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Why get a mesh body?

Kurth Milos

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4 minutes ago, Kurth Milos said:

I find tons of information on what is the best mesh body but my question is why should I get a mesh body.  Mine looks good and I have tons of clothes.

Personal choice.  If you're happy, don't change.

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If you are happy with your body and have enough clothes (and can find new clothes, if you want them), then there is no real reason to buy a mesh body.

Unless you are worried about the 'mesh snobs' -- people that won't associate with non-mesh people and look down on them.

IMO -- stick with whatever YOU want.

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If you don't feel the need. Then don't get one. You may encounter some people who look down on you because you are not mesh, but you are already out there without mesh so you know what people in your circle of friends think. If you aspire to be an SL model you need mesh, escorts and strippers probably need mesh too. But if you are happy with the avi you have now, there is no reason to change. 


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I think you have been given all the top reasons. Hopefully it is clear they all come down to the primary reason: personal choice.

Doc does some awesome photography. If you haven't seen it, look around the forum for the images. Those are greatly enhanced using mesh body and head.

As best I can tell Claireschen is right in that all the best designers do only mesh clothes.

As Stephanie and Claireschen both point out mesh is important if you need to look good while nude.

Animations are now made to work with mesh hands and heads. They can't move a Classic avatar's fingers or face. So you pay more for something you can't use without mesh.


I expect you can see these are all choices a person makes based on what they want to do.

And there are places that require you to have spent some significant level of money on your avatar to be in their region. Whether you consider that Mesh-Snobishness or not is up to you. But, it is out there and enough people agree with the concept that I doubt it will go away.

Edited by Nalates Urriah
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If you are happy with what you already have, you don't need one.

I couldn't stand the rough edges, the wrinkles and ugly feet anymore a couple of years ago and wanted the content specifically made for a certain mesh body. Thats why I switched.

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It is all a personal choice.  I resisted getting a mesh head for years because I liked my system head and how it looked, but eventually skin makers stopped making system skins and switched to appliers only, so I was beginning to look outdated quite quickly, and I finally gave in and found one I liked.

As for mesh bodies, as a blogger and someone who enjoys taking pictures, the mesh bodies are easier for that as they look good and required less editing - ie smoothing or rounding edges like boobage and buns!  And as mentioned above eep @! system hands and feet!

If you like how you look, stick to your guns and continue to love the body you have!

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The question is why you're looking for information about mesh bodies since you're happy with classic. 

My personal opinion is that mesh looks more realistic and beautiful. And yes, may be i'm snob about that, but I have just 1 friend with classic avatar, and I gave up to convince him to get mesh body. 

Go on like you feel it. 

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18 hours ago, Doc Carling said:

A mesh body gives your avatar a more natural look. The body form is smoother and more detailed. Last but not least, no stretchmarks. One of the biggest disadvantages that classic bodies have.


Some of these skin makers updating to BOM have just slapped their old 512x512 skin file into a classic skin layer, put a 'BOM' logo on it, priced it for $900L, and called it a day... so yeah... stretch marks and looking like you've had a mess in your pants when viewed from behind are back in style... :O

They shouldn't be... but... yeah...


Reasons for a mesh body:

  1. You think SL doesn't have enough lag, and want to make more.
  2. You want to look good nude.
  3. You want to look good in clothing that exposes more than 1% of your skin.
  4. You feel you have too much $L and need an excuse to hand it out to other people.
  5. You want to be exposed to a whole pile of new random jargon that will make you look cool at SL parties when you quote it back at people.
  6. You're only willing to do the 'sexy-time' with that cute mesh body avatar, and she's finally gotten fed up looking at your 1999 low-polygon mess and insists that fair is fair in the visual eye-candy game.
  7. You've noticed those stretchmarks mentioned above, that always seem to be located on your upper thighs on the back as if you had a case of 'explosive #2'... and now that you can see it, you cannot unsee it.

Some of these might apply to you... some might not. ;)


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21 hours ago, Kurth Milos said:

Mine looks good and I have tons of clothes.

That's all it matters.  If you're happy the way you are, there's no need to change. If you do decide to upgrade, it should be on your own terms, nobody else's. Not your friends, family, nor mesh snobs. Mesh snobs can go jump in a lake if they have problems with your avatar.

Everyone gave valid reasons for mesh, including personal choice, wanting to look good naked, and current market offerings for clothes. One of my reasons for upgrading to mesh is because sandals are hard to pull off with system feet.


Edited by Eddy Vortex
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If you were 100% satisfied with your system body I doubt you would have made this post. So the question is why are you considering a mesh body at all? Perhaps answering that question will give you a reason for demoing mesh bodies to see if there is something they offer that would make you more satisfied with a mesh body than your current system body. 

But as everyone has said previously it's simply a personal choice. I know I love my mesh body and wouldn't ever consider not using one.

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Lol.. the comments on here..!

Firstly.. don't be asking people the whys, if you're already set in your own ways with classic.. no one here really needs to justify why they have a mesh. But.. why do I have one? Because i want to enjoy everything SL has to offer.. I want to feel super pretty and I want in on that excitement when new skins and clothes come out.. it makes gaming fun and gives me a reason to keep me intrested in the game (game for lack of better words)

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Some people don't need a mesh avatar because of their play style in SL. A mesh avatar isn't useful if all you do is walk around looking at your avatar over the shoulder or if you are a builder interested in only building and selling things. If you love to shop for clothes and decorate your avatar then you'd probably be happy with a mesh avatar.  If you interact with many people then they may want you to have a mesh avatar. It's entirely up to you. 

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For myself The reason I switched was to look better, Granted I got the cheapest one for Aesthetic Enzo body and can afford the outfits that come with it. Even on my alt that I rarely use I recently upgraded her to Lara Head with Maitreya body. Before using Classic people would avoid me and once I switched its like I made more friends on both accounts. Yes some people can be snobs but if you want to feel comfy go on ahead but for me in most RP places anymore Mesh body is recommend so I had to switch in order to role-play in those types of places. Even now for me I don't care what body people use classic or mesh because my wife uses classic body because she likes it. It all comes down if you want to do it or not totally up to you.

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On 3/8/2021 at 11:43 PM, Kurth Milos said:

I find tons of information on what is the best mesh body but my question is why should I get a mesh body.  Mine looks good and I have tons of clothes.

why get a new smartphone when your nokia 3310 still  work so good?

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On 3/8/2021 at 1:43 PM, Kurth Milos said:

I find tons of information on what is the best mesh body but my question is why should I get a mesh body.  Mine looks good and I have tons of clothes.

I liked the softer look as opposed to the rough edges, and especially the hands and feet are terrible on a Classic avatar.  I also wanted Bento hands and I like all the rings for the Bento hands.  I also wanted to be able to get away from tinting feet like one does when they are a Classic avatar with the Slink feet.  

There are lots of reasons I did.  I came to SL this third time to build so when I wanted to become a mesh avatar I did it slowly by getting a mesh body first to learn about it and stayed a Classic head for awhile with a mesh body because I was building and not really going anywhere.  Then, I slowed my building down a bit and wanted to have fun and do photography, so I then wanted a mesh head.  I wanted the rough edges gone for photographic reasons of my own really.

Reasons can vary, but it's mostly to look better and to have more clothing, jewelry options, hand poses, get rid of tinting feet.  You need to figure out your reasons.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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1 hour ago, Anna Nova said:

The purpose of SL is to dress up and look sexy right?

So why would you go about with feet like that?

   But sexy is a matter of opinion - don't dis clubfoot fetishists! 

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