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What are some of your pet peeves?

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Went to a shopping event and grabbed the demo of an outfit I kind of liked. When home and tried it on - oh, awesome, the demo has a sheer version as well as the opaque. I like to dress like a big ho, so YAY, right? Went back to the event, thought about buying the mega-pack but I didn't really want the shoes and other additions, so I bought the outfit in one color. Went home, put it on, no sheer version. Sent a nice notecard to the creator, waited a few days until he got back with me. 

The sheer version is only included in the mega-pack.

Went back to event, checked to see if there was a demo for the single color and I'd accidentally tried the demo for the mega-pack. Nope! Grabbed the demo again to see if there was anything said about single colors not including the sheer version. Nope! Checked the vendor all over to see if it was written in small print anywhere on the ad. Nope!

Guess what, buddy? You just lost a customer. 🤬

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Speaking about events. My biggest pet peeve is how quality has gone down for a lot of creators, and it seems like they are pumping out more. So I don't really go to events anymore. I tend to use Seraphim to see if there is anything that I would like to get. It usually winds up being from the same company.

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Events, oh yeah... I'm pretty annoyed that a certain wee-end-kly shopping event started pretty big and promising. And now, just a few weeks later, it's the same crap found at other events meant for male avatars: poses and more poses, subtly differing by ... barely nothing. Backdrops and other decorative objects. And overall, quite low and newbish quality. 😗

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Necklaces that - by default -- attach to the chest point instead of the spine, thereby ensuring that as soon as your AO moves you, half of the chain sinks into your neck or shoulder. I just picked up a necklace from someone I regard to normally be a top-notch creator in SL, and I had to spend the time to reset the attachment point to the spine and re-position it so that my shoulder doesn't swallow parts of it as soon as I move.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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54 minutes ago, Conall DeCuir said:

Women who IM me with a "hi" and find it impolite when i response "hi, what can i do for you?" 🙄

Oh .... that's because of the U.S. women. According to their president they expect to be greeted with a hand aiming towards their crotch. It seems the more often you do that, the more powerful you can get in this country.

You might need to duck a swing occassionally, I'm afraid though. Or a bullet.

Wut ? :|


Edited by TDD123
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3 hours ago, Mahala Roviana said:


No face_001.png

I am sorry, this must be horrible for you. However, it made me laugh, and as I was in a particularly sour mood, I thank you very much for brightening my mood. Effing SL glitches though! If it isn't hair and shoes up backsides and being plonked into the middle of 'safe' hubs and coming face to face with a freenis every. flipping. time. It's brains and teeth on show like this.

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6 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Necklaces that - by default -- attach to the chest point instead of the spine, thereby ensuring that as soon as your AO moves you, half of the chain sinks into your neck or shoulder. I just picked up a necklace from someone I regard to normally be a top-notch creator in SL, and I had to spend the time to reset the attachment point to the spine and re-position it so that my shoulder doesn't swallow parts of it as soon as I move.

This is why I have no patience with unrigged jewelery ever since I discovered the ease and convenience of bento jewelry rigged for brand specific mesh bodies.  In the rare case would I consider keeping an unrigged necklace depends on whether or not I like the design enough to put up with it.

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7 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Necklaces that - by default -- attach to the chest point instead of the spine, thereby ensuring that as soon as your AO moves you, half of the chain sinks into your neck or shoulder. I just picked up a necklace from someone I regard to normally be a top-notch creator in SL, and I had to spend the time to reset the attachment point to the spine and re-position it so that my shoulder doesn't swallow parts of it as soon as I move.

I don't mean to make light of your peeve (really, because i feel ya, necklaces have always been a PITA for me), but...if you maybe want to feel a wee bit better about it, or just have a laugh at my expense.....

I misread the first word of your post as neckfaces. Don't ask why I didn't question that being a thing, I just didn't. I read the whole thing under the premise that you were discussing whatever a neckface is, and the visual of someone's neckface being swallowed up by their various body parts about had me in a fit. I also can't tell you what a neckface looks like, apparently my brain has censored whatever that image is, while simultaneously having me lmao about it,  for my protection, or some such nonsense. 

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I admit, not much really gets under my skin when it comes to SL anymore. Yeah things till annoy me, but the peeves I post about here are more or less just mild annoyances I have at the moment, give me a day and odds are I won't remember what that peeve was unless I go back and look lol

With that being said though, there is one thing that I can say with 100& honesty is very much a peeve of mine and annoys me above all else and its when someone tells me, or someone else they completely missed their point, but then follow it up with something like " Not gonna explain how though, sorry". I will admit it sometimes takes me reading something a couple times to fully comprehend and understand it, its one of the main reasons I'd rather text or IM someone then talk on a phone or voice call because it saves me the mild embarrassment of having to ask someone to repeat themselves when I simply didn't understand what they said. I have had quite a few people tell me I completely missed the mark on the point they are trying to make and then refuse to explain when I ask them to is maddeningly frustrating. Like what could they POSSIBLY gain from not explaining their point so the person they are talking to can better understand it?

I am the type if someone shows they are confused, I will try to explain it till I am blue in the face, because atleast if they still don't understand where I'm coming from, I can atleast rest easy knowing its not because I didn't take the time to try and explain. People popping off and saying " You missed my point but not gonna explain how" to me is just Sooooo petty and spiteful and immature it honestly makes me wish I could stick my hands through the screen so I can choke them!

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5 hours ago, Gregorian Chant said:

This is why I have no patience with unrigged jewelery ever since I discovered the ease and convenience of bento jewelry rigged for brand specific mesh bodies.  In the rare case would I consider keeping an unrigged necklace depends on whether or not I like the design enough to put up with it.

Rigged necklaces are all well and good if you intend to wear them against skin, and the clothing that might go over the top of them covers them completely. A lot of the time, though, I want to wear them over the top of clothing, or - for photoshoots - I need to be able to move them around if they poke through, say, the collar of a shirt or jacket. (Necklace poke-through is something I'm fussy as hell about!) That's why - for the most part - I still prefer to buy unrigged and take the time to edit them as required. It just bugs me when creators rig to the chest point, because as soon as any AO or pose twists your body even slightly, part of the necklace will disappear and its opposite side will stick out.

4 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

I don't mean to make light of your peeve (really, because i feel ya, necklaces have always been a PITA for me), but...if you maybe want to feel a wee bit better about it, or just have a laugh at my expense.....

I misread the first word of your post as neckfaces. Don't ask why I didn't question that being a thing, I just didn't. I read the whole thing under the premise that you were discussing whatever a neckface is, and the visual of someone's neckface being swallowed up by their various body parts about had me in a fit. I also can't tell you what a neckface looks like, apparently my brain has censored whatever that image is, while simultaneously having me lmao about it,  for my protection, or some such nonsense. 

A neckface actually sounds like something cool one could wear at Halloween: one of those things that talented makeup artists could create by painting a second, realistic replica of eyes, nose, and mouth onto their neck. I rather like the idea!

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