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How do you feel if strangers come into your SL home unexpectedly?

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I don't enjoy people on my parcels. I understand that sometimes it happens, but, you're not going to camp out at my home. I have a security orb, and it's not very nice to unwanted intruders. My home is my sanctuary. I won't have it invaded. If you come to my home, uninvited, expect to find yourself sent back home, or to some random parcel if you don't have a set home. Especially if you live on the mainland. I don't need some random (usually in a state of undress) avatar perusing around my personal sanctuary like he/she owns it. Not happening. You want to admire my home? That's fine. Do it from afar.

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10 minutes ago, LunaRavencroft said:

You want to admire my home? That's fine. Do it from afar.

Some newbies can be awestruck.  I was.  I've learned I can cam in and right click an object to get the creator's name of the object.  Hopefully, more newbies will learn how to do this.  


12 minutes ago, LunaRavencroft said:

I don't need some random (usually in a state of undress) avatar perusing around my personal sanctuary like he/she owns it.

That's just weird....even as a newbie I knew not to be in a state of undress in public.  o.0  ???

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I used to have a skybox for several years and I never had anyone actually enter the building. I never used an orb or turned on ban lines but I did set the option to make myself invisible to people outside the parcel. Green dots would sometimes move in but they would leave after a few seconds. I used to invade houses all the time before I got my own place. I liked to look at the features of the house and see what kind of scripted interactivity was available. The sexy stuff got boring and I was more interested in watching a faucet running water or if the refrigerator opened up and dispensed food. This was before orbs became popular too. In a way, all of my invading helped me become better at designing my own home. 

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13 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

watching a faucet running water or if the refrigerator opened up and dispensed food.

Back during my first year, I rented a parcel in Bay City for awhile and it must have been not to far from where a lot of newcomers congregated, because it was not uncommon to have some 1 or 2 day old avatar come walking through my house.  I remember sitting in my living room one day watching this 1 day old guy in my kitchen clicking on everything.  Unfortunately for him, nothing was scripted in that particular kitchen.  After a bit, he gave up and wandered off.  I think that was the parcel where I eventually put out some little 'private residence' signs. 

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I actually really enjoy when this happens. One of the things that drew me in the most to SL was the spontaneity of it all. A lot of that seems to have gone away in the last few years. The only time it really bothers me is if they start being annoying. For example, I was on my sky platform the other day and some random person flew up to it and immediately started trying to push me off of it. That's not cool. So far he's the only person who's ended up on my ban list. I do think some people tend to get way too bent out of shape over it when it's a pretty easy fix, but to each their own. 

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Depends on the parcel.  If I have a place that is intended to be open to the public I don't set security at all.  I just lock it down to prevent griefing.  If a bot appears I set the land to damage for a bit, shoot the intruder and then turn damage off again.  If it is a parcel I don't want the public on, I have a security orb set to send home instantly.  Of course if the land next door is for sale and I feel like a bit of fun I put a fence up about a meter in from the parcel line and set the orb to instant home.  Then when people look at the place for sale and don't bother to sensibly check for the real boundries of the land, they will sort of wander into the security system.  (Insane giggling as appropriate.)  After all, if they are looking to buy a parcel you would expect them to look at its boundaries first.

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5 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

"SL home invasion" trolling videos

Most of these rely on the response of people in SL who are less tech-savvy and less proficient in the ways of SL home security. Judging from the voices in those videos, it's mostly elderly people who fall victim to these trolls.

These video's are in large part loathsome displays of bullying the vulnerable, and acts of cowardice for not taking on people their own caliber.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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Back in 2008, I used to have a little mainland plot. Generally I'm too claustrophobic in SL to actually live inside a house there, but I erected a little forest and arranged a little hang-out corner with furnuture. The land was totally open and I didn;t use any security device. It didn't take long for some people to drop in. On one occasion, a total stranger thought it a good idea to 'move in' and rez her own house there.



I encouraged her by telling her this was an excellent idea and added that maybe 'we' should build an entire village there. So I started to surround her residence with bright and colorful prim houses:


Unfortunately, she didn't stay very long at all. (I had to return her items.)

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I don’t really care, as long as I’m not actually home, because that just makes you really bad at “breaking in” and makes me want to rezz out my police car and do some good ol’ fashioned RP! Generally, though, if it bothers me that much, I make sure to always rent land somewhere that I can control ban lines or Rezz an orb (ban lines preferred).

