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Do you talk to your Neighbors?


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I live on Route 8 , Diablerets.   Since I moved here I've talked to most of my near neighbors a few times.   Sometimes people traveling  the road stop and talk too. Tonight a Bunny and a German Shepard driving a blue  mini-cooper stopped and had a chat ( only in SL ). Most people I talk to because I  see them when walking back from rental office ,it's across the road.

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It's pot luck mostly with neighbours.  If you share interests you're more likely to chat, of course, and living by a main road probably gives you more opportunities to see people, including animals in a car. :)  Going to events might bring you into more company, though, if that's what you're looking for.  It would be interesting to know whether people expect or hope for the same level of interaction in SL as they have in RL.  

I have very few neighbours since I live in a private region with only a few parcels.  We converse occasionally but mostly we're just getting on with our own interests.  I did have a house in Bellisseria but was startled within seconds of moving in by someone standing right outside my front door enthusiastically welcoming me to the neighbourhood.  For goodness' sake, I thought, let me at least have a few minutes of peace while enjoying looking around my new house.


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We have two different places and two entirely different experiences with neighbors.  At our Zindra property, none of us speak.  In fact, I think most of the surrounding parcels are businesses or anchor sky boxes, so there's just not much interaction.

At our beach house, on the other hand -- located on an island region in Nautilus -- we're all ridiculously social.  We have an ongoing meme war with our backyard neighbor, and several of us have been known to turn into giant water monsters to terrorize the marina on occasion :)

It's very specific to location and general expectations of the residents, I've found.

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With my first new Linden Home (a Traditional) I did. My next door neighbour even sent me a gift when I moved in. 

On regular mainland, no. In 6 months I never even saw anyone else online in the entire region.

On my new LH Houseboat; not yet; again I haven't seen any of my neighbours online yet.

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All the time on our main region.  My neighbours are my closest friends who I parcelled off areas of my region for them to live on free of charge for as long as the store doesn't need the space/LI

At our Belli parcel, nah .  That is our "holiday home"  Our escape spot.

On our mainland  nah.  That is our work space.



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Many years ago I lived in a location where there actually were a couple of neighbors that were online when I was and we would sometimes chit chat.  At my currently Mainland location, I've talked to one neighbor a couple of times, but she isn't usually around when I'm at that location.  I don't think I've ever even seen a neighbor at any of my current Linden Homes, so definitely no conversations there.

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In the early days of Bellisseria, we all talked to each other all the time. Neighbors, passing boats, people just flying around. As it's gotten bigger, there is considerably less of that, I think. With so many people playing Game of Homes, people aren't staying in one spot long enough to forge any kind of friendship with. 

On my mainland parcel, I've waved to some of the neighbors in the area, but I have a couple right next door that I've never spoken to. It's not that I think they're not nice people - it's that the introvert in me absolutely doesn't want the pressure of being in my home and having to speak to anyone anywhere. 

In RL, I live in an apartment building with several neighbors. I've been there for years and love it. Part of that is because we all have an unspoken rule that we nod and say hello, but that's it. If there is a dog involved, there might be some scritches. A new chick moved in and broke the rules over the holidays. She left little bags of cookies and presents outside all our doors. How dare she? Now everything is really awkward and weird and no one knows how they're supposed to act anymore and we all might have to move and leave freaking Rachel behind.

We should have put an "Introverts Only" sign on the building.

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In my early days of SL, I had more interaction with my neighbors on private estates. I got to be friends with several people. It looked like it might be that way in Bellisseria, too. In my first Bellisseria neighborhood, no one was ever around when I was on. I keep bouncing around looking for that perfect Bellisseria location.  At this point, I’m happy that people are hosting public events in Bellisseria. I might meet one of my neighbors there eventually. 

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When i moved to Easton Priory in Bellisseria the person in the home opposite me sent a nice offline welcoming me mentioned they'd cammed round my place and it was nice. On mainland a neighbouring plot has an art museum they've warned me if their going to rezz anything might 'spoil the view' or nicely said they weren't keen that my sky platform was under 1k meters being a nice neighbour i did get it above 1k. other than that i've never really had much interaction with neighbours

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Well, most of my neighbors obviously want to be left alone as they have un-ticked the option "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." So I cannot see them and they cannot see me, nor anybody else outside their parcel. If I see that option disabled then I assume that they indeed want to be left alone and don't want to be be disturbed. So I will not initiate conversation then.

However, there have been few very rare occasions though when some neighbor has IMed me. 😃
(I have the the parcel option "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" almost always enabled.)

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Not the direct ones no. I am in a few Bellisseria groups and folks chat in there ALL DAY LONG...

Back when I went premium in 2009 I met my 3 direct neighbors...

2 were 'straight no-bi women' (as they swore) using SL to "experiment" in a long term relationship with each other.

The third was a woman who was basically inviting gentleman callers back to her land all day long and... this was before privacy settings on parcels so yea... that weren't no tea party...
- that ended the day her RL husband showed up on my land saying he was so happy to finally get land next to his wife so they could be together in SL and have so much fun... She freaked, accused us all of telling him where she was... put up banlines, blocked him, then moved... and I was like 'WTF is all this?" The poor guy was messaging us with about the same reaction... I knew he actually was her RL husband because both of them acknowledged that...


Next time I spoke to a neighbor was a couple of parcels later and had a friendship that lasted for some months as the two of us explored around and then one day they just stopped returning my IMs...


