant it will be similar to: I will make good decisions. I will be here - or whatever works with the rest of my good decisions. If I am that stressed, I will diversify my investments of time etc and I will hedge my bets. I don't bet on the sky falling. I definitely don't bet on the sky falling for big corps, SL, or the entity known as Tillia today or any future morphs. Lots of Ifs there like approval, decisions tween now and then, then the five years of using SL to still run the thing while they decide what they want to do with it. But its their thing, not mine. * We can be part of it, or hey, one/more/all of us can "build our own" and be King/Queen. Send me an email when yas do, and I'll take a look. Its gonna be fine. Cos its gotta be.
  12. Until someone else comes along for Firestorm to answer you, my understanding is that there can be a noticeable design difference between some "skins". So while waiting for the experts to answer you, you might try changing skins to see if the favorites bar shows up for you in a different skin. So opening up FS, I will share that I use the StarLight + Mono Teal skin, and my favorites bar shows . I am on the Firestorm beta right now, but I suspect you will see much the same on the full release as I do in terms of skin options. And double check that in Prefs > User Interface > Top Bars tab that you have the "Show Favorites Bar" selected. This location might or might not be in the same location on the full release as the beta I am on. Wishing you fun!
  13. And separately, (2) L$40 for Premium 2048 images, L$10 for PP 2048 images. So I interpreted that to be (until I am set straight): Separate discussion from mirrors. But enabling us to choose to upload at 2048 - so the old 1024 uploads are the same L$10 for Premium and FREE for PP. I am Premium. I didn't hear anyone say "no more 1024" uploads, but I didn't exactly hear that either size upload was at the choice of paying-avi. I will be thrilled to be told I am somewhat in the ballpark there in my understanding. I don't like being charged L$10 per 1024 now, but I understand why and I do it. Yes, I get in to the Beta Grid, but everytime I go there it messes with my inventory and I have to reload cache when I return, and by them I forgot what I just accomplished on beta grid lol. So I presume that option to me will still be available - uploading 1024s at L10 per for Premiums.
  14. I need to pull some time to go back and read more than page 1, but I watched the video in its entirety and two thoughts at that point, subject to learning more which I certainly hope I do so I can plan. (1) Re-Age-Verification coming soon. Listen, I can prove I got no issue with Age Verification - full-on -- I did it when they had it before. True, I suspect they hired a vendor to do it, and though at the time I hesitated, I did it anyway. And I certainly am not gettin any younger. Skip to today: I have a RL management of data-storage and where/minimals rule I live by, and there's a reason I have that RL rule: Fewer "vendors" of any kind that store my stuff, especially OFFICIAL stuff (like the kind you get US Passports with) is stored with, the better. I don't just go shootin out my DL to any ole anything that asks me for it. But back then I did it because I honestly wanted as-much "confidence" as possible that I was not ever gonna be standing next to a minor-user-avatar. Period. Never. Anywhere. IE Purchase property on an Adult sim, that was the highest confidence I could ever have really. So I Age-Verified. And they were somethin that vendor or whoever - I had to resend several times. Each time I sent, there she goes across several internet speedways again - interception possible. But I sent it, and I was happy I did. I am not gonna be too keen, if I have to age-verify again = share and store on x# VENDOR sites again, my official ID, when I have already verified for this very site, and no one UN-AGES years later from adult to minor. One verify, should be enough, and if they trusted that vendor back then to say yes/no over 21, then it should still apply to me. Else, more risk to me - in the RL realm, impacting my RL management rules. So I will be hoping that Age-Verification, if already gone through the process, will use that same "already verified" process, to qualify folks, without them having them send something to some new vendor again. Not to keen on that one at all if not. Focusing on the entertainment factor, it rains on my value of coming here, if I have to age-verify again. I want Age-Verify. Great news! But let's figure out a way to not conflict with my RL best practices and burdening me with just one (or more database) storage risk. This isn't a complaint. Its asking what if any affect, prior Age Verification here will have on future Age-Verification requirements. I will be thrilled if it auto-qualifies (as it very well should).
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