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Drake1 Nightfire

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Drake1 Nightfire last won the day on August 10 2018

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    People like grapes.

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  1. Not really. It just tells me that LL doesn't care, per usual. I notice you didn't say you were licensed though.
  2. I really wonder why this is tolerated by LL but a shirt with a certain mouse gets removed... Copyright protection is copyright protection. I highly doubt the person playing the music is licensed to do so. I have looked into it as I was a dj, it costs thousands of USD to do so. You would never recoup your investment. Which is why I refuse to support these "tribute" shows.
  3. I have been here for over 17 years. What did you do to get this kind of attention? I have never had griefers constantly harassing me. Nevermind, I just looked at your profile.. You have a blocked list pick and a pick slamming a community.. That would be why you are getting harassed. Every time I read one of these rants they ALWAYS have a pick or three ranting about people or sims that have "done them wrong." You picked a fight with a group. Now you are experiencing the fallout.
  4. RL, I worked with my dad at his fathers auto repair shop until my grandad passed away. Now I am a stay at home dad caring for a disabled wife and one of my two daughters as well. None of that helps SL, although in most groups I join I become the dad of the group.
  5. Personally I prefer a woman with experience.. If she can smoke brisket properly she's a keeper. Someone once said back in the day of my youth, You have a face for radio. I didn't really get it as a kid until I met some of my favorite DJs at a free concert the station was doing.. So, what you are saying is the old stereotype that the Southern US accent equates to lack of intelligence. As someone who has been told by nearly everyone he has met that I sound like Peter Griffin, I get that our voices and accents have a lot to do with how people perceive us. But to lose attraction over it is... odd, in my opinion. They are the same person they were before you voiced.
  6. How in the name of Phillip Linden do y'all that have been here for a decade have such small inventories?!?!
  7. Three years is a dead post... It even warns you about it.
  8. Tatts are probably the only thing that 2048 would be actually good for. Some creators make jewelry with such big textures that do nothing to improve the piece. All I can picture is someone walking around with rings on their fingers, necklaces, ear rings and hair gems all in 2048, lagging everyone around them. Some house makers use 1024s on door knobs, nail heads and other tiny items. People need to realize if we dont optimize items when we make them, the lag will soon overwhelm us.
  9. I was waiting for a Linden to pop on here and defend this by saying "BBUT it's for YOUR protection!" and I wasn't disappointed. The ToS says to do it at our own risk, now we are being told we cant do it in any way shape or form except if you are on the super secret list of merchants that have sacrificed small children to LL to be exempt from the rules. I dont trust anyone that says they are doing something for my own good.
  10. Not only them but Meli Imako has a staff of mesh creators of over 40 now that all access their MP store to add listings. Its pathetic how LL has always targeted some merchants to enforce their rules and not others. You have my 100% support.
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