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Do you stay logged in or do you log out?

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Some people always log out when they go AFK for an extended period of time such as going to bed or leaving their home, etc.  Some people always stay logged in for as long as possible because they like the idea of a persistent inworld presence.  There are also people who do a bit of both.

I am in this last category, mostly I log out but sometimes I forget and stay logged in for many hours when I am sleeping, out at work, shopping, etc.  The only odd part is that I never do this at events or at a party, etc.  I only forget when I am on my land but my avatar is just usually left where ever I was and with whatever I am wearing.

So I am curious about what others do and why? Do you put your avatar to bed, leave it in a public place or do something incredibly bizarre with it? It doesn't matter this is the topic to post it in - with pictures if you feel like it.

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1 minute ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Some people always log out when they go AFK for an extended period of time such as going to bed or leaving their home, etc.  Some people always stay logged in for as long as possible because they like the idea of a persistent inworld presence.  There are also people who do a bit of both.

I am in this last category, mostly I log out but sometimes I forget and stay logged in for many hours when I am sleeping, out at work, shopping, etc.  The only odd part is that I never do this at events or at a party, etc.  I only forget when I am on my land but my avatar is just usually left where ever I was and with whatever I am wearing.

So I am curious about what others do and why? Do you put your avatar to bed, leave it in a public place or do something incredibly bizarre with it? It doesn't matter this is the topic to post it in - with pictures if you feel like it.

I always put my avie to bed, and then log out, and when my guy is on we do the bed thing and then log off, that way that's the first thing I see when I log on the next day. I know, dorky, but it works for me lol

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I worry way too much about the wear and tear SL can do to the machine to just leave Pixie idle for any amount of time beyond that of a quick potty break.  Every computer I have used SL on always gets-got super hot when logged in even on minimum settings (which I go a step further than most & shut off the sky & sometimes water).    I even have a scar from a laptop burning me 2 years ago while running SL.  No way could I just leave it running for 8 hours.

I will admit tho, when I had first rezzed 10 years ago, that I just assumed our Avis stood around when we logged out.  🤣. I guess I thought Pixie waited for me to come back.  😭

I saw a response above me, about logging out after putting their Avi to bed.  That's sweet. 🤗😍

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When I was new I always tucked Bitsy in bed at the end of the day and loved to see her standing on top of her bed the next day, a bit like an eager toddler ready to get on with exploring the magic of the world.

I've always been in the habit of logging out when I leave though - why waste the electricity on both my end and with the Lab's servers?

I have several friends who stay logged in most of the time. One of them used to insist he needed to so his IMs didn't cap. But of course the system had a way of logging him out before he saw the IMs. :( Really frustrating. When someone is always logged in, there's no way to know if they're available. Make a new friend, send a few hello IMs, get nothing back, figure out they're AFK so don't take it personally, but how long do you keep it up?

For most people, I see little actual reason to stay perpetually logged in and several down sides. Now that demos are pretty standard there isn't even much reason for store model-bots besides habit and (often) expensive to render decoration.


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Usually, when I have to leave the computer for longer than 1/2 - 1 hour, I log off during that time.

But for shorter afk times, like during a phone-call or during my RSI breaks, I stay online, and set my avi on "busy" (although sometimes I forget to do that)

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1 hour ago, anniepany said:

that way that's the first thing I see when I log on the next day. I know, dorky, but it works for me lol

We do that too, have for 10 years.  It makes me smile every morning seeing us cuddling on my log in screen.  

For the rest of it.  I log off at bedtime and if I am leaving the house RL but other than that its a bit random.

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I log off if I'm expecting to be gone for much more than an hour, or if I'm leaving the house at all. If I'm just making some dinner, or something else like that around the house, then I stay logged in.

Sometimes that one hour can turn into three, if something unexpected comes up. Either way, if you IM me while I'm afk, you'll get a response with a reason why I was afk. If someone consistently IMs me between 6 and 7pm my time (timezone is in my profile) and thinks that me being "afk for dinner" is just an excuse... that's on them :P

And I don't do anything special, just TP back to my skybox apartment. I try and avoid leaving myself in public places afk for more than a few minutes.

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I always teleport home and log out if I am going to bed or leaving the house for more than a couple of hours. If I left SL running 24/7 my poor little machine would overheat and die. I generally leave myself logged in if I'm just afk for a meal or whatever, but I'll still tp home in that case.

I don't put my avatar to bed or do anything special, but if I'm not wearing my "default" avatar and outfit, I'll change back to that before I log off. I got into the habit years ago of never logging out naked, in case my home region is offline next time I log in.

Basically, if you see me logged in, I'm either at the keyboard or not too far away, and likely to be back in 30 minutes or less.

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I get far too many IMs to stay logged in at this point, and far too many IMers (clients) who don’t read my profile or autoresponses. I am afk on another screen working often, but I do have my headset on to hear the notifications. 

I recall a time I accidentally didn’t finalize the exit screen by verifying, ran off to get groceries, and came back to this entire furious typing adventure that somebody had with themselves in my IM box because I wasn’t responding. The dialogue was rather interesting, but had far more caps in it that I would have liked, especially considering that I did have the auto response up saying that I might be busy, so if I don’t respond, please be calm. This person had begun their messages by requesting a photo appointment, and ended it with a string of swear words about how I was “too good for the little people.”

