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  1. Sorry, let me be a little more clear. I posted why I used the term-and in return I got a whole lot of messages from people who feel some need to constantly take conversations from the forums elsewhere and in doing so are not even remotely of sound mind-nor are they welcome in any of my inboxes. Most of them come with constant reminders about the fact that I'm new. I am-as I've only been here a bit over 3 years now-but it's long gotten old and I'm rather not fond of it. You can laugh all you want if it's funny-and I understand it might be to some-but I don't personally believe it is. I was trying to explain why I used the word-which may not be anywhere near the same reason others might use it. If someone found my use of the word offensive-it would be a lot easier for them to ask what I meant by it or even ask me directly and not constantly make snarky remarks and underhanded comments about me being new-not understanding things-or any other number of things they seem compelled to school me on. I really enjoy the forums and I really enjoy sl-but I'm unhappy about the fact that some people are perfectly fine making the forums AND sl very uncomfortable for me-and that I'm apparently not allowed to be angry about that. I'm not new to the internet-lol-and I'm quite aware that some people just suck. I was hoping someone would get the hint and stop messaging me-while also trying to take the time to explain my use of the word further. Both backfired.
  2. I have never called anyone directly a fangirl/fanboy. Just because I'm the only one with enough balls to admit I've used the term on the forums doesn't open my inbox up for SJW and other nutjobs to continue acting like the forum savior. It's grown tiresome. I'm usually very good at ignoring *****ty behavior but I've had about enough. I used the term-broadly-without directing it to a specific person-because it is a broad term and was very applicable where I placed it. I used it in a thread discussing things that ll can do better-because some people can't see past all the things they love to see where improvements are needed. Those same people were-and likely still would be if threads didn't get locked-attacking anyone with anything at all negative to say with underhanded and not so underhanded comments. Some of the more particularly nasty ones were removed-thank goodness. While I am glad the posts were removed swiftly-I wish more had seen them before they were because it might explain the context a bit better. I had the dumb idea to try and explain why and when I would use the term-it's not helping any I see-so I too see no point in asking if no one wants to know the real answer to the question. It just opens others up to be treated poorly and that's stupid. I would like to kindly ask that the-aforementioned nutjobs-pick some other box to annoy for a while. I'lll refrain form participating on the forums if you do-so we both win!
  3. This type of achievement thing wouldn't appeal to everyone-I don't think there is a single thing in sl that does appeal to everyone actually. But it could help drum up interest in areas that maybe not everyone knows about or has participated in. Something like that should never-ever-be opt out or a default-but something people can do on the side or if they choose. Maybe where that whole interests thing in the profiles was something could be put in with little icons on that indicate which tasks we've completed. I really don't know how ll could incorporate it exactly-but maybe something like that. Or if they intend to fix the mysecondlife thing they can incorporate it there for people who want it there. I don't know-spitballing I guess. They could add a monetary incentive if they really wanted-not a high one of course-but something. The realms prove that ll isn't exactly against that sort of idea-compensation in small amounts for people who want to put those kind of side activities in their sl. I think this was mentioned in one-probably more-of the other threads that discussed gamifying sl and adding game qualities to it to both help with new user-nd old user-retention but also gaining some new users too. I'm sure things like this are feasible. I can't see it causing any harm-as long as it's opt in of course-and that everyone can do it if they so choose they don't need to be premium or a certain age or whatever. I sort of like things like that sometimes. It's why gtfo is kind of fun-even though there really isn't anything other than your own motivation to keep you going-no incentives beyond that. It does make me explore sl a bit more which is cool.
  4. I've only seen it said a few times lately-and each time it's been warranted. If someone can't see beyond their like/love for someone to notice when things aren't being done right and criticizes anyone who does point those things out-they're being a fangirl/boy. There are some people who do that here on the forums. It's okay to point out when things aren't working-aren't optimal-could be better-need looked at-need improved-need I go on? I've been called all kinds of nasty things-not just in forum posts that thankfully were removed pretty swift but also in direct messages and ims to me any single time I talk about something I think ll needs to improve on. It doesn't matter what it is-it could be a benign thing that just would work better if done different-or something more serious. I still get the same crap. So yep I'm going to call those people fangirls/boys especially when they're talking about something that has needed improvement for years-long before I got here-that has been criticized by many for all of those years. I wouldn't call them a shill-but a fangirl/boy-absolutely. As someone who has recently used that word in a post-I feel it was warranted. Others don't have to agree with my assessment and that's perfectly okay by me that we disagree. We can both like or dislike whatever we want about sl. It's okay to express your like/love for something-and it's okay to express your dislike/hate for something. Neither is right or wrong for everyone. I love certain aspects of sl and can appreciate the things ll does. That doesn't mean I ignore the things they do wrong or could get better. Fangirls/boys can see no wrongdoing-almost ever-and will criticize to the teeth anyone that does. There are some on the forums-not too many but definitely some.
