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Do You Prefer Living On Mainland or a Private/Homestead Sim

Mitchell Indigo

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Currently living on the mainland, but if LL ever makes it possible to own a Homestead sim without having to own a full estate, my girfriend and I would move to a private sim in a hot second. I hate the terraforming and terrain texturing limitations on mainland. 

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Both, reasons:

  • I live on my estate with a bunch of other people who rent from me.
  • I have an artwork rezzed for many years in a block on mainland
  • I own a lighthouse, which I holiday in and store a bot in, on a different continent in mainland
  • I have a block on the Hollywood Estates in Blake Sea
  • I have two hangers at SNO which are in the Second Norway estate
  • I have a private homestead I rent, from Bell Estates (this one's not my estate), where my pet is locked up
  • I am looking to rent a home in a Family RP estate as well, narrowed that down to two, a bit sad that one of them needs me to be a helicopter parent and also allows guns (what is is with America and it's no-nipples-but-free-to-carry-concealed-and-exposed-guns-in-family-rp-areas predelictions). 
Edited by Callum Meriman
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5 hours ago, Mitchell Indigo said:

Well I tried searching for a post about this but nothing turned up in search.

That's because the Search-Engine  is wise enough to hide the flame wars between the Islanders and the Mainlanders...

Learn by it's example.

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*pulls out flame thrower*

I rent from one of the various "estates" here in Secondlife. Currently, my little family and I are renting a quarter sim, so we have three "neighbors" who we don't see due to how the sim is laid out. Our primary reason for doing so is the freedom. I landscaping and terraform a LOT (I have an unofficial business for it), and I love being able to do hills and streams and waterfalls and etc. Of course, it is possible to do such purely with prims (I'm actually working on 'terraforming' a skybox right now and it's turning out wonderfully). With the freedom of terraforming, we can build up "mountains" on the parcel lines instead of being rude neighbors and throwing out the dreaded 'privacy screens of yore'. 

I've had a linden home before, and it was nice, but I just really appreciate the freedom to rezz out my own homes and toss out bears and the like. :) I'd say you'd be fine on the mainland if terraforming isn't a big deal to you. 

Edited to also add that we've lived (and I've been manager/general manager) at a couple of roleplay communities, and they are wonderful, but the lag is greater with the connected sims and all the objects and the like. If you have a stronger computer, though, and appreciate roleplay, it's nice to simply walk out your door and start up a roleplay without TPing anywhere. 

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21 minutes ago, norajulian said:

I'd say you'd be fine on the mainland if terraforming isn't a big deal to you. 

Some Estates also constrain terraforming, but just for completeness: different parts of Mainland permit different amounts of terraforming. The vast majority is limited to +/- 4m -- which is enough to shape things quite a bit, but not form a whole mountain (unless you're starting from a very big hill :P). Then there are some "city" regions that allow no terraforming at all, and some early "color" sims that permit +/- 40m.

I have a parcel in what I believe to be the sole Mainland sim that permits +/- 100m terraforming. It's kind of a time-bomb because eventually somebody is bound to make a ridiculously unnatural peak or open pit, but so far I seem to be the only one using the feature at all, which I've kept hidden from all but the most inquisitive explorers.

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

I have a parcel in what I believe to be the sole Mainland sim that permits +/- 100m terraforming. It's kind of a time-bomb because eventually somebody is bound to make a ridiculously unnatural peak

You mean someone like @Qie Niangao?

I am taken back to the day when you broke the mainland and made "ridiculously unnatural peaks", and it was nothing to with how much +/- terraforming meters were allowed. The peaks were orders of magnitude higher than even the +/- 100m of your parcel. :D


Edited by Phil Deakins
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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

Some Estates also constrain terraforming, but just for completeness: different parts of Mainland permit different amounts of terraforming.

You've gotta do some shopping! :P Thankfully, the sim we're on currently was purposely split with "mountains" so we just help ours along!

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I love mainland because, it's like going to the city..There is just all kinds of everything going on  in mainland, and it just has this busy busy feel about it, with so many roads to everywhere..

You wanna see imaginations gone wild..Get on a horse or in a car or whatever and ride around the Atoll..There are all kinds of creative minds on the loose on that ride..hehehehe

I love Private sim because,it's kind of like living in the country,where you have a heck of a lot more freedom and privacy..

Living on someone elses private sim,that freedom and privacy may vary depending on the sim owner.


If I had the time I'd be living in both of those worlds..They both have something  to offer me.

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I love my homestead and pottering about landscaping and terraforming but as the business has grown it's not really somewhere to hang out playing anymore unless its in the club area.

I have a linden home which is a little bolt hole from restarts and a cuddle at the end of the night.  We do plan to  get rid of the linden home and get a 1024 parcel between us eventually but haven't yet found one we like enough.  Nobody is ever on my radar when we are in the linden home, its not laggy and we are bothered by anyone so if it ain't broke, I am not rushing to change it.  

We also have a private opensim region which is like our own world.  

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I'm currently on mainland but have done private sim living. I much prefer Mainland living, at ground level at one end of the sim i can step out of my store door and just over the sim border take a wander over to the neighbouring Hanja welcome centre play some games or see just how popular it is these days or i can go out the door wander to the next sim up Cheju go to the rezz zone wait for a pod tour ride my bike, horse or scooter or rezz something i can drive round the roads of Jeogeot 

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On 13.9.2017 at 3:23 AM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Do you prefer to live on a mainland sim/parcel or a private sim/parcel or homestead sim/parcel?

