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Humans complaining about heights

Denny Farlight

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10 hours ago, 2Tessa said:

Ok so we found something to speak about today 😂 🤣

So my human avatar is 1.74 mt. My toon cat is 0.84 mt tall. 😍

RL i am 1.93 mt and as 13 teen i was 1.80 mt (and my best friend 1.85 mt).

Shorties (RL and SL) are very very cute but they love problems TOO MUCH. 🙄 😑

If you want to be short, try BladenCat MK5, MK7 etc, the base avatars are FREE.




Oh, I love these and have a few myself. I wish the Dinkie creators here would make one or two freebie avis. In Open Sim, it's easy to grab a few Dinkies for $0 and mod them a bit (there are paid ones available in OS if you want one). Anyway... back on topic. 

I guess for myself, I just like being relatively short most of the time. I agree with the comments about conduct, behave yourselves LOL

Edited by JeromFranzic
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15 minutes ago, JeromFranzic said:

I wish the Dinkie creators here would make one or two freebie avis.

https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TMG-Bladencat-MK8-ULTRAUpdated-6-15-20/19280993 and that creator has a handful of minor variations on it. Clothing support is fairly limited though.

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


No, sorry, I wasn't clear.

I meant has it ever happened that a landowner has been disciplined for allowing shorter avatars into their region or parcel?

I doubt it's happened based on height alone, but, you can't always control what some people will do on your plot of land, so I don't blame landowners one bit for the rule, or any rule. I'm sure it probably happens due to activities people get up to all too often, though. 

I have seen some very questionable looking avatars in questionable places, doing what appears to be very questionable things. The last time I ran into it was on a plot of land that looked like it wasn't used quite as much as others. I was just out exploring. If I had been the person that owned that land, I would have kicked out the two people I saw there. I did tell the land owner too, because even though I'd rather not be a tattle tale, it was a nice place I like visiting. Clearly those two were very comfortable looking how they did, doing what they were doing, and I can only guess that it wasn't a one off. I could see ll shutting a sim like that down if enough people had come across it and reported it. I wouldn't blame ll either, it's better to err on the side of caution in those situations and cover their own behinds. 

If that land owner suddenly made a rule that disallowed those kinds of avatars, even based on height alone, I wouldn't blame them. It would be a shame for such a nice place that has probably been around for years to get shut down because of some sick people. People can pretend those sick people don't exist in sl, but they do, and ll seems to take care of them whenever possible, which is good. I've read enough to know this is still a thing that ll has to worry about. It makes sense that land owners do too. 

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4 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

I know of a few AFK users who were banned because of child avatars coming into an AFK venue, hopping on a sexbed with said AFKer, engaging in sex, while a third party took pics and AR'd the AFKer for *****

Sounds like either trolls or competitors using the Lab's quite rightfully strict policy on those sort of activities to nuke businesses for their benefit. 

No genuine child avi would go to any of the formentioned places. We get enough grief as it is in moderate sims nevermind adult ones.... 

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1 hour ago, brodiac90 said:

Sounds like either trolls or competitors using the Lab's quite rightfully strict policy on those sort of activities to nuke businesses for their benefit. 

No genuine child avi would go to any of the formentioned places. We get enough grief as it is in moderate sims nevermind adult ones.... 

That's a little no-true-Scotsman for my taste. We have to acknowledge that 1. there are creeps. 2. there are probably fewer creeps than the moral panic might suggest, though & 3. with "child avatars" much like UFOs, you have to account for false identifications. 

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7 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

I have been alerted by AFK venue owners of similar attempts over the years with names of the offenders and I have witnessed it myself a few times and reported it, but have yet to see anyone wearing a child avatar banned for such behavior, only those not wearing child avatars.

Child avatars are banned if they break the rules. An example posted on the forum was a teen avatar posed naked with an adult avatar. It was allegedly for a skin advert, but child skin adverts usually have a whole lot more clothing and aren't posed with naked adults, so I don't know what anyone involved was thinking. Both accounts involved were banned.