  5. The biggest advantage they have is lying about how many "new signups" they have-quotes because it's a blatant lie. They included existing instagram users in that 10mil+ count. Those aren't all new users-active users-or even users at all. A very large percentage are actually bots and programs not people. The name recognition really won't mean much at all given the disaster the whole metaverse thing became a bit quicker than anticipated by those in the know and higher up. People now expect things coming from meta to not really deliver all that they promise-but they certainly hype them up quite well. Now people will know threads has been hyped up primarily based off a lie. Threads has actually made international news-of course a lot of that is paid for news -but it's still in the news. That means more people will know they literally started their advertising campaign off with an actual lie that can be verified. Starting off on the wrong foot will likely land threads exactly where meta sits-and that's not nearly as profitable or even functional as it could and should be. It might just take a bit for people to realize it. The overly ambiguous terms just makes things worse. Granted no one ever reads them-but that just plays right into the whole-they'll never know-scheme Suckerberg loves so dearly. He's an oddball that one-and I'll give him credit for getting things as far as he has regardless of how detrimental it's actually been to a lot of people-but I think at some point his chickens will come to roost and very swiftly realize the coop no longer exists-then they'll turn on him. Good luck to the people that choose to use it-may the odds be ever in your favor-even though we all know by now they won't be.
  6. I don't even have a fb account-rl or sl-it's extremely doubtful I will join threads either. I am not a fan of social media to begin with though. For someone born in my generation I sure do avoid most things my generation seems to be quite attached to. I was born in the wrong decade I think.
  7. OP is wrong about objectives of others-as I suspect we all would be if we tried to claim any one thing is a majority objective. I think there are a lot of objectives people have and there is no way to pinpoint even one as a majority because there are too many to do that. Even the people who enjoy those adult natured things have other objectives too. There is no real point to the thread other than pointing out the most obvious thing-people come to sl to do stuff and it's ll's job to figure out what that stuff is-then market the h e double hockey sticks out of it!
  8. Do you know why leprechauns laugh when they run through fields? It tickles But-seriously-there probably is an adult lawnmower. I know there are adult birdbaths because I found one while wandering some nice nature region once and thought oh look it has a sit menu-and boy did it haha.
  9. Yes they will work-when ll employs them. Ll has only recently started to do more of this. I know the CSI episode helped a lot-there is also an episode of The Office that brought it to light too. Those methods worked really nicely to help drum up attention. The problem is ll didn't keep that momentum going-they stagnated. It happens in probably most companies at one point or another. Now ll is doing some things to change that-which is good. I may say and believe they need to do more-because I strongly believe they do-but I think they're attempting to start to make a better effort. There are some things they're working on and I like that. There are some areas they need to do more work in-like marketing sl outside of the areas one might typically find sl related news. No one new is going to go looking on sl blogs or sl reddit or sl anything without being prompted to do so first in some manner-subconsciously or otherwise. Things like those tv shows-are outside the proverbial confines of sl and areas one might typically find their marketing. Those were fantastic ideas because they were a bit more out of the box-reached a wider audience and drummed up the whole-what the heck is this second life thing-question. I suspect that's what the Motown thing is as well-an attempt at marketing outside of typical arenas and areas. This is where ll needs to sit down and think-which kind of campaign are they going for? If it's to reach a select demographic-cool market things that they desire to them specifically in places and ways they're likely to see it. If it's a general campaign to draw in a larger audience-which is what I think they're actually going for but I may be wrong-they need to go back to methods that draw up general interest and not focused. Focused campaigns only work on small targets-casting a wide net is better.
