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1. SL isn't dying, it only found it's real audience. The loyal audience. They're all that matter anyway.

2. Sometimes I wish SL would just go offline one day, never to return.Kinda go the way of Tupperware (showing my RL age now)....just so I could be forced to get back to RL and stay there, like I should.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, ive been on since 2006, and ive been around to too many sims to count, but imma get down to brass tacks: Second Life WILL NOT die. Lemme explain why, Do you know how many people upload mesh, sounds, textures a day? That alone funds LL just fine, so it will not die from lack of funding. HOWEVER, SL's game engine itself is, well "wrong", just not right. Need proof? Play Crysis 3 or any other game from 2010 on, then try SL, notice that SL has "okay" graphix compared to the other game? but is somehow SLOWER... Like I said, just not right. So, in belive, in time when mesh starts to take over, and become more used, SL will quicken up and look better. But heres the twist, The so called "Prims" we all use, and even the normal SL Avatar are...ready for this? are....mesh. I know, I know, you dont belive me, well trust me, they are. So the problem is in the Prims and VERY poor rendering style, but personally I only use mesh now, plus, I make my own. I dont mean to rant, but this should be public knowledge.

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Loleeta Lennie wrote:

2. Sometimes I wish SL would just go offline one day, never to return.Kinda go the way of Tupperware (showing my RL age now)....just so I could be forced to get back to RL and stay there, like I should.

Real life is online now and offline is... no longer real...


SL does have less people now than 'back when' but a lot of that is the loss of bots. But it is still in decline population wise - just not rapidly so. Its an aging beast, and that just how it goes.

For many years LLs would note thousands of signups per day, but with as little as 1% staying. This false retention flaw was I believe - them not really understanding online spam bot patterns. I suspect retention has always been about the same as it is for any other MMO - and that somewhere from half to 80% of people who make it to inworld stick around for a little while. Most website signups though - are just automated account creation bots, Such bots troll the internet and signup anywhere there are no checks in place to insure a real user. They never go further, until the account is later used or sold and then used by someone looking to forum spam to boost SEO for their clients...

As for people who make it inworld... logical breakpoints are the 1 try, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year users... And I suspect most people make it past 1 month, and drop at 1 year.

If you make it past about a year and a half, you're stuck here... and that probably accounts for most of the concurrent users... So we've seen concurrency hovering from 60k to 50k to 45-50k range in the time from 2009 to 2013 that I've been active. 4 years, 25% dip, for a 10 year old platform. Not actually all that bad. But made better if you consider that it was 60k when I got here, byt early 2010, 50k, and by mid 2010 - where it is now give or take 1-5K...

We're kinda going nowhere with a little dash of somewhere slowly.


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  • 3 months later...

I think that Second Life needs to be smoothed out. It currently feels rather clunky and there's not a lot to do once the novelty of being able to do whatever you want wears off. Sure there are like groups you can join - you can do roleplay, collect things, create fashion and stuff, but it could potentially be so much more if linden labs wanted to lose some money and make it easier to create in-game content. I'm not talking about upload-fees, but if they added an in-game 3D model editor (not just a thing where you can puzzle together prims to make cool shapes), in-game texturing ability (I'm thinking like zbrush here), and more dynamic sims (perhaps the ability to make sims MUCH larger? It would certainly make vehicles worth-while again. Sim crossing right now is still atrocious, and there's so many limits to what you can do with avatar animations, vehicle animations, and physics. 

Perhaps adding the ability for client-side scripts, animations and physics would fix this :D

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  • 2 years later...

honestly i think every one here is a bit off the track. sl has not met a death stroke due to the fact that they are still gaining 

money from the users even from yours truley, it fluxuates rapidly and session wise through out the year 

so if anything its all a play of chance so if there market crashes out gose ther money then sl will truly die 

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  • 7 months later...

IMHO it is dying so many sims and no owners or staff you just wander around aimlessly plus a lot of sims are just parking lots now 50 avis standing around doing nothing and a few sims now have robot avis to make them look like they have people in them. I have been on for 5 or 6 years and i have notice a lack of interaction it is way down from 6 years ago. If your going to make a public sim make sure you can staff it or the controls of the sim can not be used by guests. all of the prison sims are a waste of time now a few people in them all stick together no greeters or any thing. Like all fads i guess SL fades like any other.