The reason you don't see the people griefing the afk places complaining about the ban is that they're clearly not going to use their main accounts to do that. They'll create throwaway accounts, so that the ban doesn't impact them. It's also laughable to think that they won't just up the height slider on their child avatar to get around any automatic height limit. The actual solution here is for the people handling the reports to know afk griefing is a thing and check for that.

I don't know anyone who was banned simply because a child avatar entered their adult region and did non-adult things like looking around the shops (the rules allow this). I don't know anyone who was banned for allowing short not-human-children, such as me, into their adult region (which is also fine under the rules). There is no height limit in the rules. There is no assumption in the rules that short means child.

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10 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


No, sorry, I wasn't clear.

I meant has it ever happened that a landowner has been disciplined for allowing shorter avatars into their region or parcel?

This is one of those things we can't get data on. The closest we get is when someone says they were... 'disciplined' for whatever. Of course no one has ever misrepresented the facts of such a discipline.

But since such discipline would have a financial impact on the Lab, I suspect it takes more then a short avatar walking around in an adult region to elicit a reprimand from the Lab..

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Thread jack perhaps but this conversation takes me back to the first injustice that provoked my temper in sl .

She was a 2m tall dolly parton , but on learning she made her own skin and was very proud of her achievement, "staff" decided she must change her skin or be banned because it made her look too young .  Ultimately i think she deleted her account .

Aside from the financial cost i reckon it must take a lot of time and dedication to build a populated and successful sim , and i'm sure the managing of it can be exhausting .

So sooner or later owners will reach out seeking someone to trust with a view to lighten the load .

The ability to boot and ban rights are a wet dream to wannabe dictators who put no effort into creating the success they are set to destroy . And all they have to do is win the owners trust .

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On 12/28/2022 at 6:08 PM, Denny Farlight said:

if someone calls me teen or even child avatar even tho am clearly adult height am i for sure not nice to those peoples.

Sorry to tell you but, this is you being the 🔔end not them. Height in SL has always been this way and its just one of those things you either accept and get over or log out and go play Animal Crossing instead.

I have never much cared about my height or the height of others beyond the humour of making ridiculously tall or ridiculously short avatars. If you want realism then you have a front door to your house, go forth, frolic and enjoy.

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On 12/28/2022 at 6:17 AM, Coffee Pancake said:

LL place no restrictions on the height of an avatar and the rating of the region it may visit.

It is in fact entirely fine for an actual child avatar to visit an A rated region without repercussions.

Anyone suggesting any kind link exists is either mistaken, a liar, or projecting.

Just to add on here, it is forbidden for said child avatars to engage in anything that is considered off an adult sexual nature while on R rated regions. They can go on the region, but the moment they engage with anything of that nature they have broken the TOS.


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1 hour ago, ItHadToComeToThis said:

Sorry to tell you but, this is you being the 🔔end not them. Height in SL has always been this way and its just one of those things you either accept and get over or log out and go play Animal Crossing instead.

I have never much cared about my height or the height of others beyond the humour of making ridiculously tall or ridiculously short avatars. If you want realism then you have a front door to your house, go forth, frolic and enjoy.

You are so condescending.  There's nothing wrong with people who choose to display themselves at an actual human height in SL.  Just because most people in SL decided, on their own, to make themselves taller than that which is naturally possible for a human being, doesn't mean that people who wish to represent themselves as tall as they are IRL... are... pedos?  Give me a brake

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On 12/28/2022 at 1:11 AM, Denny Farlight said:

back to the worst experience i had with a human in sl was.... they banned me from the place and imed me saying "you look srsly like a teen" and i asked back "wtf? i am 181cm tall, show me a real life picture where a teen is 181cm tall o_o" they then blocked me,

Parcel and sim owners can ban you for any stupid reason, including having an avatar they don't like the look of. I've been banned from sims for having a female avatar. You can get away with being racist, mysogynistic, the possibilities are endless if you own land in sl. 

Have an outfit / avatar in your back pocket that fits the sims you want to visit, is what i do. Or a different account to visit them. 

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2 hours ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

You can get away with being racist, mysogynistic, the possibilities are endless if you own land in sl. 

