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What are some more of your pet peeves?

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Peeve:  Workmen who turn up at my house, immediately put on a crap loud radio station and demand tea and coffee when they can see I am trying to get the kid off to schoo.l  (and now I am freezing because all the doors are off and the front door wide open) 

I pointed them at the kettle and said help yourself.

Edited by Cindy Evanier
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32 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Peeve:  Workmen who turn up at my house, immediately put on a crap loud radio station and demand tea and coffee when they can see I am trying to get the kid of to schoo.l  (and now I am freezing because all the doors are off and the front door wide open) 

I pointed them at the kettle and said help yourself.

It's worse when they empty themselves in your only toilet.

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Pet peeves? only one I can think of.

The (sub) cultures sim develop appearance and attitude wise. And anybody who doesn't fit in the clique is an immediate outcast.

Yes, I'm looking at you public adult sims.

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6 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Peeve:  Workmen who turn up at my house, immediately put on a crap loud radio station and demand tea and coffee when they can see I am trying to get the kid off to schoo.l  (and now I am freezing because all the doors are off and the front door wide open) 

I pointed them at the kettle and said help yourself.

Good grief! That wouldn't happen in the States. At least not anywhere I have lived. The crap loud radio might come later.

And yes, as Rat said, missing the toilet :(

wtf is wrong with people?

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3 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Good grief! That wouldn't happen in the States. At least not anywhere I have lived. The crap loud radio might come later.

And yes, as Rat said, missing the toilet :(

wtf is wrong with people?

They are still here.  The radio is off now. Most of the doors are hung (there were 7 new oak doors)  just waiting on the handles to be fitted and then I can kick them out and go check the toilet :/    (Bored now, GET OUTTA MA HOUSE) 

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New day, new peeve.

I moved into an HOA* home around the beginning of September. I've asked no less than 3 times for an HOA sticker for my car.

Today, as I was tossing my trash, a woman drives up to toss a teeny baglet of trash. We exchange pleasantries. I drive home.

She follows me... to my door.. to ask where my HOA sticker was. Grills me with several questions. I tell her I've asked for one 3 times since I moved in. As she's about to drive off I say: "Tell them I need a sticker!" Her: "It's not my job ma'am." Me: "But it is your job to stop me at my door?" Her: *Drives off*

My peeve is busybodies. I got enough at work, I do not want at home.


*I know some will say "Ugh HOAs!". But really it's not bad. They take care of landscaping and outside pest control and trash. It's not the HOA that's being Karen-ish.

ETA: My next door neighbor is a lovely little old man who has been nothing but kind. I lucked out getting him as a neighbor.

Edited by Roxy Couturier
Neighbor love
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Update on earlier peeve. Status: Still peeved and getting more so.

Big brand that I will call Buttock-y Legume, who because of SL glitch on 12/12, took my money for a piece of furniture but I never got the item. It doesn't show up on their redelivery as a purchase. It shows up in my My Account as a completed transaction. 

Like a good camper, I sent a brief but detailed notecard to owner of Buttock-y Legume, with all the pertinent time/date/$/item description needed to just send me the damn sofa.

A day later I get a message that I have to go online (!!!!), REGISTER AN ACCOUNT (!!!!!), fill out a frikkin "ticket" (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to get CSR's help. Grumbling, I do that.

That was peeve #one several posts back.

Today, several days later, after jumping through the horrid hoops to get my damned sofa... no CSR has bothered with my frikkin sofa. I am still sofa-less.

ANY OTHER store I've had similar issues with, it just took a notecard and poof, within roughly 24 hours, said sofa was in my inventory.

I have bought a fair amount from Buttock-y Legume over the years. I'm this close to never shopping there again.

And yes, I sent another notecard to the owner explaining all of the above, including the original n/c with the issue.

For a frikkin sofa.

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22 hours ago, Janet Voxel said:

This is a rare one, but it has happened a couple of times: Getting the wrong item when you buy something. You go to buy "Blue Blouse #178456" you receive "A set of napkin ring" Errr...did I click the wrong thing? No, I clicked the right thing, let me IM or send the creator a NC. The creator...."Oh, sorry about that. I fixed it." *refunds Ls* No, no....I wanted the blouse! You IM the creator again, "I wanted the blouse! Can you send me the blouse?"

*creator is offline*

I had same thing 3 years ago. I clicked on vendor with Hair A, but got the hair C, I thought I clicked wrong vendor,but transaction history says I got the Hair A. So with all proofs I sent notecard with explanation and all that but nothing happend.(it was popular hair brand back then

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Peeve #2, because I'm at another shopping "event" and I have found that each one brings new peeves.

This is actually an old peeve. I'm at Kustom9 and there are some nice things here. The event is laid out like a shopping neighborhood with stores you go into (pros/cons on that).

My peeve: In a little corner where there 4 stores side by side, 3 of them selling women's clothing, ALL 3 "feature" some variation on short-short blue jean shorts paired with some variation of a bare midriff top.


Really, folks? That's all ya got?

Gee, I haven't seen that since, I dunno 2009.

Men complain that women have all the choices. Yes, if by choice you mean 437,982 variations of Daisy Dukes and crop tops. (and the ubiquitous slip-dress micro mini)

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7 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Men complain that women have all the choices. Yes, if by choice you mean 437,982 variations of Daisy Dukes and crop tops. (and the ubiquitous slip-dress micro mini)

I say that all the time! How many rompers and leggings can I possibly buy?(whispers:all of them!) It’s even worse because most stores hide the interesting pattern in the fatpack. So it’s either pay 1200 L for the pattern or do without. When it’s basic stuff, I’m not paying it. If it’s something interesting, yet utilitarian...I’m in!

I think it’s mainly because they’re all using the same sources for inspiration. So when something new comes out there’s about 5 creators working on it at the same time.

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Reversing my earlier peeve.  Workmen have left.  My new doors are amazing.  They cleaned up after themselves, even hoovering right through the house not just in the door areas where they had worked.  Wiped everything down with anti bac wipes and off they went.  My toilet was spotless.  \o/  It was a bit of a stressy day being confined to one room and the noise but the result now is worth it

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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And speaking of which . . .

My current pet peeve is the monetization of misogyny.

And discovering that I'm never again going to be able to purchase from a store that I've patronized in the past.



I guess if he wasn't so busy throwing his money everywhere, he might be able to buy a beard that doesn't look like one of my son's Fuzzy Felt pieces. Honest to Bog, what is that thing? It looks like half a car tyre just slapped on the lower part of his face. Or did he just go arse over tip off his bike and land chin first in mud? (Hope so.) 

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet peeve: When an SL / forum acquaintance messages you with "What the he!! is wrong with you?".

In such cases, just delete the convo and walk away. Someone else is having a worse day!

My response if someone sent that to me would be "Would you like a list?" And if they said yes, I would tell them. And then they'd be sorry.

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10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Pet peeve: When an SL / forum acquaintance messages you with "What the he!! is wrong with you?".

In such cases, just delete the convo and walk away. Someone else is having a worse day!

My response: Wrong question. The correct question is, "What the hell isn't wrong with me?"

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