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    Time travelling astrolabe and a pet fish named George

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  1. Let's lighten it up a bit. Post your favourite SL related memes. Here is one of mine.
  2. I would have thought, given the 2048 textures are four times the size of our current 1024 max upload, that the price would be... Base: 40 Premium: 20/30 PP: Free/10 Not 50 for base.
  3. I was just wondering how it was pronounced. Is it "zoch-til", "x-och-til", "z-ogh-til".
  4. Granted but at midday each day, she bursts forth into a full Noel Coward performance, regardless of where she is. On the toilet? Noel Coward. In work? Noel Coward. I wish that I could travel the galaxy, via teleportation.
  5. Look up ThaPlug, they have six sims all done out nicely with houses, apartments etc to rent. Its basically a giant city / urban landscape community where people live.
  6. This works pretty well each time, iv used it in a system in the past. I was trying to achieve it a number of years ago, and managed to get quite far, but was unsure of how to calculate the angle as it wasn't something I had done before in this way. @Rolig Loon was kind enough to help me figure it out at the time. Though I do get what you are saying about +100 avatars, you would need to figure out a way to factor that in if possible. avatarInFront(){ list avatars=llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION,[]); integer i=-1; while(++i<llGetListLength(avatars)){ list temp=llGetObjectDetails((key)llList2String(avatars,i),[OBJECT_POS]); vector myPos=llGetPos(); vector avdir=llVecNorm((vector)llList2String(temp,0)-myPos); vector lookdir=llRot2Fwd(llGetRot()); float dp=avdir*lookdir; if(RAD_TO_DEG*llAcos(dp)<45.0){ if((key)llList2String(avatars,i)!=llGetOwner()){ if(llVecDist(myPos,(vector)llList2String(temp,0))<2){ llOwnerSay("Found Avatar : "+llKey2Name(llList2Key(avatars,i))); } } } } } default{ touch_start(integer x){ avatarInFront(); } }
  7. I make all my melee work via left click in general that Includes both standard and mouse look clicking. A good method I found was to use gestures. Use left click for your base rotation of moves and use gestures to activate more complex attacks on your next click. If you really want to do multi key combos. I posted something a while back that was a VERY rough draft of exactly that. I managed to achieve quite a significant number of combinations and there were still more that could be done. If you go back through this forum you will find it. It’s very rough though and not even remotely polished. More of code dump brain storming session. If you wanted avoid sensors and raycast. You could use llGetRegionList. Then loop through and detect how many avatars are around you, and how many of those are in front of you within X angle. It works just as well as a sensor and just as quickly.
  8. What I mean is, where did I go wrong in the Y line. Why won't it divide up the hit box horizontally using the same method for the Z axis. I understand I can't do arm hits, which is sad but it's whatever. I just want to know what im missing in the code to do it horizontally on the hit box. More just for my own knowledge.
  9. Even if that's the case. Do you know where I have gone wrong? I would still like to solve the issue even if the plan I was after won't work.
  10. So, I have managed to get to the following point. The sizeZ values are working and detecting the crotch, stomach etc perfectly fine. When shooting an avatar with raycast. But, I can't get the same process to work on Y. What am I missing here. I want to include arm hits and pref leg hits string calcHitPos(vector hitPos, key theirKey, vector theirPos){ llOwnerSay((string)hitPos); vector avSize=llGetAgentSize(theirKey); float sizeZ=avSize.z/2.0; float sizeY=avSize.y/2.0; if(hitPos.y>=(theirPos.y-(0.1*sizeY))&&hitPos.y<=(theirPos.y+(0.1*sizeY))){ if(hitPos.z>=(theirPos.z-(0.1*sizeZ))&&hitPos.z<=(theirPos.z+(0.25*sizeZ))){ return "crotch"; } if(hitPos.z>(theirPos.z+(0.25*sizeZ))&&hitPos.z<=(theirPos.z+(0.5*sizeZ))){ return "stomach"; } if(hitPos.z>(theirPos.z+(0.5*sizeZ))&&hitPos.z<=(theirPos.z+(0.8*sizeZ))){ return "chest"; } if(hitPos.z>(theirPos.z+(0.8*sizeZ))){ return "head"; } }
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