That being said, I have a premium alt with one of the new Belisseria cabins, and I have 0 issues with anyone plowing through or taking photos or whatever because I like how I decorated it, and it’s more of a vacation spot anyway. Years and years ago, and a couple of avatars ago, before I knew anything about privacy, I had an old premium house and could not figure out why I logged in with people constantly using my furniture. I was a little annoyed that they didn’t leave a return key to their own house so we could swap or something. Needless to say, I’ve wisened up to squatters and leave all premium homes set to anyone can access - as long as they shut the door behind them. 😉 

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I don't care at all, doesn't matter if I'm there or not, my parcel is open to all most of the time. Visitors so far came in two flavours - people just looking for some fun, exploration and chat, and thirsty guys looking to bonk. Only the former get what they're looking for, tho.
I do have my parcel set on invisibility, or what it's called, you know, where people can't see you unless they're also in the same parcel. 

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Considering that there is such diversity of feelings about this issue, from people like me who want people to enjoy their houses, to people who are offended if anyone ever wanders in, perhaps we, as a community, need to define some norms (etiquette?) for making the homeowner's wishes known to visitors. I used to have a sign welcoming people to use my house. After reading here, I think I'll put it back up. Perhaps those of you who don't want people wandering in should put up "keep out" signs. It's clear that, with many homeowners welcoming everyone to use their houses, and others not wanting anyone to, there is no norm for visitors to respect. So, let's all put up signs, and no one will have to guess or unintentionally transgress.

In this situation where many homes are left open because the owners welcome visitors, I think it's just nasty to have a security orb eject people, and often ban them, when they received no warning that they wouldn't be welcome. No, a notification by the orb that I'll be banned in a few seconds if I don't leave doesn't count. Countless times, that has happened, and, despite my best efforts, I couldn't leave before the orb ejected me, and, often, banned me by name, which made it impossible for me to fly over the parcel for eternity. The owners of such orbs are @$$holes, IMHO.

Edited by Jennifer Boyle
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6 minutes ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

making the homeowner's wishes known to visitors.

it's not that difficult... stay out unless invited.

I mostly don't mind people walk around, but when saying nothing, ignore me or behave like they own the place.. click , eject, bye.

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Apart from the matter of simple courtesy, there's another reason I dislike intruders, and that is when I'm startled by a sudden appearance of an avatar or the discovery of one on arriving home.  There are occasions when I accept my heart racing but those are not among them.

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20 minutes ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

Considering that there is such diversity of feelings about this issue, from people like me who want people to enjoy their houses, to people who are offended if anyone ever wanders in, perhaps we, as a community, need to define some norms (etiquette?) for making the homeowner's wishes known to visitors. 

I agree, I also try to keep some kind of welcome sign up for this reason. And for the people who don't want visitors, all they can really do is put up a security orb, as annoying as that is, or god forbid, ban lines. Could also not be on ground level... it's not foolproof but I have a lot less random visitors when I'm in a skybox as opposed to being down there where it's easier for people to get to you. 


21 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

it's not that difficult... stay out unless invited.

That's true. But if everyone followed that, we wouldn't need to be having this discussion right now. 

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24 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

it's not that difficult... stay out unless invited.

My point was that it is difficult. I welcome people who just wander in uninvited. Other posts in this thread make it clear that I'm not alone. I cannot be there most of the time to invite passersby in, even though they are very welcome. Others don't welcome strangers wandering in. How is an explorer to know the difference? As I said above, I'll put up a welcome sign. Let others put up signs saying what they welcome or don't welcome.

What I wonder is this: If people don't welcome strangers wandering in, why do they leave you land open to the public? They can easily keep strangers out without any misunderstandings just by limiting access to a group or to named accounts. If that's what they want, why don't they just use the free, easy-to-use tools that come with land?

Edited by Jennifer Boyle
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7 minutes ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

If people don't welcome strangers wandering in, why do they leave you land open to the public? They can easily keep strangers out without any misunderstandings just by limiting access to a group or to named accounts. If that's what they want, why don't they just use the free, easy-to-use tools that come with land?

because sometimes there's no other choice

14 minutes ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

I welcome people who just wander in uninvited.  I'll put up a welcome sign. Let others put up signs saying what they welcome or don't welcome.

if there's a sign to welcome it's not difficult at all i think... if there's none, stay out.

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When someone landed or fell down on my platform while I m where I feel annoyed and ask person to leave,but every time it happend,unexpected visitor never left before I ask to leave for 10th time and they mostly started to call my home ugly,etc

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10 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

If my orb doesn't get them, I will. I love to launch people into orbit. 

I have one of those rockets.

*Evil Laugh.......

I've said this before......but my first home, an apartment on an adult sim, which I was allowed to use by my first true friend here, tended to attract guys who presumably imagined I was laid on a bed just tapping my fingers in anticipation of their arrival.

So every few days I would get an intruder...………..one day it was the ugliest guy in SL. Dog sick ugly, and right at the top of his craft with the sliders. I truly never saw anything like it before or since.

That was a long ten seconds.

Edited by BelindaN
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