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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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32 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I'm feeling super touchy today about my age. Or the age of anyone over what is deemed young by... young people? I don't even know what that age is. What is the line between being a young person and an old person? 

I never gave much thought to it when I was growing up because I've always really liked older people and thought they rocked. I never looked down on the uncool 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 year olds I knew. 

One of the reasons my recent stalker/hater hated me was because of my age. I'm reading little snips from others here on the forums about the young kids wanting things that are "cool" and somehow better(?) than the things people around my age want in SL, and seeming to think those should take precedence over those of us who are more mature. 

You know what age I think is old? Knowing the people I do, my parents and how their aging progressed, etc., etc.? 80. Up until then, you're just an adult. After 80, you're elderly. 

And now I'm thinking of Jane Fonda and realizing that 80 may be too young as well. 

I. Am. Not. Old. 

When I was in my early 20s, I thought 30 was old.  By the time I hit my late 20s, that bar had moved to 40-45 or so.  Sometime in my 30s, I decided that old was somewhere past 65.

These days, old isn't a year, it is by person and often by day.  I'll be 58 later this year - some days I feel very old, other days I'm still young.  

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10 minutes ago, Ajay McDowwll said:
38 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I. Am. Not. Old. 

You're not.  I turn 50 in less than a month and I'm not old either.

I have a couple of decades on both of you and I am not old either.  There's no real merit to being either young or old.  Age is just a lifetime Good Attendance Award, as my Dad used to tell me.  All you have to do to get your gold watch is just show up every morning. What really counts is how you spend the day before it's bedtime again.

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I'm 35; in few months I be 36 however that not point; we all come together and support others in this thread regardless of physical age because everyone regardless of their age needs love, support and hugs at any one moment in their life. I'm glad this thread is here as it helped me as those in discord who talk to me from the forum meet ups as they know. Hugs, love to everyone who needs today.

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Whether a certain age is old or not is relative.  I was talking with someone and mentioned grandchildren and he said I must be OLD!  I literally laughed, though he turned out to be younger than my children...   I think I will always think of my children as young, no matter how old they are.  My mom who will be 81 next month thinks it's funny when newscasters call people only in their 60's "senior citizens".   I will be 61 this summer - I'm thinking she's having problems seeing me and my husband as senior citizens. 

The only thing that really made me feel old and despondent was finding out a couple of years ago when I was still in my 50's that I have cataracts - something in MY mind that only old people get.


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21 hours ago, CharlotteStargazer said:

I really don't know how I'm feeling. Mainly ok, I guess, even though life is throwing so many curve balls. About a year and a half ago, my father went in for lung surgery. He's had rheumatoid arthritis for the last 35-40 years, and it's started attacking his lungs, resulting in interstitial lung disease. He has a persistent, aggravating cough that nothing could touch. He'd cough so hard and long he wasn't able to keep food down and he lost an alarming amount of weight. So the surgery itself was "successful", but the cough remained, and he still has the entrance wound that needs re-packing every day by Home Care. He's also prone to constant infections, and because RA is an auto-immune disease, he can't take most RA meds, as they're immuno suppressants. He was rushed to the hospital this morning after the Home Care nurse saw something that concerned her. So after 4 or so hours in the ER, his thoracic surgeon looks at the pics of the wound and says he's not concerned, and discharges him. Dad was alert, as pain-free as he ever is, and joking with everyone, so he's home resting. My mother is not coping well with all this, my youngest daughter has the flu, and next week i'm due for an abdominal ultrasound to see why I look like I'm carrying a full-term pregnancy. (No, not pregnant, at 50 that would absolutely be the last straw.) The stupid thing is, I'm actually hoping it's a benign tumour, as that would be ideal. But with my luck, it'll just be fat, and they'll tell me the only way to lose it is diet and exercise. I joined a gym last July, and have been pretty good about going, but it's made no difference to my weight, or my gut.

