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Ina Fairport

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Ina Fairport last won the day on June 18 2022

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  1. I don't check the forum very often anymore. This one draw my attention. I must be getting old and sentimental. This video brought a smile on my face and a little tear in my eyes. Thank you.
  2. A place somewhere at mainland. Nothing special but a place full of sweet memories. The trees build by Eric Linden. We rezzed our boats here and explored the ocean sims. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to go back to 2007 but sometimes I miss those days. Life was simple, lots of fun and so much to discover...
  3. I am tired of all this. I don't read it anymore. After trying the new viewer and trying to get a nice looking SL I went back to the previous version. I will be sailing and making pictures as long as I can.
  4. Trudeau 32 cruising the rainforest sims
  5. I went back to the previous version of FS. My SL looks great again Until the old version won't work anymore....🤓
  6. Same here, I found settings that look reasonable...but have the same flickering while sailing and flying 😡
  7. EEEEKKK..... Yes , that was my first reaction after logging in just after I had installed the last FS update. This last update has changed my SL dramatically. So ugly...!!! I tried several settings but it all looks horrible. FPS is not even bad but the graphics are so bad. My PC is 11 years old and SL always looked good. Untill today... I am not often online anymore and I won't update my PC only for SL. This means a definite farewell.
  8. Put your headphones on, turn up the volume and FLY...🤪
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