But past that... most of the time when I talk to a direct neighbor I have gotten some weird freakout... So I just learned to shy away from doing it... I seem to be good at moving into a nice neighborhood but next to the people in that neighborhood who are the most opposite to me...

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26 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

Well, most of my neighbors obviously want to be left alone as they have un-ticked the option "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." So I cannot see them and they cannot see me, nor anybody else outside their parcel. If I see that option disabled then I assume that they indeed want to be left alone and don't want to be be disturbed. So I will not initiate conversation then.

However, there have been few very rare occasions though when some neighbor has IMed me. 😃
(I have the the parcel option "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" almost always enabled.)

I have the option checked so folks can't see me on the parcel if they are outside it.  The main reason is because there are times when I don't want people seeing me and I am really bad about remembering to turn things on & off.   However, if I see a green dot on a nearby parcel, whether or not I can actually see the person via the camera, I will still sometimes IM them and noting that if it is not a good time they can feel free to ignore the IM until whenever (if) they want to respond.

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I've had three LL houseboats, and each time I've briefly chatted with the neighbors at first and then... nada. I had a funny/eye rolling experience the other day with a new neighbor. My houseboat is right next to land, I can just walk off the boat and onto Bellissaria, and in fact there is a sim crossing about two feet from the end of the dock (not handy). The land was still unreleased until right before Christmas, and it is trailers. One of my new trailer neighbors pinged me and we started chatting. She was commenting about how the only thing she didn't like was she couldn't rez her boat. She kept talking about boat this and that. Her plot was next to the shore so I suggested she rez her boat on her land, get on it, and then edit herself and the boat to the water. I got a brief "It worked!" (no thanks or anything) and then total silence. In hindsight I realize she was chatting with me to get me to say "rez on my dock"! LOL. Joke is on her, even if I had, she couldn't because with the Christmas decorations up, I only had one prim left!

A thanks would have been appreciated...


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5 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

One of my new trailer neighbors pinged me and we started chatting. She was commenting about how the only thing she didn't like was she couldn't rez her boat. She kept talking about boat this and that. Her plot was next to the shore so I suggested she rez her boat on her land, get on it, and then edit herself and the boat to the water. I got a brief "It worked!" (no thanks or anything) and then total silence.

If her spot is close enough to water... can do this:


Details on how that works here:


The triangle part is a solid object, the grey parts are set to physics 'none' - when you get on the boat and start it, it gets pushed up, then rapidly slides off and -shoots- you into the water.

I put a rez script into one of the prims too - every 3 minutes it looks for a boat nearby, if it doesn't find one it rezzes the boat onto the platform.


Also... I have since retextured the grey to wood. That is supposed to be steel up there - made by my favorite texture maker (Pro Materials), it happens to be the ONLY texture he's made that isn't a favorite... I replaced it with one of his wood textures... :)
- the boat was also textured by me taking his wood textures and using them as a 'mask' over the textures the boat came with, and another mask for the 'reggae' color gradient.



Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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My parcel (mainland on Sansara) really has only two neighbours; I'm stretched out on a long thin parcel on a lakeshore with protected land or water on both of the long sides. I've been there for 10 years and my neighbour on the north end has been on his parcel almost as long as I have. We don't see each other often as he's west-coast US, but we do still chat when we happen to both be home at the same time.

The south end parcel changes hands almost as often as I change my socks, so no. I don't talk to my southern neighbours. It would be nice to have a friendly person settle there long-term though.

Across the road might as well be across the continent, I can't even see it from my parcel. That all changes hands frequently too.


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5 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

If her spot is close enough to water... can do this:


Details on how that works here:

The triangle part is a solid object, the grey parts are set to physics 'none' - when you get on the boat and start it, it gets pushed up, then rapidly slides off and -shoots- you into the water.

I put a rez script into one of the prims too - every 3 minutes it looks for a boat nearby, if it doesn't find one it rezzes the boat onto the platform.


I did something similar with my first Linden Home, which was fairly close to a river. I didn't have anything scripted but I built a wedge-shaped prim (invisible) and when I wanted to sail, I rezzed my boat on the top, sat in it, closed my eyes and held my breath. It did usually land in the water but it was sometimes a rocky ride.

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I live in a ghost town of empty old Linden Homes. Literally most are deserted. I like that. No lag you see. Once I did see a neighbour on radar, and we had a pleasant chat. That's about the only time I've ever seen any life on the sim. I would like a posh new Linden Home, but from what I've read  I don't think its worth the hassle. I'd rather spend my limited in world time doing what I enjoy, than chasing a dream.

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On 1/1/2020 at 4:00 AM, Coby Foden said:

Well, most of my neighbors obviously want to be left alone as they have un-ticked the option "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." So I cannot see them and they cannot see me, nor anybody else outside their parcel. If I see that option disabled then I assume that they indeed want to be left alone and don't want to be be disturbed. So I will not initiate conversation then.

However, there have been few very rare occasions though when some neighbor has IMed me. 😃
(I have the the parcel option "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" almost always enabled.)

It would be good if  'can see'  and  'chat'  were 2 different options. I like a bit of privacy but love chatting. 

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Not too often but there is one neighbor I would regularly IM when a certain maker of automated vehicles would have stuff stuck on his land and if a neighbor was building I would offer to put him on my land access in case he had to come on my land to adjust something.  In general it has worked out pretty well but most of the time I rarely see my neighbors.  But I've had some that made me appreciate security globes and derendering.

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