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Everything posted by PekeNL

  1. Eh... SL's economy is all about virtual goods that enhance our avatars and the in-world experience. Bringing in real-world products (like infoproducts) could take away from what makes SL special and unique. Not to mention, selling real-world stuff through SL could get messy, fast. It might open the door to more fraud, scams, and even legal headaches. It’s much harder to regulate and ensure security for real-world transactions than virtual goods. Part of SL’s charm is that it's an escape from the real world. If we start flooding the marketplace with real-world products, it could break that immersive experience and make SL feel less like a virtual haven. Besides, the marketplace is already packed with virtual goods. Adding real-world stuff might just make it more confusing and cluttered, with people struggling to find what they’re actually looking for. People 'trust' the internal marketplace, and bringing in links to external sites could create issues. Nobody wants to worry about getting scammed or sent to sketchy websites, which could harm SL’s reputation. Infoproducts are big in traditional e-commerce, but in SL, where people come for virtual goods, they might not be as appealing. There are plenty of other platforms better suited for selling them.
  2. Pro tip: If you got a OEM key (as in, tied to your hardware) you can get Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and have it activated. Security updates until 2037
  3. With everybody out with pitchforks regarding PBR, I ask the following: Windows 10 reaches EOL next year. Windows 11 requires TPM2.0 which isn't a feature on most older hardware, how were you thinking of dealing with this? In addition, have you tried any other TPV to see if your issues are actually PBR, or just firestorm?
  4. And this people, is the difference between the IMVU and SL crowd.
  5. Nah. You're trying to speak for everybody, but forgot the forums isn't representative of the playerbase. Until you can back up your claims with evidence, I'm just going to assume you're just acting out because you can't get the performance anymore that you used to.
  6. Thankfully, since its a TPV, you can quite easily circumvent this by spoofing your viewer version, although that might be too technical for most. Where there's a will, there's a way.
  7. I'm honestly baffled. I use: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12600KF (3.69 GHz) NVIDIA Geforce RT X3060 12GB 16GB RAM Windows 10 IoT Enterprise (21H2) NVME's (No HDD's here!) And I run 60+ FPS across the board with PBR (Capped due to refreshrate). Granted I do notice a little decrease in performance in Firestorm compared to Alchemy with the Official viewer floating somewhere in the middle. I'm honestly really confused as to why there's people with so many issues.
  8. Please post your specifications along with this if you're going to talk about terrible performance.
  9. Except they aren't overengineering it. They're trying to come back from years of technical debt that is partially the fault of people running core 2 duo's expecting a smooth experience.
  10. By this alone everything you say has become invalid. glTF, The PBR SL uses, got released in 2015, and the fact people cannot upgrade is not a valid factor for technical changes within the engine. PC is a hobby. If you can't pay for it, that's on you, nobody else should suffer because there's a group that refuse to accept their 10 year old PC/Laptop will one day be rendered insufficient for things. Either you upgrade, or you don't - but nobody is to blame you cannot play SL but yourself. (If you cannot upgrade, I'm sorry to hear that)
  11. People with old PC's like yours are the reason SL has such technical debt in the first place.
  12. Who besides the people it's made for will benefit from the thing that's created for them? What?
  13. This entire debate on what is a child and what isn't boils down to using... well... common sense. This entire discussion is nothing more but people trying to find the skirtline of the rules for no other reason but to be pendantic about it. LL litterally said; "We judge it per case." which is all you can really hope for.
  14. For all the arguments back and forth, people are really hesitant to call out the elephant in the room. No-mod only serves to earn more money. The SL userbase is predominantly American. And if there's one thing americans are good at, it's capitalism. They smelled a chance and took it. I always believe SL is - despite it's an 'escape' of real life - a hyperbole of real life in many ways.
  15. Man. Virtualsecrets closing shop really hit the illegible drama circles hard, didn't they?
  16. Granted there's a lot of rampant stealing. But I'm willing to bet if shown a few examples of properly done AI generations you wouldn't even be able to tell who it's 'stealing' from. To that end; I guess a lot of artists are stealing from one another to learn. After all our brains are a fleshy, meaty computer that also takes visual data from images, references ect to create it's own style. Unless a user is specifically going out of it's way to copy a artist (which can also be done by hand except it takes more effort) that argument falls flat. Not to mention, there are actual models out there that are fully transparent, that have proper licensing and opt-in. Sounds like a skill issue to me. Any artist worth it's salt shouldn't have to worry about AI generated content because their work reflects their passion and dedication. If they're good, they will still receive proper admiration, and will still have a clientele commissioning them. The entire AI discussion boils down to artists seeing sharks in the water because it'll persuade some potential costumers to not commission and simply use AI. Ofcourse, why would an artist who does it for the joy and creativity of it even care someone else is using AI? Weren't they doing it for fun? That's why the entire argument falls flat. It's all about money, that's it. Artistic expression became more accessible to people. And while I agree there's plenty of *****ty practices going on (Especially in the generative image spheres) all artists are mad about is that it's not as gate kept anymore and they can't choke prices anymore.
  17. ... that are unable or don't have the time to learn the complex intricacies...
  18. Oh man. An AI tool that makes it easier for people that are unable or don't have the time to learn the complex intricacies of 3D model texturing? This surely won't be gatekept. I can already hear the 'artist' crown fuming. Or is it secretly because it might potentially cause a loss or earning, which is the only reason artists don't like AI.
  19. Hey! I don't often ask for help with stuff here, but here goes! I'm a complete newb when it comes to rigging a mesh model to the SL Bento skeleton. Is there anybody out here who'd be kind enough to be able to do such a task for me? It doesn't need to be perfect. It just needs to work. That, or someone that is able to give me the gist of how it works, barney style... Either way, just shoot me a DM on the forums. I don't log in -that- often into the world and it's the best way to get in contact. Thanks in advance.
  20. I honestly don't think PBR itself is the issue. There's 3 textures you need and 1 of them has 3 different channels with different types of maps. It's pretty well documented how PBR works. The issues people have with PBR has more to do with LL's horrid attempt at implementing it. That and I truly believe there's a bit too much focus on 'OH FANCY MIRROR EFFECTS'. Edit: yes I know there's also emission , but that's not always required.
  21. Except if I bought it in a real life shop, I own it and I'm able to whatever I please with it. I entertained the idea of giving my bike a paint job to a matte black as I prefer that over shiny silver while I give it a tune-up (breaks ect.). It'd be pretty darn weird if Gazelle would basically tell me; "That bike you bought? Yeah, no touchy beyond how it is. You're not allowed to customize it.'. I often hear the argument; "I don't wanna deal with people breaking it." - which in fairness, true. Just throw in a disclaimer, it's not that hard. I'll take it a step further: No mod is more likely to encourage more copybotting.
  22. Ohboy. AI and art in the same sentence. I'm getting some popcorn for this.
  23. Quite frankly put: No, you don't. If you're creating using the default SL viewer using a linux distro power to you. From what I know most viewers are cross platform anyway, so you should be able to test all of them out. Not that it matters anyway; I find the notion of testing different viewers for 'representative cohesion' for your stuff laughable.
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