Have an outfit / avatar in your back pocket that fits the sims you want to visit, is what i do. Or a different account to visit them.

Or be thankful that the parcel or region owner has made their ugly views so obvious that you know right away what they are, and go elsewhere.

Everyone has their own standards of course, and I wouldn't try to impose mine on anyone else . . . but personally, I don't patronize places that embody racist, sexist, or homophobic principles.

ETA: I just want to make it clear, Ingrid, that that's not a criticism leveled at you. I have no idea whether you would visit such places, but I'm not suggesting that you would, or that I think less of you if you do.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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This is how human height has evolved in SL. Apparently, it's human nature, wanting to be taller, richer, better than other people, so, for many, mostly unwittingly, it's a race. Creators have gotten into this game of growth by creating larger homes and furniture. (There's a secondary reason for homes being bigger than IRL, and that has to do with third person navigation.)

Imagine how bigger the lands would be if everyone was smaller/'normal size'. There would be more space to walk, ride, drive and sail. Houses and furniture would be smaller, saving in Land Impact. Maybe SL would be a better place if everyone was smaller.

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I just want to make it clear, Ingrid, that that's not a criticism leveled at you. I have no idea whether you would visit such places

Sometimes you don't know until you visit then you're tossed out of a virtual gay bar for having boobs.  

I've spoken to people who are into "raceplay" which apparently have their own sims but never been.

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More than the height of your avatar (mine is also as tall as I am myself in RL, at 1.77m, and that's about the only characteristic my avatar and I do share, beside the gender), you might be encountering issues due to your overall avatar's look: big eyes (baby-like, or anime-like ones), rounded baby-like face, childish body frame, childish clothing, etc, can quickly make people categorize your avatar as an underaged one, regardless of its actual size. Not to mention the role-played behavior (should you role-play your avatar as a childish person, you would of course have it categorized as a child).

This said, I did have issues with my own 1.77m tall avatar in the distant past (during the ”age-play” issue in SL), and had to clear things up in my avatar profile (avatar size, portrayed age, actual player age) to help things along.

Nowadays, I am no more faced with such issues, but it may also be related to the fact my avatar itself is 16 SL-years old (meaning people won't fear any more about interacting with an underage real person).

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2 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

 you might be encountering issues due to your overall avatar's look: big eyes (baby-like, or anime-like ones), rounded baby-like face, childish body frame, childish clothing, etc, can quickly make people categorize your avatar as an underaged one, regardless of its actual size.

This probably happens a lot but the owner of the avatar just focuses on height, there's a lot of other reasons why someone may take issue with an avatar that looks child-like, including the features you listed. 

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I tweaked my look a bit yesterday after finding a lovely head for the Lelutka Lake I had so updated my height ever so slightly. I'm now not 5'9" I'm just slightly under 6' tall based on the prim I created. I also used my proportions guide to get everything in the right spot (8:1 artist ratio, torso and hip length, shoulder width, leg length, lady bits exactly half way up the body, etc).

And yet, still had a guy at Tag last night ask for a dance from across the room and when we met on dance floor the top of my ginger locks were just above his nipples. I politely said it was bit awkward and not looking especially good and danced two dances then very nicely excused myself, then he excoriated me in an IM and in Nearby for being picky. I'll grant you it was my mistake for not better looking him over beforehand, but in a world of giants, everyone looks about the same from a distance.

I'm fine being whatever height you like (there's a regular guy at Fogbound who stands maybe 6 INCHES tall, I think my Rezz Room pet bunny is bigger) but there's no need to rudely chastise anyone for their avatar choices in SL.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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17 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

I tweaked my look a bit yesterday after finding a lovely head for the Lelutka Lake I had so updated my height ever so slightly. I'm now not 5'9" I'm just slightly under 6' tall based on the prim I created. I also used my proportions guide to get everything in the right spot (8:1 artist ratio, torso and hip length, shoulder width, leg length, lady bits exactly half way up the body, etc).

