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Do you use voice chat?

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I don't voice now. I did in the past, but even then it was only sporadically. The main reason why I don't is that I'm self-conscious. I sound far more "eloquent" with words on a screen than I do mumbling Aussie slang against a backdrop of passing trains, traffic, or barking dogs. And that's on a good day. Generally while I'm logged into SL I'm usually at work (and it's not a 9-5 job), so I can have an hour free or a minute free, but am frequently AFK enough that any hope of holding a RL conversation is the equivalent to having someone waiting on hold on the other end of the phone with no idea when I'll be coming back. It's just not practical.

Personally I find voice intrusive. I don't want people to know what I sound like, and I don't want to know what they sound like. I'm happier imagining. To me, the fantasy of not knowing is half the fun! It would be jarring to see a toddler avatar speak with a deep guttural voice... (though there's nothing wrong with a man or anyone else for that matter wearing such an avatar, it would just ruin the illusion for me is all - yes, I know we're all adults behind the keyboards, or supposed to be anyway). Not only that, but with text if I make a mistake I can use the backspace key and correct. Can't do that in voice where miscommunication is apparently far easier than text, especially if the other party doesn't speak English as a first language (or know a lick of Aussie dialect).

Not long ago I was wandering a store in world and heard this sound that I couldn't place. I didn't know where it was coming from or even what it was and it was driving me crazy. I spent a good few minutes actually looking for the source. Eventually I discovered that someone had voice on (though they were the only other avatar in the room besides myself and we weren't talking), and all I could hear was music apparently playing in their RL background so loud that it was distorted with a lot of static. The store we were in was lovely, with nice ambient sounds (usually) that were being drowned out by this inconsiderate clod blasting music like a walking speaker dialed up to 11. I was quick with the mute button that day.

And if anyone needs to know what I sound like and thinks I'm hiding something: I am. I'm protecting my real life identity that I don't need or want to share with anyone unless I choose to do so, as is my right. 


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3 hours ago, janetosilio said:

I don't even have the sound on in SL. I'm usually listening to music.

ditto, I have on occasion turned on my speakers because someone says the SL music is so great, so far every time has been a disappointment.

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2 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:

I don't voice now. I did in the past, but even then it was only sporadically. The main reason why I don't is that I'm self-conscious. I sound far more "eloquent" with words on a screen than I do mumbling Aussie slang against a backdrop of passing trains, traffic, or barking dogs. And that's on a good day. Generally while I'm logged into SL I'm usually at work (and it's not a 9-5 job), so I can have an hour free or a minute free, but am frequently AFK enough that any hope of holding a RL conversation is the equivalent to having someone waiting on hold on the other end of the phone with no idea when I'll be coming back. It's just not practical.

Personally I find voice intrusive. I don't want people to know what I sound like, and I don't want to know what they sound like. I'm happier imagining. To me, the fantasy of not knowing is half the fun! It would be jarring to see a toddler avatar speak with a deep guttural voice... (though there's nothing wrong with a man or anyone else for that matter wearing such an avatar, it would just ruin the illusion for me is all - yes, I know we're all adults behind the keyboards, or supposed to be anyway). Not only that, but with text if I make a mistake I can use the backspace key and correct. Can't do that in voice where miscommunication is apparently far easier than text, especially if the other party doesn't speak English as a first language (or know a lick of Aussie dialect).

Not long ago I was wandering a store in world and heard this sound that I couldn't place. I didn't know where it was coming from or even what it was and it was driving me crazy. I spent a good few minutes actually looking for the source. Eventually I discovered that someone had voice on (though they were the only other avatar in the room besides myself and we weren't talking), and all I could hear was music apparently playing in their RL background so loud that it was distorted with a lot of static. The store we were in was lovely, with nice ambient sounds (usually) that were being drowned out by this inconsiderate clod blasting music like a walking speaker dialed up to 11. I was quick with the mute button that day.

And if anyone needs to know what I sound like and thinks I'm hiding something: I am. I'm protecting my real life identity that I don't need or want to share with anyone unless I choose to do so, as is my right. 



