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Psychology of de-rendering

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I didn't used to derender objects or avis, but recently I've taken to doing so (especially in crowded or laggy areas). It's typically never permanent, save for when it's a troll/griefer. I think for some it's definitely a personal preference, others (like me) might not have a juiced enough PC to render everything that's going on.

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7 hours ago, Morena Tully said:

I tend to really overthink things. I always want to know what's at the root of everything, and why certain things are looked at in different ways by people.

With de-rendering, some people will happily have their viewer to set show friends only, and click click away, de-rendering objects they don't like. I feel so odd if I do this. Even if people and things make my fps drop to 2.5, I want to see what's around me! If I erase parts of SL it feels like a malfunction. I know things and people are there, they're just ghosts, and I feel "off"

Do others feel like this? And what basic factor in people do you think causes the difference? Is it immersion? Is it a "my world, my way" thing, rather than accepting all the speed bumps and imperfections at face value? I also wonder if people who erase parts also are the same ones who always use their own windlights. I feel like that's connected.

Just curious what others think.

The psychology of de-rendering in my opinion is "live and let live."  It's a way of co-existing without demanding someone else change something for your benefit.  

De-rendering is peace-keeping at the worst of times, not having to get into a fight with the neighbours over unruly objects; it's also magnificently improving the horizon at the best of times, extending the water out to the sunset for miles and peaceful miles.

I wouldn't go to an art show and de-render the art. I wouldn't go to a shopping event and de-render the vendors.  But on my parcels, if there's an eyesore nearby and I want to enjoy just a serene feeling of water and sun and nobody else in the world, yeah baby de-render the whole region!  It feels like your own private universe for a sliver of a fraction of the cost 👍

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1 hour ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

How do you know the thing you derendered isn't sneaking up on you?

I'm not afraid of the things I derender, they are just in the way. So I don't really care what they do, they can sneak all  they like it's not an issue for me.

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I never derender individual avatars because they bother me, but occasionally in very crowded, laggy events I will turn off all avatars so I can see better.

Some of the land I own is in areas that have a lot of rental properties surrounding them, and sometimes my neighbours have very questionable taste so I derender the things I don't like. I wonder how many people derender my stuff, thinking I have bad taste? I did have a neighbour a while back harass me for ages over a build of mine, she felt it didn't fit in with her country cottage, refused my suggestion to just derender it even though she was a Firestorm user herself. She became quite hysterical, told me I was ruining her life.


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I use 'Show Friends Only' at large events all the time. 

If I'm taking pictures, I'll sometimes derender things that are interfering with the shot angle I want and/or sometimes set the Show Friends Only again. 

If I'm setting up stuff outside my Linden Home, I will sometimes derender the large trees so that I can pan back and see if the LOD of an item is holding up.

When shopping, I'll sometimes try to pan back to check the LOD of an item and will end up derender items that get in the way of that.

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On this one sim the owner likes to use ugly rock walls to divide the parcels. Many of us has de-rendered those things. Before I moved my club off that island, the owner actually plopped a wall between my club and a neighbor's parcel. I ended up returning the ugly thing to her and said me and the neighbor traveled back and forth a lot between the parcels.

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I pretty shamelessly de-render "eyesore" builds on the Mainland. When you have random neighbors whose design style is "Road Warrior/Prison Restroom Gacha + Pelicans", de-rendering is a polite way to live beside that....creation.... and still have your property photo-ready.

Derendering lets everyone do their thing without getting triggered into waving a broom at them across the property line and screaming "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS?"

Everyone gets to live as they like; peacefully.

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I guess I'm not good at the out of sight, out of mind thing. On mainland, I always looked for parcels that were in a seemingly nice area, then a month later someone new would move in with a lot of stuff that made me wince, and I would sell and move, or just go rent somewhere that had a covenant. I'd never complain to any neighbor, they shouldn't have to cater to anyone. But if I de-rendered, say, a skybox someone decided to live in on the ground, it bothered me more than just looking at it, knowing now it was hiding. I'm so weird.

But with de-rendering people, it gets interesting. I've concluded that avatars you don't know on a personal level have the same effect on us as cars. Car in your way, or person driving a car in your way? Some see the person, some see the car. How we view them is how we react. Hmmmm!!

