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Sukubia Scarmon

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Sukubia Scarmon last won the day on August 3 2018

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    Wants to marry Syo's malt

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  1. Another thing to consider: judging by the highlight on the body, it seems the body has a it of environmental shine on - that does darken the object a little (if you put environmental all the way up to 100, it's a dark silver) I don't now by how much, but I'd try disabling the shine on the body, and see if the v then matches better.
  2. I checked Truth and Wasabi - they came to my mind first, and even after checking my mind is stuck on those. I did also check for Runaway, Doe, Ayashi and Mina, but nothing. Kinda irks me, because I, too, KNOW this hair and have seen it somewhere.
  3. There's also the Zyclon B. Yeah, I'm pretty disgusted. Look, I am all for freedom in what people roleplay, but there's always a line. This is one of them.
  4. Der Unterschied liegt in der UV-map die benutzt wird, quasi das "Grundgerüst" der Skin. Der "Evo"-Modus nutzt die SL-UV, also das Grundgerüst auf dem alle älteren Skins aufbauen. Andere Köpfe, von Catwa und Genus z.B nutzen die SLUV. "EvoX"-Modus nutzt die von Lelutka erdachte UV, die dem Gesicht mehr Raum auf der Textur gibt - daher sehen die Texturen im EvoX-Modus schärfer aus. Wenn du im Hud EvoX einstellst, und einen feinen Stirnmund bekommst, dann liegt das vermutlich daran, das du eine BOM-Skin nutzt, die auf der SL-UV basiert. Für den EvoX-Modus MUSS es eine Evox Skin sein, die (soweit ich weiß) nur mit Lelutka Evox-Köpfen funktionieren.
  5. "No thank you, Halloween is still a couple months away."
  6. Great idea with the wall, I'll do that as well. But for now, I'm so happy I can wear long hairs with my fancy garnments, without having to shove the hairs into the back and hope nobody looks at my back, lol.
  7. You're right! I was actually looking at the side, so perspective wise it was lashes above hairs. From the front, the lashes don't glitch with the hairs underneat it. (The hair is Elias from Sintiklia)
  8. I was on 6.5.x, so yeah, updated that now - and interestingly, when I started the updated version up, it told me it made some changes to my graphical settings due to changes in the subrendering-systems - might be those changes! Logged in, first test was successfull - if I add the top last, it does not glitch anymore! But the lashes from my head still do clash with the hair - said had has a alpha-masked root prim, which I cannot change, so I might have to wait until that gets changed - does lelutka do updates? Kinda new to them.
  9. Took a good nap, and tried again! You did not make a mistake with the order, because that's how understood it the first time: Transparent Rootprim > Nontransparent/Alphamasked Rootprim. And yeah, both the hair and the top are rigged items, and both are mod. The top does have a root prim, but neither making it solid nor making it transparent will make a difference. The only time the hair will not glitch with the top is when I put the hair on last - but that makes no difference with my head, who's on the jaw-attach point (And thus should have the lowest priority of the tree items) I'm actually super convinced it gotta do something with the viewer, I mean, that's where the graphical information is processed, no? Which also opens up the question, is that for LL viewer only so far - becaue I use firestorm, they may or may not have implemented that yet if it's a client side thing.
  10. I'm gonna have to test that out more in depth - I just went online real quick to see if it works in general - Put the alpha-hair on the skull, the transparent top on the spine - and.. nope. It kinda did work when I put on the top first, then the hair. Since the hair was mod, I made the root prim transparent - so technically it should have worked with the lashes from my head, but it did not. And when I saved the outfit, put everything off, and wear it again, the hair also glitched with the top again. Uh.. maybe I should update my viewer or something, since it said LL changed that recently? That may be a reason.
  11. I don't often run into people on voice, mostly it's on some half empty shopping event. Personally I don't mind, I can tune that out if I want to, or just mute the voice if it's just someone blasting their current taste in music or gardening-equipment - or showing the world that they're propably not going to get that parent of the year mug. While I do voice, and am not oppossed to it, I rarely do so on SL because for some reason, SL hates me and/or my microphone - so I do my talking on discord instead. Took me a huge jump over my shadow to voice tho, since I never really TALKED in english. And while my pronouncing is still crap, and I often times have trouble understanding someone if they're talking too quick/qiuet/accent-y, I got better at that and got a little more confident about it, heh.
  12. I hope I understood that correctly - So where I put my stuff matters, but if the rootprim has no transparency, it's pretty much not going to work either way? Most of the newer hairs, especially the alpha style hairs, are no mod, so... yeah. Same with heads - my eyelashes tend to take out literal chunks outta any hair I wear, there's few hairs where there's no conflict happening - I'm gonna do some testing and see what happens. I do have a few rare hairs that are alpha style AND mod, and god knows how many semi-transparent tops and dresses. Either way - thanks for bringing this to my attention! The mdoe people know, the better, and maybe some hair and clothing creators will change either the modrights (LET ME DREAM) or put some transparency in their logoprims.
  13. Bulling online and bullying in RL does have vastly different dynamics from my experiences. What works for one does not nessesarily work for the other. It's even a different matter depending on age and environment. Apples and oranges, basically. However, if people don't WANT to understand that, there's no amount of arguments going to change that.
  14. And take the opportunity away from them to see how good I look? Hell naw! That's cruel and unusual punishment.
  15. I do agree that there is no, and can't be, a one-size firts all solution, at least not one that makes everyone equally happy. I do think block is the best solution so far - AR, I'd assume, would only work in cases where the offending party would do something that is a banable offence - it'd be utterly useless in just conflicts between people. Taking to others is good, tho. Personally I'd not do that, since I pretty much don't care about my social standing, or my reputation. In Germany, we do have a saying for that. "Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert!" - losely "If you're reputation is ruined, you can do what you want because you do not have to worry about that anymore". What I do care about, is whether or not the people I care about believe it when someone goes around to talk badly about me due to a conflict with me. I'll be disapointed in those who do, and move on from them as well. Can't damage me if I don't give them that power over me.
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