And yet, still had a guy at Tag last night ask for a dance from across the room and when we met on dance floor the top of my ginger locks were just above his nipples. I politely said it was bit awkward and not looking especially good and danced two dances then very nicely excused myself, then he excoriated me in an IM and in Nearby for being picky. I'll grant you it was my mistake for not better looking him over beforehand, but in a world of giants, everyone looks about the same from a distance.

I'm fine being whatever height you like (there's a regular guy at Fogbound who stands maybe 6 INCHES tall, I think my Rezz Room pet bunny is bigger) but there's no need to rudely chastise anyone for their avatar choices in SL.

Although it does look a bit odd in SL when you hover to adjust your height, it's a viable option.  My dad was 1 foot taller than my mom.  It looked even more awkward with her reaching up and him bending down but they managed to dance wonderfully for over 30 years.  

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1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

Although it does look a bit odd in SL when you hover to adjust your height, it's a viable option.  My dad was 1 foot taller than my mom.  It looked even more awkward with her reaching up and him bending down but they managed to dance wonderfully for over 30 years.  

One of my regular dance partners has what he calls his "Scylla shape," which is maybe a foot shorter that he wears when dancing with me. Not, needless to say, an option available in RL.

Interestingly, I DO have a taller shape that I use when riding my horse, Boudica. Shows my priorities I guess that I'll change my height for my horse but not my human partner . . . 😕

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Hey -hey - here we go yet again! We're now into four pages of blaming everybody you can think of for a fundamental flaw in SL.

The scale of SL is approximately 1.2 times a "RL size", but some idiot gave a 1:1 scale in the Appearance floater. Anyone setting their height in the Appearance floater as a "Real Life" height is guaranteed to look smaller. Measurements of avatar height also vary substantialy depending which system you use.

But you ought to get away with a "RL height" if:-

a) You don't do the big-eyed anime type avatar, which by definition is supposed to look childlike, and

b) You don't sexualise a short avatar by making grossly exaggerated bodily features.

When the reality of SL scale and RL scale finally sinks in with everyone, hopefully we'll have much less of this nonsense. 

And thanks to @Charolotte Caxton for subtlety pointing this out way back in page 2!

Edited by Odaks
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I just go with the flow when out finding dance partners.  I rarely change my height, so if I get a tall dance partner, I either float off the ground or chat at their sternum.  Whatever.  I don't care how it looks.  I'm there to meet someone, not judge their height in comparison to my own. 

So zero that height slider or max it out.  It won't impact a "yes, thank you" or a "no, thanks" to a dance offer.

However, whoever has the tallest avatar should pick the blue dance ball because I will on the rare occasion that I am the taller one.  

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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22 hours ago, Dresden Ceriano said:

Just because most people in SL decided, on their own, to make themselves taller than that which is naturally possible for a human being,

I take exception to the part I bolded - I don't believe that all tall avatars were ones where the person decided on their own to make an avatar that tall.   People may be using shapes and heights that were the normal heights at the time that they started and may have not had any reason to change them, especially if they are comparable with sizes of others they hang out with and with the buildings and furnishings that they normally use.

Not everyone is obsessed with knowing exactly how tall (in RL terms) their avatar is, or with needing to have their avatar the same as their RL height.  When I first joined SL, I used a starter avatar and then a free shape that I picked up from one of the stores with gifts for new avatars.  I had no concept for quite a while about how tall my avatar was, and I didn't really care in the early days - when I went places I seemed to be around the same general height as other women, and it was a good height for my house and furnishings.    It was only later after making some friends that someone explained to me how to modify my shape and how to decrease the height of my avatar (down to 2 meters, lol, from what it had been).   

It wasn't until a few years later after I started reading the forums that I found out some people liked to have avatars that were a more RL realistic height.  At some point the height of the starter avatars was decreased to more normal heights.  Eventually, I did decrease the height of my avatar closer to my RL height.  However, sometimes I regret that I did that because I do have a couple of houses from my early days that I really like and have tried to use again, but they just don't feel right anymore now that I'm not as tall. 

 I think it may have been wiser for the measurements in SL to just be "units" rather than "meters".   Then I don't think there would be all the complaints about non-RL sizes of things. 


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