That's a heck of a lot to have to deal with all at the same time, but you MUST put YOU first, get that abdominal ultrasound. Obviously I'm not medically trained, but your symptoms sound a bit like what an aunty of mine had in her 30s; several fibroids, one as large as a baby (7lbs it was), took everything away, hysterectomy. She never lost the "pregnancy" appearance, but after the op, her energy levels were amazing, the relief of knowing what the abdominal swelling was part of it. 


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10 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...starts a small fire in your backyard and invites everyone to dump something icky on it. We can all then stand around the fire and swear at it.

... dumps the bowl of feathers and fur resulting from an aftermath of some sort of altercation in Maddy's neck of the woods that I found on my windowsill into the fire

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On 3/2/2020 at 12:30 PM, Chuckey Jigsaw said:

Just stumbled upon this thread and I like it.

I'm feeling good today! Kinda euphoric, since it's the first real sunny day since - idk - November..?! So very happy about that, because I kinda felt depressed lately. I will definitely go outside for a bit to soak up the sun and enjoy my sea of crocuses which are BLOOMING today. 🌷☀️

Crocuses are wonderfully uplifting little beauties, aren't they? I planted ten little bulbs about five years ago, and the first year only stems grew, the second year I got three flowers which immediately got flattened by snow, but this year, I have currently got loads of pretty purple and yellow flower heads blowing about in the wind. Chuffed. To. Bits. 

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1 hour ago, kali Wylder said:

We don't have to give that horrible man any credit for anything good. Certainly not for making the world a kinder place.  I wish I could cry.  I haven't cried in years.  I think there something about the Effexor that keeps me from crying, although my sister is on it and she cries all the time!

I was on Effexor for years, doctor thought it worked brilliantly for me, because I stopped with the spontaneous crying for no reason, but now, Effexor free for about ten years, I am like Pamela and others, random acts of kindness that I hear about, just make me blub, and if anyone is actually kind to ME in real life - like for example, a boy racer stopped to let me cross when the green man wasn't even showing - tears just spring out of my eyes and my knees go. It's rare though, that people are kind to me in real life, because I seem to have conditioned friends and family and neighbours who think they know me well, to only compliment me in a back-handed way. For example, my nearest neighbour lives in the flat directly below mine, and he said "Don't you dare ever move out or I shall hunt you down and shoot you"! And my brother, for whom I cook several times a week, because he is disabled and needs help with this, will say "You've ruined the salmon/eggs/sausages again", while he devours voraciously said food items. 

I would prefer people to say "I like having you as a neighbour, please don't ever consider moving out", and "Thank you for cooking such a lovely meal, these eggs/the salmon/sausages are cooked to a turn".

But then, I probably would only cry, at their kindness!!

No one can win with me. (And I certainly can't.)


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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

I'm feeling super touchy today about my age. Or the age of anyone over what is deemed young by... young people? I don't even know what that age is. What is the line between being a young person and an old person? 

I never gave much thought to it when I was growing up because I've always really liked older people and thought they rocked. I never looked down on the uncool 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 year olds I knew. 

One of the reasons my recent stalker/hater hated me was because of my age. I'm reading little snips from others here on the forums about the young kids wanting things that are "cool" and somehow better(?) than the things people around my age want in SL, and seeming to think those should take precedence over those of us who are more mature. 

You know what age I think is old? Knowing the people I do, my parents and how their aging progressed, etc., etc.? 80. Up until then, you're just an adult. After 80, you're elderly. 

And now I'm thinking of Jane Fonda and realizing that 80 may be too young as well. 

I. Am. Not. Old. 

I really like being 57 years old. I want to be like my lovely Aunty Louie. She never got old. She was 83 when she died. The day before she died (of a massive stroke), she had actually been on two separate shopping trips, for a couple of the other people who lived in the sheltered housing complex where she lived.  She was almost blind, and used to race across roads, and cars had to pull up sharply. She said to me "There are only two types of people on these roads; the quick and the dead"! I always feared she would end up dead, having been run over, but no, she had a massive stroke and that was that. 