Needless to say, they weren’t calm. But I still got my organic apples, and they did get their photo after I explained my need to eat. 

Edited by norajulian
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3 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

We do that too, have for 10 years.  It makes me smile every morning seeing us cuddling on my log in screen.  

For the rest of it.  I log off at bedtime and if I am leaving the house RL but other than that its a bit random.

Makes me smile too when I log on in the morning and see us together in bed. And yeah I always log off at bedtime and if I"m going someplace. I have two friends who are constantly logged in and as someone above said, you never know when they are really on, so I never IM them lol.

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There was a time when I would stay logged in regardless of whether I was AFK or not. But that was also when camping chairs were a thing, for free stuff and L$s (or are they still a thing?). Also, when I used mechanical storage for a OS/boot drive, which meant it would take 10 minutes to boot sometimes, and my PC was a potato--we're talking around 2008 to 2012. So I'd keep my PC running--only restarting for updates. These days, with the specs in my signature...I don't feel the need to do either.  I'll log off, and shut down my PC, when I think I'll be away for longer than 30 minutes. Because I can be up, running, and in-world is less than 30 seconds. 

Before I do log off, I usually TP home. I've never been quite sure as to why other than it just feels natural. 

Edited by Nastasha Szaberwick
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I log out every time. I have forgotten to log out a few times after switching to a browser or just walking away to do something. I did it in a crowded event once and felt a little embarrassed I but of course no one noticed. There should be a timer on those events that kicks people out. 

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I'm always on... maybe due to my level of insomnia, the fact that I like to know whats going on even when im not on, or that I can just come to the computer, take avi out of bed and start her day after I have started mine.  It could be the fact that I am still new and learning, but thus far this is my process. 

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If I'm just grabbing a nap, I leave Seren on at home where she usually relaxing on her sofa with auto-response on where as if I'm going anything like grocery shopping then I log off and for end of day when done with SL then I log off again.

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3 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:

I always teleport home and log out if I am going to bed or leaving the house for more than a couple of hours. If I left SL running 24/7 my poor little machine would overheat and die. I generally leave myself logged in if I'm just afk for a meal or whatever, but I'll still tp home in that case.

I don't put my avatar to bed or do anything special, but if I'm not wearing my "default" avatar and outfit, I'll change back to that before I log off. I got into the habit years ago of never logging out naked, in case my home region is offline next time I log in.

Basically, if you see me logged in, I'm either at the keyboard or not too far away, and likely to be back in 30 minutes or less.

Same for me, with the exception that I don't have a default outfit that I change into. Otherwise, yep.... take avatar home and park it, and if I'm going to be AFK for more than 30 minutes or so, I usually go ahead and log off. My partner and I are in different time zones (six hours apart) so we don't do the "goodnight" routine. (If we did, I'd just hop back online again right afterward! lol)

As as side note, I leave an auto response on all the time, too, because I never remember to use "away" or "busy".

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My Mac won't sleep while a viewer is running, so the energy cost of staying logged in while away is the equivalent of about L$10/hr. Arduenn didn't mention the possibility that someone forgets to log out, but if you do that every day, there's cause for concern.

I have no ritual for logging out. I might just vanish from wherever I'm currently exploring if I expect to continue exploring later. If I'm building, I'll stay at Ivory Tower. If I don't expect to either build or explore, I might return to "The Far Away" before logging out. In any case, the moment I know I'm going to be away for more than perhaps five minutes, I log out. I can easily afford L$10/hr, but I'm not the only person affected by wanton energy consumption.

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When I go AFK for various RL things, I seldom ever log out.   If I know ahead of time that I'll be away for more than 10-15 min, or if I know that I'm going to be there and away, off & on for quite a while, I'll set the auto-response.  On weekends, I've almost always got the auto-response on because weekend RL chores have me in & out a lot.

The only time that I always log off is at the end of each day - though there have been the random times where I went AFK for something in RL and then ended up going to bed without coming back to the computer, but that is very rare.

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   Any planned AFK moments I might have usually won't last more than ten minutes. If I'm going out, or going to bed, or indeed engaging in any other activity that precludes the possibility of using my computer, I'll log out.

   If I'm not going to actually be at the computer, if I'm not going to see any incoming communication, I don't really consider myself as being an in-world presence.


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If I am going to be afk more than a few mins, I just log out, most of the time. I have stayed logged in before while getting stuff done but being afk-usually it was because I was dancing/cuddling with hubby somewhere with neither one of us actually at the keyboard, though not for very long periods of time (but it's been years since we had the need to do that-it can be a good option for folks that don't have the rl counterpart).  Never did much understand the need to stay logged in even after going to rl bed or extended periods of time.

Once, a Friday morning, I was logged in just kind of hanging out with friends for a few. I walked away from my pc  to grab something to drink and things (health related) spiraled downward super fast.

I got home on Monday and was still logged in, lmao. My monitor had gotten shut off, but not the pc. That's also when I realized the person we were renting from was a liar when she said the sims got restarted once a day (after dealing with some sim issues for a bit), every day, but that's neither here nor there. 


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