  10. I don't doubt their prior skills and knowledge-I do doubt their ability to properly market sl though. I wouldn't be amazing at marketing sl either-the difference between m and them is that I would know it right away and wouldn't let the marketing languish the way it has for the entirety of sl's existence. If they have better ideas for how to market-they really should be bringing them to people who can bring them to fruition. Stagnation in marketing will kill even the best company-but especially one that is looking to expand their audience. I'm not saying they're idiots-just saying they wouldn't last long for us if they didn't have the ability to get it done and weren't willing to speak up about what's not working. That's what I have to do when something isn't working or a campaign isn't giving us the results we think it should-figure out why address issues adapt and modify where necessary. Sometimes it means putting people better suited for the job in that position. I think the methods they've chosen for marketing aren't working and have never really worked. I think they need to go further outside of the box-regardless of the resumes people on the marketing team might have. If they can't give results those really don't matter-do they? Ll is looking to expand the resident population-retain those new people-and maintain the ones they have there. That means they need to venture away from whatever they've done so far because it just hasn't resulted in the numbers they want. I mean I don't want to make it sounds as if I am only intending to insult them-but clearly what they've tried doesn't work-so change things up. And yes get away from the whole idea that some people-some groups-some communities-whatever-are better than others and deserving of more attention. I stand by my belief that ll does not know their audience and at this point-may not even know their future target audience. They can do better though-of that I'm sure.
  11. All quite true. I don't know why anyone would think sex alone brings in the most revenue-it just doesn't there are too many other variables.
  12. And outside of that subreddit? Like I said-until recent years ll themselves have not been actively talking up any community-they just haven't. They may have discussed sl here and there-and been on a very focused reddit-but beyond that? Strawberry was not always a linden employee. She did plenty of talking up different areas of interest and communities in sl yes-but again she did that BEFORE she was a linden employee. There are a lot of people who blog and have websites or participate other places where sl is discussed- none of them are ll employees though. It is residents who have done the bulk of marketing in this right-not ll. No just no. I am not just here playing dress up hoping someone will hit me up. You should really get out of your own zone here on this one if you want people to understand where you're coming from. Not everyone is actually disagreeing with everything you say-the chip can go. You can't see the times when anyone agrees with anything you say because you're stuck in this being offended and angry mode and it makes it very difficult for anything you say to come across as anything other than nipping about unnecessary things. Nope-again not even remotely correct. Just because people have furniture in their homes that might have adult animations in them doesn't mean that's all they are there for. Again-get out of your own bubble and stop associating everything around your own personal vicinity with everyone else on the grid. You're never going to make a point about how crappy ll's marketing-GENERAL ALL ENCOMPASSING MARKETING-if you keep harping about adult this and adult that and sex pays ll's bills and that rubbish. People who own multiple regions often rent parcels out to individuals-what those individuals do on those parcels is irrelevant. The money ll makes comes from the land owner themselves-period. Rental companies bring the bulk of money to ll. Second to that-people who want premium-their reason for such is irrelevant-as it is a steady stream of income. That some may engage in adult activities-or any other activity-after buying premium also does not matter. It's not the sex bringing money in-it's the credit cards and bank accounts attached to the very real people behind the screen. So? I have adult furniture and I've never even used those animations. So are you saying the money ll has gotten from me was from sex too? That's just ridiculous. I don't even have naughty bits with which to get naughty in the first place! The rest of the drivel is just you continuing to pull the-but look at how maaaaaaaaaany people engage in adult activities as if no one else knows it. Of course we know it-people are just refuting some of the more ridiculous claims you're making. They're not refuting that sex is widely available in sl or that there is a big market for it or that ll has put absolutely zero effort into marketing it.
  13. That is the hard part-I totally agree with you. This is why ll needs people that aren't currently employed by them to handle the marketing. They need people who KNOW how to get the answers to those kinds of questions. It's very clear that no one currently employed by them does. They don't even know what people get up to in sl most of the time-they only have a general idea. I certainly can't answer those questions directly either-but I'm not an ll employee. I can market for the company I work for and even our partners-but I know those businesses. I know the methods for gathering information we use. I know what our customers are doing-how they use our services-what they need from us. If I didn't know those things-the way ll doesn't seem to-I'd go find out. This is where ll begins to fail marketing-they put no real discernable effort into it from the start so therefore any action after is lackluster at best. Sl would be much larger by now if they did a better job of marketing it all along the way. Starting to try now is a very good idea-but I don't know how much it can repair in the long term-with grabbing a larger audience and retaining them while still maintaining what they've got now. Slippery slope for a company that hasn't put the foundation in properly.
  14. Most of the people I know who own regions-and multiple regions-don't run sex clubs on them. Your idea that only regions with sex clubs are bringing in the money is hyperbole at best. I am fairly certain that people who own multiple regions-typically large rental companies-are bringing in more money for ll than all of your sex clubs combined. MOST of the sex clubs and adult venues I have been to-because even if I am not necessarily interested in them I do wander around sometimes-are on RENTED lands not full regions the club owner owns. This is the case with quite a few places-even some of the busiest clubs in sl are actually on rented land. It may not always look like it-but it's true.
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