She, in turn, had always said that she wanted to die like her Aunty Annie, who was a skinny old birdie in her 80s when she died. She used to say "even sparrows have knee caps" when people commented how thin her legs were (how rude of them!).  She was simply walking down a street one day and literally dropped dead. She never got old either. 

I bought some funky walking shoes today, determined to get fitter, one cushioned laced up step at a time. I never intend to get old. Never ever. 

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40 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...starts a small fire in your backyard and invites everyone to dump something icky on it. We can all then stand around the fire and swear at it.

I'm really wondering what icky things people would dump on the fire. I keep getting various icky substances on my favourite sofa throw. I don't want to chuck it on a fire, although I think it would burn up quite quickly and with ferocity. Maybe after a few more washes it will only be worthy of a bonfire. 

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I'm old enough that I actually forget how old I am now.  I have to work it out, and even then double check with a calculator.

Today I'm annoyed with myself for spending so much time on the GoH.  I mean, really, frittering away my time at my age.  Whatever that is.

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4 hours ago, Ajay McDowwll said:

You're not.  I turn 50 in less than a month and I'm not old either.

I don't understand the penchant some folks have for disliking those of a different age group, be it folks who are older or younger.  Ultimately, we're all just people.  We were either young once, or (if we're lucky), we'll be old someday too.


On another note, I'm incredibly cranky today.  I may go home, haul a chair out to the driveway, and yell at folks to get off my lawn.


   If only you could just throw loads of bacon at them.

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3 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

...starts a small fire in your backyard and invites everyone to dump something icky on it. We can all then stand around the fire and swear at it.

Can we move the fire to my living room? That way I will no longer have to pack and clean so that I can move on the 12th. Thankies. :)

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15 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

I'm really wondering what icky things people would dump on the fire. I keep getting various icky substances on my favourite sofa throw. I don't want to chuck it on a fire, although I think it would burn up quite quickly and with ferocity. Maybe after a few more washes it will only be worthy of a bonfire. 

   /me grabs random crampiness and random waking, feeling too hot, in the middle of the night, and heaves them both into the fire.

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4 minutes ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

   /me grabs random crampiness and random waking, feeling too hot, in the middle of the night, and heaves them both into the fire.

Ahhh then I shall add to the fire:

     Teenage spots (at 57, for gawd's sake !!!)

     Sour robotic rottweiler doctors' receptionists

     and Coronavirus



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Just now, Cindy Evanier said:

Please do.  My regular online shopping delivery for tomorrow has already cancelled my baked beans and tuna from my order because of the panic buyers 

Oh gosh! That is soooo ridiculous of people. 

It is detestable that governments everywhere have accelerated all this scaremongering about Coronavirus.  It. Doesn't. Help! (But the disease is obviously providing a great distraction from the other things that were headline news prior to it.)

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We "don't have earthquakes" in the UK.

The first time I felt one I was upstairs in a Victorian building, sitting at a large oak desk. The room started shaking, and I thought I was having a funny turn.....later on the news they announced a tremor had taken place at that time.

The second time I was in bed and woke up to the loud noise of a plane crashing or an Express train in the bedroom. The house shook violently for maybe 30 seconds, and all the neighbours came out. It was scary, but no visible damage.

Yesterday I took the early train to the City. Called at the health insurance office, did the grocery shop, visited the chiropractor, visited the solicitors to sort out the power of attorney for my mother, visited the opticians, grabbed a coffee and got home by 1 o'clock. Then I chased the doc for my mother's prescription and nomad..

Today I'm babyminding, but chased the doc again. Prescription now with the pharmacy, so I chased the pharmacy, and hopefully the meds will be there by Friday. I also arranged delivery of a walking frame and commode...


No migraine today. Bonus.

Edited by BelindaN
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51 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Please do.  My regular online shopping delivery for tomorrow has already cancelled my baked beans and tuna from my order because of the panic buyers 

The store where I work sees like Christmas levels of online orders. Totally ridiculous. 

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