Another well thought out, eloquent post by you! ❤️ This Shania Twain song so describes you! :)




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28 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

Another well thought out, eloquent post by you! ❤️ This Shania Twain song so describes you! :)

Aww! Thank you, Kira, you're too kind! And being that you're such a complimentary and all-round verbal philanthropist yourself I'm rather humbled. Wish I could debate philosophy or fine arts half as well as you, I'd be UNSTOPPABLE! 😆 Thanks again.  ❤️  

5 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Oh so you have been on the cover of People Magazine or was that the National Enquirer... 

/me runs



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4 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:

And if anyone needs to know what I sound like and thinks I'm hiding something: I am. I'm protecting my real life identity that I don't need or want to share with anyone unless I choose to do so, as is my right. 


I’ve read though all these reply’s and it seems as most of us either don’t like, do or deplore voice. I put myself in the deplore category. For me it ruins public spaces and gathering with kid like  stupid stuff and sound effects being blurting out of nowhere and it literally takes over the environment. I tried it twice, first time was awkward weird and the second time was simply not enjoyable and I quickly learned that it just took the fun out if the experience for me.

To me, we have a magical world to play within and there is a deeper richness akin to reading a great novel then watching a movie in the way we communicate in SL. For me my creation of myself and my imagination is what makes SL  what I love 💕 so, adding my voice or hearing others voices, has always degraded that dynamic and experience regardless. I’ve come to the point where voice is turned off, so I never have to deal with the interruptions.

SL is like a living novel and voice overs just plain ruin that for me. So, I don’t like voice, I don’t do voice, I don’t miss voice and am very happy like this 

(plus all I do everyday is talk anyway)

~ Sara

Edited by Saravendi
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56 minutes ago, RaeLeeH said:

Aww! Thank you, Kira, you're too kind! And being that you're such a complimentary and all-round verbal philanthropist yourself I'm rather humbled. Wish I could debate philosophy or fine arts half as well as you, I'd be UNSTOPPABLE! 😆 Thanks again.  ❤️  



Oh, I've seen you debate philosophy on all manner of fine stuff. :) And you really have a very reasoned, analytical mind, with a deadly precision to nail stuff right on the head, and yet be so caring and sensitive as to make everyone feel better about themselves after having read you. 🥰 🤗

And no, I can't debate fine arts. You must have had me confused with Sylla. 🤣

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If you need to get things done in, say, business-related meetings in SL and all participants are fully capable of hearing and speaking, then it's really silly not to use Voice chat. Why? The flow of information is simply faster when you speak and listen than when you type. Better still, use Skype, because, compared to Voice, it has better feedback-cancellation, a higher bit-rate and in group talk, it works mostly without signal interruptions. In Voice, there's always participants who's voice stream is interrupted, sometimes up to 75% of the time.

Conversely, if you can't afford the technology, live near a construction site or near noisy kids, or if you are deaf or otherwise hearing-impaired, or mute or both, or you're embarrased by the sound of your voice or accent, or you don't want to reveal your actual gender to your SL husband, or to all your lesbian friends, then, of course, it's more convenient to type.


Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
Added the 'duh'
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I don't use voice at all anymore, even have switched it off entirely. In my opinion, it breaks immersion. When I'm inworld, I'm inworld, and don't need off-screen noise.


Even with my former account, I only used voice occasionally, for example in a "Voice Cafe" inworld. But that was "OOC" chatter, and I was mentally prepared *and willing* to cope with off-screen noise, or with voices not matching the inworld appearance, and all that weird stuff using Voice on a Linux machine for a while. But even then, I went off voice again after an hour at latest.

Edited by ThorinII
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18 hours ago, Kurshie Muromachi said:

No. I heard some "rumors" years ago about people using voice to exploit/leak real IP addresses. I don't know if that was true or if it's still true, but not bothering to chance it. If anyone has the official word on this, I would like to know.

That's true only for direct person to person voice calls. Any group/local/conference voice is anonymous because you are connected through a mixer. 

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2 hours ago, Oz Linden said:

That's true only for direct person to person voice calls. Any group/local/conference voice is anonymous because you are connected through a mixer. 

That's what I was forgetting... the part about it only possible in person to person voice calls. Thanks Oz!

You know, we really should stop all the shenanigans in IMs at the TPV meetings... 

