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Raspberry Crystal

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    Neurodivergent Oldie

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  1. Gacha items have always had little appeal to me, and as I would baulk at trying to resell the duds in any case, then no transfer makes very little difference. However, the good thing from my point of view is the potential for less clutter on the marketplace if excess items can't be resold. I wish we could also have a new linden rule that prevents sellers from listing their every different colour of the same shirt separately, but that is probably wishing for the moon.
  2. Ewww. For some reason I was reminded of a very keen german newbie who turned up to a shop opening (must have been the green dots he was attracted to). He wanted to know where all the feet were. I imagine he was eventually disappointed. I think this whole promote the adult side has the possibility of turning into a cringe fest with disillusioned noobs embedded into that.
  3. Zindra is somewhat ugly as it stands at the moment and the land scalping doesn't help at all. If there were Linden Homes connected to the adult areas it could disrupt some of the worst practices and maybe make the continent feel somewhat less like a forgotten afterthought.
  4. If this is the case I wonder why the build squares need to be different? Are they adding suggestive statues to the public areas?
  5. I have never really understood the timeline of the naming system and how it was changed to 'resident', and what the logic was of doing that. I picked out a few character alts in early days and liked all their names. In fact thinking about this has made me wonder if I could dig up Ducky Bigboots, photography prop, avatar guinea pig and stooge extraordinaire. I loved her name, if not her personality, which was sadly lacking due to neglect. The old naming system was part of the personality of second life, and current naming, and display names seem to have gone a bit spECIal chaRACter asterisk, whereas new second names = three dollar signs cASh gRAb, *cough*.
  6. The biggest upgrade that a new life sim game could offer would be a more sophisticated relationship system where the characters react appropriately to each other and situations in complex ways that lead to depth and involvement in the ongoing story creation. To be able to create 'sims' who have quite different personalities to each other. To have a virtual population who remember events, and use that memory to inform future actions. I know some people will be happy with upgraded looks alone, but even they need to be suspicious of Krafton's unwillingness to share their financial strategy. I tend to think that Paralives, even though it seems a bit tame, might be a more straightforward choice for players who just want to play 'sims', especially those with cheaper hardware. Anyway, let's see where we are in a year of two's time, and I actually do hope that my pessimism is unwarranted. If however, the point of the thread is that SL's character creation is somewhat dated and could do with improvement, well ok, I's listen to that. Don't know what I would do about it for all the reasons stated, but hey SL trucks on regardless somehow, despite the doomsayers.
  7. Maybe I have been a bit bruised by life simulation games lately, but it occurs to me that InZoi are heavily promoting their character creator because their actual game isn't going to turn out that interesting. It doesn't look *that* hard to make a character creator, it is making it fit with everything else and seem fun to use which is the issue.
  8. Inzoi is a life simulator, so a different category of game, but there are some commonalities. However, the Inzoi maps are not a bad size for a game, but extremely tiny compared to the second life terrain, even leaving out all the detached private sims. Maybe that wouldn't matter to some people, those who normally stay home in SL with their draw distance down, and mostly focus on dressing their homes and avatars? I don't think it will affect SL very much at all. It might, if it actually works as promised and isn't turned into 'death by micro-transaction' put a small dent in in EA's the sims. However, there's a significant sub-section of sims players who wouldn't be able to run inzoi on their systems in any case.
  9. The last few months I have been trying a selection of MMORPGs and the thing that struck me is how closely the subscription prices match each other, and also match the charge for premium here in SL. So however much we pick apart the differences between these type of games or pastimes, there's somebody in each of the software companies who thinks the service provided is directly competing with all the other online (social) virtual worlds out there. It has also been interesting to compare the housing provided in many different MMOs , and to notice how the economic models have been shifted towards providing this facility, and also the high demand levels for a little home in an escape from reality environment. Personally, I am really happy attempting to build a home base on a lovely planet in No Man's Sky, and that online game doesn't match anyone else's financial models at all.
  10. Whenever this has happened to me it has nearly always been connected with a houseboat, and it leads to a lot of running around on the sea bed checking about land to see where the property actually is.
  11. I think the grinch had bad press, it's hard to think of a fictional character who isn't 'converted to the magic of christmas'. I am sorry that there are people who only get to see relatives at holiday times, and I do understand that this alone would make the season worth looking forward to. However if,like me, you have much nicer, less stressful, family gatherings year round then that really isn't a factor. If i could vote for Christmas being cancelled I would, and I am pretty sure there would be a considerable number of people who would join me.
  12. The first word associated with Christmas for me is STRESS. All the other holidays can be mostly ignored, but Christmas is imposed on everyone, in the UK at least, and takes more energy to avoid than tolerate. I really resent it when that attitude creeps into SL as well, especially those virtual neighbours who decorate their homes festively and then are never seen again and leave their awful snow belching monstosities for the 'benefit' of the surrounding citizens.
  13. Some users are reporting quite a lot of lag using this tool though, and the game is as yet unproven in that respect, so I think it is wait and see time. I spent a bit longer than ten minutes.
  14. I have always thought small talk was a neurotypical system used for maintaining hierachies and reducing conflict, kind of like grooming in a non-creepy ape family thing. All that 'is it ok if I talk to you now?, I know you are my boss, or cower underling, or greetings equal. unknown status assess , assess danger.." I mean there's nothing wrong with it, better than poking everyone with a stick to see how they react, but really quite weird to observe, especially when the system gets disrupted. Politeness is another thing, connected with caring and respect and genuine feelings.
  15. We had a bit of halloween over here (in the uk) for a while, but people got bored with it.
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