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PheebyKatz last won the day on June 8

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    The Girl With The Oversized Underwear Tattoo

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  1. Last I was there, it seemed their main focus was on teaching new people how to give them all of their money, and what to think and believe IRL, but things may have changed since I was there.
  2. Oh, thank goodness. I'm safe. Dodged a bullet on that one~!
  3. If you mean you want to simply download your avatar somehow so that you can use it on, say, OpenSim or similar, well, yeah, no, probably not going to happen, because viewers that aren't secured against doing that aren't allowed to connect to the SL grid. Now, if you want to export your shape, you can do that as an XML file, for import into things like Blender. If you're wanting to have a copy of your body for things like making clothes, etc., you might have to contact the creator of the mesh and see if they have a dev kit, because that's about the closest you can legally get to owning a copy of a mesh body someone created for sale in SL. Understandable, really. I mean, what good is owning the rights to something if everyone can just copy it and do whatever they want with it? A lot of other platforms probably wouldn't really be all that compatible with SL avatars anyway, unless we're talking about 3D modeling software or something.
  4. What's really funny about GIFs is that the format is still (to the best of my knowledge at this time) legally owned by Compuserve, and they never said it was free for public use, and therefore anyone making or using GIF images without a license from Compuserve is technically breaking the law. *waits for the knock on the door*
  5. Something to consider maybe... since someone pointed it out, who else has noticed that either they themselves or others (not necessarily everyone, but some) really do seem to be different people when communicating via text than they are when speaking face-to-face or via voice? I've known exceptionally literate people whom I'd never have guessed had ever cracked a book, to hear them talk over a microphone, and some people are far more eloquent vocally than they are textually. I think it's possibly why some people are voice-only or text-only types, they know (or think) that one or the other version of themselves is better, so they insist on presenting in that way, so as to always put their best face forward.
  6. I find that sometimes when I update my operating system, my viewer reverts back to default settings, which suck for me. That may have happened. Also, I know people hate hearing this, but when all else fails, clearing the cache might actually help.
  7. One Euro currently equals 1.09 US dollars. In my experience with buying L$, one dollar buys about $L250, give or take a few, depending on the current exchange rate. So, ten Euros should get you at least $L2,500, unless the value has drastically changed in the past year, or something. To the best of my knowledge, anyway.
  8. When you get all sorted out, please post pics, so we can cheer and stuff! Ooh, one thing about BoM layers to remember: they layer. So if you have layers that need to go in a certain order to look right, be sure to add the bottom layer first, and work your way up. I use some transparency layers to change my skin tone at times, and sometimes I forget to take my freckles off and put them on again last.
  9. Nah, work from life, not photos. It's more fun that way. Asking her repeatedly to stop the door from closing while you paint would make for a lot of fun, I think. Who knows where it could lead?
  10. I think an actual mature man would. Kinda goes with being actually mature, I think. No actual mature man would go chasing after young women who are actually grandpas in RL, unless they're really confused, or just very, very desperate.
  11. Yup. And a lot of people who make money as content creators keep their business account separate from their other accounts, which can make it seem like the person themselves is only there to get money. Meanwhile, they have a whole SL they're living that's totally unrelated to their vendor self. With the exception of things like home decor and other goods which may or may not have even been originally created by the people who sell them, and are just uploaded to every platform that they can be sold on (you can spot those after a while), a lot of the content sold for use in SL actually sort of requires the people making it to be involved enough to at least know the platform they're making stuff for. At least if they want repeat business. Just because they're only online once a week and take forever to provide service doesn't mean they aren't on an alt hanging out at a party somewhere.
  12. About to go for my daily swim in the harbor. It's okay, I wash it all off when I get out.
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