I'm kidding! ^_^

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I don't use voice with the exception of when I am at a meeting or event where the presenter is speaking in voice, and then I just turn voice on in order to listen.  I don't have a mic for my PC, and even if I did, I doubt that I would use it.  I'm not much of a conversationalist. When I do happen to be conversing with a friend, we may not always in the same region.  I would also worry about background noises being as that I have a small house and the TV, and grand-kids (some weekdays) are all in the same room as my desk and PC.   I also feel that text conversations are more time-forgiving.  I don't have to be sitting at my PC for the entire conversation.  With text, I can send my reply and then get up and  take care of something quickly - make a snack, or find a toy, or change the little one's diaper...  and then come back and read the latest response without any large noticeable delay, and without missing anything.  

I don't do dating or intimate relationships in SL, so I don't have any need to prove my RL gender to anyone.  I also imagine others as how they present themselves with their avatar, so I would find it jarring to hear a female avatar speaking with a male voice, for example. I would rather keep the illusion that the person is the gender they present themselves as.  Even if they had told me otherwise, I would still find it jarring because it would contradict with what I visually see on the screen.

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4 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

In most games, voice is a must. If you stop to type, you die. 

Just that SL is not a game. And SL is especially not such a stupid MMO or shooter game where your character will die -- and only respawn if you're lucky.


If it were up to me, SL would be the same. 

If it were up to me, Voice would only be able to be activated on educational regions or on other regions were they give talks and/or classes (like Builders' Brewery, the Ivory Tower, and so on) -- and only while they're giving these talks / classes. Simply because all the off-screen noise coming with voice in 99% of all cases is simply an annoyance.

Edited by ThorinII
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1 hour ago, Matty Luminos said:

This is why I am on SL, and not any other game.

I do play one MMO. I've never used voice in STO* on either of my lifetime accounts. I'm going to have to start deleting characters because they are almost all maxed out if new levels don't get added soon. Sure, my fleet buddies (UNIVERSAL) use voice but they know I have hearing loss and don't have a problem with it. That is, when I'm in the fleet. Sometimes I get booted because they need the space for new members and I haven't logged in in months. For me, it's the best fleet in STO.

I really do wish LL didn't require to log in every week to get stipend, unlike other MMOs like STO where you can go months even years without logging in while your "credit" builds up... then you can go on a huge shopping spree! Ships, pets, clothing, weapons, silly fun things like party poppers and fireworks.


*Star Trek Online

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17 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

In most games, voice is a must. If you stop to type, you die. 

Nah, it's just a myth that lives on from very old times. "You must join our mumble/teamspeak (and now discord) for raids, casual pvp and to listen some self-proclaimed team leaders". Been there, done that. Aside from the very top of the top skill level wise, which is for pve is racing for some world-first titles/achievements and for pvp is at least semi-pro competitive level of play in games with relatively high skill level cap, that's pretty much pointless.

In mentioned top level of play, yeah, voice is a must, but that's probably not even 0.01% of players that need that. For the rest voicing or at least listening won't make them better players, because there's a big difference between just listening and actually being able to follow the plan (having good enough skill set to do so etc).


Either way, to answer the OP's question. Nope, never in SL. For many reasons that already were listed above, but most important ones are: "muh immersion" when it comes to RP and just annoying sounds from everywhere during exploring/shopping/checking social places. Same goes for most casual games with online modes that I play sometimes these days, voice is the first option I look for in settings to disable it.

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10 minutes ago, operationhammerman said:

When I meet a female AV, I instantly ask for voice - or else mute and derender. 

Too many imposters make SL a catfish paradise.

What are you  afraid  of? That you become insta-gay by just having virtual contact with someone who has the same RL gender as you?

As long as you don''t  want physical contact in Real Life™, what's wrong with genderbenders, or RL women who simply don't want to voice?

Edited by ThorinII
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Just now, ThorinII said:

What are you  afraid  of? That you become insta-gay by just having contact with someone who has the same RL gender as you?

As long as you don''t  want physical contact in Real Life™, what's wrong with genderbenders, or RL women who simply don't want to voice?

I had some guy ask a hostess in my club to "voice" but she said "sorry, voice not enabled here" and the dude got pissy.

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