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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Ingrid Ingersoll last won the day on October 4

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  • Member Title
    Dirty normie

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  1. I don't think anyone is saying roll up the orgies. I think what people are saying, yet again, is that your vision of secondlife and what's important, isn't necessarily everyone elses priority, Narcissism aside, it just not good for THIS particular business to cater to one type of person.
  2. Here we go again. When I joined sl, their tagline was "your world, your imagination". If that's changed, let me know. There should be room for everyone, including people who don't want to see hard core porn. And there will be because from the official messaging, they're thinking about what will make sl palateable to a wider audience.
  3. You have a 4 year old child avi and your name is sexxy. You're surprised at my reaction? Get out more.
  4. Not that you or anyone else has any right to demand to know what I do in sl, but I explore. A lot. Blaming me for reporting someone who probably deserved to be reported makes me understand your motives too.
  5. And this is the problem. You'll just flat out lie to LL the way you are here. I'm not sure if you enjoy victim role play and or drama, because you seem to invite it. Hopelly the lindens will see right through you.
  6. This thread and all the apologists has made me want to go on a vigilante spree and reporting anyone for anything. Yay!
  7. Hence the question to the forum members. Becasue i don't go around making reports all day. I'm sorry to burst your bubble.
  8. And sitting by and not doing anything when you do see something makes you tacitly complicit.
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