What I'd prefer would be a continuous area about one hundred times the size of the largest Second Life mainland cluster and with at least as much variety as mainland but as well maintained as the best kept private sims. But since there is no such a thing, I prefer mainland.


On 13.9.2017 at 3:23 AM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Why did you choose your decision?

Well, since living on an isolated island sim holds no attraction whatsoever to me personally, my options are either to live on mainland and accept all its flaws or to leave Second Life completely. Recently somebody made a huge tower with a rotating restaurant on top of it right next to my land at Windermere and I have to admit that when things like that happens, I really start to wonder why am I doing this. But oh well, living on mainland means you have to take the bad with the good and hopefully it won't last. I've seen worse eyesores than that come and go so I guess I'll stick around a little bit longer.

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On 13/09/2017 at 2:23 AM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Do you prefer to live on a mainland sim/parcel or a private sim/parcel or homestead sim/parcel?

I don't have any preference for either.


On 13/09/2017 at 2:23 AM, Mitchell Indigo said:

Why did you choose your decision?

I've always been on the mainland simply because I didn't really understand the differences when I first bought land, which I did in order to start a business with the friend who introduced me to SL. That was a matter of days after arriving in SL - 2 weeks after arriving at the most.

Since then, I've come to understand the differences, and, like someone said above, I prefer not to have the small risk of a user quitting and leaving me without the store, so I've always stayed on the mainland. Even if given reasonable notice of a user's intention to quit his/her island sim, it's still not a good idea to move a store's location because of all the LMs to the store that people already have. I have done a major move once, but I set the new store up some time before the old one finally closed and, even then, I left LM givers at the old location for a while. None of that could be done when a private island closes or changes hands.

But that's all business considerations, and homes are different. I'm coming up to 11 years here and I've never really had a proper home, so mainland or private island never came up for me. I've had places with furniture - I still have a place - but I've never really treated any of them as a 'home' home. Consequently, I don't have a preference for one or other.

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2 hours ago, ChinRey said:

Recently somebody made a huge tower with a rotating restaurant on top of it right next to my land at Windermere and I have to admit that when things like that happens, I really start to wonder why am I doing this.

That reminded me of some years ago, when I'd built a castle in the sim the store was in. The store was out of the way in the sky, and I owned more than half of the sim at the time. Then one day a huge sky-scraper type office block building appeared about 30 yards or so from the castle, maybe nearer. I was lucky though. The purpose of the block was the huge advertisements on all sides. Such advertising was against the recently imposed rules, so I and a few friends from the forum ARed it, and the block went away rather quickly.

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Thank you all for your responses thus far:

Now for some responses to some people.

To Crim Mip:  Yeah I hate the terraforming limits the mainland has as well.  You can rent a homestead sim from a real estate company, but they probably charge more in tier rather than owning it.  So in a way, I kinda wish LL would let people buy homesteads without having to own a full prim sim.

To Bitsy:  Exploring the mainland, I've definitely met lots of interesting people as well.  It's very hard to do that on private estate.

To Rhonda: I don't have a premium account as of right now.  Not sure if that will change yet or not.  Only reasons I'd go premium is to get the 60 groups, requests sim restarts if I need to and have that Linden home.  The only thing with the Linden home is that it would have to have music/media rights.

To norajean.  When it comes to the family role play communities, I will have to agree with you there.  They try to cram a lot of stuff into those communities and as a result, causes a bit of lag.  Also, many of them charge a lot of L$ and don't give you a lot of prims.  I have lived in family RP communities in the past and still might if I know they aren't going anywhere, it isn't super laggy and they don't charge that much per prim.  So I prefer to live on either mainland or private estate where now a days I get more prims for less since LL added more prims to sims.

To Ceka: I definitely like the mainland as well, but still have yet to find a spot where it's pretty much just homes and also prefer a roadside parcel that doesn't have extreme lumps to get off/on the parcel since I want to park vehicles in a driveway.  And I like private sims for living on as well mainly because it's quiet.  If I choose to do private estate living, I make sure I get a parcel on the west edge of the sim so I can view sunsets without any objects obstructing my view.

To ChinRay:  That is the issue with living on the mainland.  You never know what people are going to build around you.  About a week ago where I live, someone built a club just a little bit high in the sky that I can see from my home.  I've tried not to let it bother me, but a couple doors down from where I live, someone rented/bought land and put loads of breedables on it which can make stuff laggy.  Where I'm at as well, I think I'm the only residential home too.  So I will be moving out in a day or two.

So yeah, I like the mainland for exploring.  There is a place I can park a motorhome roadside and pay a small amount to live there which I usually do while I figure out what to do next, or I could choose to be homeless.  Not sure what I'm doing as of yet.

I also rely on SL income to pay the tier and right now, I'm not getting a lot in at the moment.  If I had money, I'd get my own sim.  Not sure what I'd do with it yet.

Maybe I need to know.  What parts of the mainland are good parts to live at?

Also, I know some people prefer living in a skybox.  I prefer to have a home on the ground where I can walk out the front door and do some exploring around.  I also want to be able to see the outside skies too.

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