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Preferred Mesh Body to Use?

Fanta UwU

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I'd like to get everyone's opinions, as a designer, what mesh body they use and prefer


What I have currently in my Dev Kit Files is..

- Maitreya

- Slink (HG, Physique, and Male)

- Signature (Gianni and Alice)

- Belleza (All four aka Freya, Venus, Isis, Jake)


Can start looking for..

- Tonic 

- Ebody

- Yetement's BBL

- Kemono


I KNOW there is a survey out there saying popular bodies and heads. But it's 2020, there are other bodies now. Alice had a major update, and out came Legacy (which I, unfortunately, do not have the Dev kit for...). BBL has come out as well. There is also the fact that fashion trends change in mesh bodies and mesh heads. This is to determine which I should start out at as a beginning creator. 

My personal taste is Legacy, Slink (HG) and Belleza (my most likely unpopular opinion about Maitreya will probably get me some haters! xD But I absolutely despise Maitreya! Not for rigging but because of the darn structure of the body and the lack of updates! But mostly the structure of it annoys me! Hence why I have it [was my first] but I never use it anymore... even though for some of my clothing I have to! It's annoying to be forced to wear the body at times simply because an outfit fits my character! Anyways, rant done. My apologies.) as I absolutely love them. Belleza is a PAIN to rig for other bodies however due to its A-Pose rigging but I still love the look and feel and how the sliders work! ❤️

Anyways, lemme know what you prefer to use in mesh bodies! I would like to know for the future of my store and the branding of it once I'm able to get clothing up more often~

Edited by Muiregwen
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I have been pretty loyal to Maitreya since it was first released.  I also own Legacy and while I do like it a lot - I stuck with Maitreya due to the ease of finding clothing options.

(I do also believe Onyx has teased an update recently, re: your comment about lack of updates.)

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I use Maitreya mostly out of convenience but I really like the Belleza venus and Isis bodies . I tried Alice and really liked it but  I don't want to spend my lindens on a body right now and there isn't alot of support for it so I'm holding off .

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My main avatar (this one) is Maitreya Lara. It's still my favourite, and everybody designs for it (some designers are exclusively Maitreya).

But my alt Coupon Clip has a Belleza Freya body and I like that one too. You can get a much curvier figure if that's what you're after:

Coupon Clip at 1969 Bar 6 6 Oct 2019.png

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What's current thinking on male mesh avatars? An RP sim I sometimes visit is requiring mesh avis now. I like my classic avatar.


What can I get in mesh that's reasonably close to this, is compatible with enough clothing, and isn't insanely complex?

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2 hours ago, animats said:

What's current thinking on male mesh avatars? An RP sim I sometimes visit is requiring mesh avis now. I like my classic avatar.


What can I get in mesh that's reasonably close to this, is compatible with enough clothing, and isn't insanely complex?

You might wanna put in a new thread and get opinions there as this is a whole different topic from what I was asking. ^^ This is about preferred mesh bodies so I can get better ideas (though I wish the whole Maitreya thing wasn’t just about the massive amounts of clothing for it... personally makes me design more clothing that aren’t for Maitreya.). Anyways. Please put this in a new thread and thank you!

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Slink physique or hourglass, the latter more often. Mostly because they're beautiful enough while not excessively laggy.

I do own the Freya and Maitreya but until they get updated to remove onion layers they sit in my closet like some kind of ghoulish trophies.

Edited by Cinos Field
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Signature Alice, I've been using alot.  I've used Maitreya and both of Physique and Hourglass and occasionally Belleza freya and isis . I've enjoyed the look and sculpt of Signature's alice. I've tried Legacy but was never completly happy with it but others like it so that's fantastic. Personal choice and options are good to have. So I've taken the plunge into mixing and matching hourglass and maitreya clothes with the Signature Alice body. So far things are coming together. Still a work in progress that eventually I'll finish :). 

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There are some really nice bodies out there, they just aren’t as supported, which is a shame, because the demand is there!

I have them all. I mainly use Freya, though I think Isis is very nice too, it just isn’t as supported. It’s well supported, but every once in a while...you run into a Maitreya exclusive or a Maitreya/Hourglass Maitreya/Legacy combo, which is annoying.

Slink is a nice body. It’s doing everything right. First to adopt BoM, lower poly. Support is just about as good as Freya. If there was no Freya, I’d probably wear that most of the time.

Ebody is also very nice, the clothes that are available are templates or on the janky side. There is definitely a market there.

Legacy is a very nice body. I don’t have that one. I’m surprised it got as much support as it got so fast, given their history. Due to their history, I just won’t buy it though.

Maitreya....I’m with you on that one. It just doesn’t do it for me. Not going to trash them, I just don’t like the aesthetics. I don’t switch when I see a exclusive outfit I want. I know that’s a thing for some people. I just keep on walking.

Alice is an excellent body. It’s BoM. I really like the shape and aesthetics. Had it come out a couple months before Legacy, it probably would’ve been the “it” body. I want to wear it, it just doesn’t get any support, which is a shame.


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my main has Maitreya for the usual reasons (cheapest widely-supported body at the time, market leader, etc.) but the alts wear all sorts. this account's in Avatar 2.0 because i wanted an anime look but disliked the wide hips on the Kemono, i have another with Tonic Fine, and another who switches around between Sahara and RuthToo. my current favourite is Tonic because it seems more actively maintained than Maitreya, it has native Omega support and it doesn't have a huge butt, but it still doesn't get enough love from creators so yeah, if you could support Tonic that would be great.

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I use Maitreya, even though there are some things about it that I dislike (like shoulders made of extruded plasticine), but there are a number of reasons why I stick with it and won't change until someone creates a new body that suits me better.

First, there are the two mods I wouldn't be without; the V-Tech flat chest and the other one to do my missing arm. Both of these mods are Maitreya-only.

Second, the general shape of the body being on the slimmer side, I can approximate a slender male shape with it, which is much harder with most other female bodies. 

Third is the availability of clothing, though I see that this is slowly changing and support for other bodies seems to be picking up.

I don't use a male body often any more but when I do, it's always Geralt.

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I have many mesh bodies. I like many use maitreya a lot for convenience. I like Freya and Hourlgass as well with a slight nod towards freya. They also get a lot of support. I would love to see more support for tonic fine though it's a bit of a niche body. I don't use is, physique or Venus much primarily because of accessibility of stuff. But I own them all. I don't have nor will I likely get Legacy. I am considering Alice.

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The Belleza bodies are my absolute fav so far.

I was a Maitreya fan for a while cause of clothes options, mostly.

Legacy I think is a pretty body, but I have my issues against it.

Freya, however, is the body I keep going back to because of how it shapes and moves. It is my absolute fav of all bodies.

And a good bit of designers have started to pick this body up some when they use to be exclusives to Maitreya or Maitreya and Slink.

Plus, I like the option to have two seperate arm tats. Tho I think all the female major bodies do give that option but Maitreya?

As an SL photographer and sometimes-RPer,  I prefer Venus and Isis bodies for when i want to use a slimmer shape than my normal, pudgy ish shape, but typically I default to Maitreya or Legacy for that cause of clothes options.

Edited by momomoonusagi
Too early to be typing things. ><
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