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Callum Meriman

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Callum Meriman last won the day on December 25 2018

Callum Meriman had the most liked content!


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    is a Kitten

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  1. Sowwy. I am bruised and hurt and close to just quitting this hell of a game right now.
  2. As Love said it's likely something weird with the way Americans use English compared to the rest of the world. Off the grid is pretty much you make your own power.
  3. Granted, but those daipers you are wearing chafe and that tall person who makes the funny noises keeps wanting to put her female presenting nipples in your mouth. I wish the USA toddler in chief would allow all the unfortunate furloughed federal workers to return to the jobs so they can pay mortgages and feed their kids.
  4. Granted but your bedroom is now occupied by a million baby octopuses. I wish some of the grumpy-bums on the forum would find a little joy in their life.
  5. Satellite is cheap and ubiquitous here in Australia, as is LTE. I guess Europe is similar.
  6. It's a bit of a spectrum. One can take one's city home off grid if you install solar power and a water tank (although sewage still goes through the pipes and you have internet) As Wikipedia says
  7. Oh, that's another one.... Suspiciously Shaped £
  8. £ continent is going to take ages to build.
  9. Cheesy Classical as I slip, slide, tug and poke vertices all around
  10. Oh, that's just the normal forum chit-chat. Happens on many threads.
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