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You DID note @redlght  that this thread is 



We still seem to be there. Everyone and everything is dying -- even (and especially) Mother Earth.

We will be here for as long as we will be here -- and enjoy ourselves in the process. 


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1 minute ago, ChinRey said:

No we're not. Second Life, this forum, all the users - we're all just figments of your imagination, Chic.

She is imagining it all? and all this time I thought I was.

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OK. A little more seriousness here :D.

Statistics show that SL is in "decline".

What does that mean? Well less people own land than before. Mainland is indeed fairly deserted (Chic claps as all her places are on mainland these days and NOT having neighbors is a glorious thing). The other day I saw that the map where my shop is had WATER across the road. I zipped down to ground level, a strange break from my building pad, to find that the moles or "maintenance" or whoever had turned the now empty lot across from me into water. They have been doing this all along the coast road and it is pretty thrilling to have more of a view :D.  I have been in Swanbridge a year and a half now and watched as folks come and go --- seemingly thinking that they can make a buck on a turnover OR just putting up shop.  It has been it's own soap opera. (I lived in a trailer park in my high school years and there is NOTHING more nosy than the trailer park crowd.)

Business is up and down depending on who you are and what you make. Mine was up a lot through the winter but now not so much. Creators (many anyway) are working harder and selling cheaper in order to compete with -- OK, let's be honest -- some folks that really make pretty awful stuff LOL.  And that's OK. Really. If the folks buying are happy, then I am happy for them. It is only pixels anyway.

I have also watched a lot of brands get less -- well, let's say "invested" in their products. Faulty mesh, sloppy textures, hurried designs. Not EVERYONE of course. There are still some wonderfully creative and well crafted items being made, but I pitch about 75% of what I get in to blog these days simply because I decided somewhere in the Spring that I wasn't going to feature items with "issues".

I have even found myself thinking a time or two, "well, that's pretty much OK. No one (read buyers) really cares anyway. In the end I slap myself in the face (imaginarily of course) and fix the problem to the best of my ability.  But there is still that Siren's call of "but no one really cares" in the echos of the last dance. 

Were things always this way?  I really don't know.  But as creators earn less and less for more and more work, there comes a tipping point for many (and I am not saying I won't get there). So THAT is what I see as one of the biggest current issues.  Venues are closing right and left. Others are starting up to replace them with high hopes and good intentions. Event owners need to pay those bills and sometimes fill slots with less than talented folks. Honestly I think this is a good thing in one way, but I have seen that trend lead to closure of many events. Once the folks that actually SHOP and BUY decide it isn't worth coming to see the 10% of folks that they like -- the traffic goes downhill quickly and most often becomes extinct. 

I have no answer for this, but it has been bothering me for a long time and I have talked to fellow creators about it fairly often. Most are in plugging along mode, and I get that. 

I decided to switch gears a few months ago. I am making "art" now (well what can I say it may turn out to be art when it is all finished) and along the way I end up with "products". Those products get into events (less now as I have exited a fair amount of venues). But in the shift of gears from "retailer" to "artist" I have found a more fun way of creating -- and that has helped me a lot. 


We each need to find our own path. Personally I think SL will be around for quite awhile still. Sansar, while it may grow into something fine in the future, doesn't seem to be so well received by the masses.

I am no longer working for dollars, I am working for enjoyment so I suspect I will be around here for a long time. 



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4 hours ago, redlght said:

IMHO it is dying so many sims and no owners or staff you just wander around aimlessly plus a lot of sims are just parking lots now 50 avis standing around doing nothing and a few sims now have robot avis to make them look like they have people in them. I have been on for 5 or 6 years and i have notice a lack of interaction it is way down from 6 years ago. If your going to make a public sim make sure you can staff it or the controls of the sim can not be used by guests. all of the prison sims are a waste of time now a few people in them all stick together no greeters or any thing. Like all fads i guess SL fades like any other.

You were looking to be incarcerated in a prison sim?  Try a BDSM sim, they have better stuff :-)

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I don´t think SL is dying. The hype of 2007/2008/2009 with 90.000 residents online at USA prime time is long gone but I still see often 50.000 residents online

Mainland is dying. That's for sure. And clubs are dying. Most clubs are empty.
People socialize less and less. In early years there was a lively local chat in most clubs. Nowadays nobody says a word in local.

SL has become more and more a game instead of a virtual world.

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