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I guess maybe it's derendering of a sort- I go into the viewer and shut off ban lines.    And I don't have my own computer I have to borrow my son's gaming computer and it's pretty beefy, but I still sit there and watch my frame rates and with his I can get up into the 200s most days at 32m. (This obsession was born from my computer that finally did die last winner- I was lucky to get into the teens on my frame rates on the same settings).

If something's going on where I live and it starts dropping I'll go and to the advanced menu and I'll shut off the sky.  If it's still not up to where I want it to be I'll turn the water off as well.  But typically when I go out shopping I will click show friends only, and I'll have the sky shut off and I'll also strip down to my alpha.  

But about derendering people's  objects near my home- yeah that's what it's there for.  Or if something is just annoying (neon pink Palm trees that glow) or seems to cause problems with my viewer, *click* and it's gone.

Edited by Pixie Kobichenko
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16 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

Though I will derender the sky at my mainland parcels like a psycho.

I LOL-ed at this. I have literally spent hours derendering and black listing stuff that people built between my place and the ocean\sunset view. Every stick of furniture and object so now I have a nice clear view.

I have a large spot and build there and most likely annoy my neighbors with all my messes and horses so I hope they know about derendering! 

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I've never derendered anything. I prefer the cluttered splendour which is SL.

I use my my own Windlight for photo shoots, otherwise I'm lazy and usually set at sunrise/sunset/midnight from the world menu. Occasionally I might use the quick Windlight button bottom right. 

There's been an odd griefer I wish I could have derendered, but they never hang around long enough. For that I want a disintegration ray gun.

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I used to hit the "Show Friends Only" button when shopping, with all the problems that come with that. These days I have a graphics preset for shopping/busy venues that only shows 5 non-imposter avatars, along with turning off advanced lighting and a few other performance tweaks. It does a better job than simply derendering people, and avoids any issues related to that.

When taking a photo I'll temporarily derender all sorts; walls, decor, people, lights, anything. But that's for one specific purpose, to curate my surroundings for a single photo, and the derendering is undone automatically when I relog.

Aside from that... I don't really derender anything. Nor do I block people, if possible. Hiding something from my view does not make it disappear; and creating false empty spaces around me is not something I consider a benefit long term. It would take a lot for me to give up the ability to see and hear what goes on around me.

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I looked out of the front window of my house, over the five or six parcels between our beautiful low LOD small texture few script place and the sea.  And discovered someone had blocked the view three parcels away with a 64m high photographic box that they now hide in.  It is so hideously ugly and offensive, I cannot imagine why the TOS don't allow a complaint about it, but apparently if LL are getting paid they don't care.

So I de-rendered it and all their works, found the owners name and banned them.

So perish all that do such offensive things.  Don't get even, de-render, block and ban.

Edited by anna2358
small addition
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17 minutes ago, anna2358 said:

It is so hideously ugly and offensive, I cannot imagine why the TOS don't allow a complaint about it, but apparently if LL are getting paid they don't care.

Thats why i like to rent my parcels on private sims/homesteads. A lot of them have rules like "Skyboxes have to be at 1000 meters minimum", or a even more strict "only tropical themes allowed".
A 64 meter box on sea level would be kicked out by the landlord even faster than the idiot neighbor is able to rez it.

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3 hours ago, PurpleSnow Huntress said:

I LOL-ed at this. I have literally spent hours derendering and black listing stuff that people built between my place and the ocean\sunset view. Every stick of furniture and object so now I have a nice clear view.

I have a large spot and build there and most likely annoy my neighbors with all my messes and horses so I hope they know about derendering! 

The one feature every viewer is missing is the ability to derender, save that derender information [into an inventory object], and share that with other people so they can "apply" the same derenders to their viewers.

Edited by Alyona Su
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2 hours ago, PurpleSnow Huntress said:

I have literally spent hours derendering and black listing  ................Every stick of furniture and object

/me whipers softly .... you can select a whole bunch of items with the select function in the build tool...saves a lot of time :)

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I do use 'show Friends only' when I go to shopping events because I want the VENDORS to rez and not the 1024 gem in some bit of jewelry worn by some lady halfway across the sim.

As for objects, I haven't derendered anything permamently, just long enough to get it out of the way of something I wanna click.

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I have derendered people and things temporarily in the past. I've never permanently derendered though. I find it strange knowing there are invisible things in the SL world. In the real world we have no equivalent. Perhaps this is another form of uncanny valley that we recognize shouldn't be possible.

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