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Elisaisabel Munro

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  1. Si pusieras la respuesta acá muchos podrían acceder a la información.....
  2. My main avatar has he classic head. I started SL in 2007 so my old head stayed the same. No chance any $$mesh head would look like that. And my avatar looks awesome. But I had to buy Maitreya because yes, 99% of stores has clothes for that brand...
  3. The thing is, someone spammed a group chat selling a gacha hair outside official channels. Then that person wrote me a personal message with same copy pasted info. All I could find about it was disturbing the peace / repetitive spam (since was spamming the group chat + myself and probably many groups and residents) but nothing about selling outside marketplace or inworld. It could very well be fraud but when i read about it, it really didn't apply.. Not so long ago someone was complaining because was scammed that way. Those are new to the game and unless we oldies are aware of this scammers (I assumed it was) and report or leave a message in any group chat that are doing this, people are going to have a really bad time on the game...
  4. This could have happened on Black dragon because I was playing with that viewer, but I guess It could be true with it too
  5. Well, that's the first thing one can think of regarding this issue.. No matter how many times, the password didn't get trough
  6. Oh, interesting.. So it could be that I was logged out because a failure in my internet, and than what you said.. Never happened to me before.. I thought It was a hacking attempt 😅 But it was kind of weird that I couldn't use my password anywhere...
  7. Well I was in Black Dragon in the middle of a hunt.. Looked away for a minute and I was disconnected. Happens sometimes, no bid deal.. Closed the viewer but when I tried to connect again and was weird because it said that my password and or name were incorrect... Then I tried on Firestorm and i got this message: All my accounts were erased (as you see it says: "username" instead of the last avatar used. So I freak out.. Went to log in here and couldn't.. I tried another account and I could. So then I tried to change my password and now it's all good, I could log in successfully.. but the question remains: wtf happened?? (since I can't understand that message, maybe because I'm in paranoid mode)
  8. Hello, thank you for your response.. I was looking for fairy AO or just one stand That's something I didn't thought about!, I'll try! Thank you!
  9. Oh, yes, that could be, just one pose will do.. I'll check that out.. Thank you
  10. Hi! I was looking, as the title say: a non static fairy stand. I really need something CHEAP or freebie/dollarbie because it is for a couple of hours, I actually don't play as a fairy, and since I hardly have lindens, I don't want to invest much in it.. (like 10 lindens is too much) I have got around 10 stands, but they are static, so my avie looks like a robot changing from one to another using the built in AO from Firestorm. At the marketplace there is no AO or stand as I'm looking for. Any fairies around that can do some magic with information? Thank you.
  11. No, it is not. Everyone wants your money. Most people making stuff, even tho they have many fans and expensive stuff, they aren't professionals, so, what do you get out of that: You feel you are the problem. It is not that stuff is difficult to understand, you think it is you. High complexity, but if you aren't interested in this, you go for the pretty and then wonder why nobody can see you or things are laggy, and lag everyone else, even at events. Deficient objects that worth a lot but are broken, like an expensive head I got long ago: incredibly beautiful but, even tho it is bento, it has their animations wrong, among other things, and still has, because the creator decided to not make heads anymore. Some still didn't get the animation thing, or don't care. You think because everyone buy mesh heads you must too. You think because everyone buy that specific mesh head, you have to (why not? a lot of flies can't be wrong if they are flying around sh*t) Don't be one more fly. You might enter in the vicious capitalist circle where SL turns into a virtual shopping mall for your avatar without realizing it. You loose a lot of your time because you need to learn anew everytime you buy something, almost take a course, read forums, watch videos, read blogs, ask questions and wait for somebody to answer it. Maybe somebody will. Or maybe the head is faulty in the first place and they wont tell you.. they will be beating around the bush with an answer.. until enough info, you got the idea (if you are lucky, maybe you get nothing from the creator) You spent a lot of money for a mesh head/body and realize some of the sliders are off. You can´t achieve the look you want. That's because I still have my default head for my main avie and I love it. The others doesn't have what you say about "established, unique, appearances which had become synonymous with our individual characters" If you buy a mesh head you will look like the other like you have lost a twin sibling and think you recognized him/her walking past you. That is true to default heads, but I didn't had to pay anything for it, and have all the sliders activated. Don't get me started about the appliers.. Thank god BOM is here. Ignorant and stupid people will think you are awful because you still got a default body, or just the head. That is not savvy, that's ignorant and snob. And you realize NOTHING is standard anymore, people think they have the ultimate idea to make an item, a HUD, and LL doesn't care because they can't do a system avatar with low complexity and beautiful (I was lucky enough to get Ariadna from Kalhene, and I must say, it is the best free avie.. until somebody didn't like that) You start the game and make an account, and think "those are two beautiful avatars on the poster!" but then you realize you are a polygon mess and your feet melt in the ground, nothing like in the picture!, so why don't LL make an avie like Ariadna and let that and a couple more shapes be the standard? Ask LL. Or empty your credit card trying to "look awesome". And of course, if you badmouth (aka: say what you know feel and learn) about these faults, you are a bad person because you can't talk badly about "creators"
  12. Well.. you have to admit you wanted to look super young in an adult body, and possibly, show it off here in these forums. If You took that face, change the hair, and do a more child like body, it wouldn't be weird. Skin goes a long way. Either way.. at most you look 18 years old, and not furry at all.. And of course, I agree with most that said it is their sim, they can do whatever.
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