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Where the heck did YOU come from?

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Before I found Second Life I was dressing my pixels in spandex and a Cape after my kids got me interested City Of Heroes..... it’s fun playing video games with your teenagers.... they teach you new words when you totally PWN them :-)


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Although I didn't come directly to SL from my previous cyberspace 'home' - there was a gap of more than a decade between them - I came from an online multi-user scrolling text D&D type game called Shades, which was UK specific. But It had been my cyberspace 'home' for some years and it caused me to see SL as being something really great.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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1 hour ago, AmandaKeen said:

What was your home in cyberspace before you found Second Life?

Hmmm back in the late 80's / early 90's I tended to hang out on dial up BBS, including being a mod on the 2nd WWIV bbs in the UK, and the first on the WWIVLink network.

I also used text based MUDs in the UK, not the $Hades that Phil used, but the independents like Zone, Gods, Void, and for a while, Avalon (where I got asked one night by the coder to meet, greet and show around, the 2 $Hades 'VIP's who were coming over to check the place out with a view to some buyout deal, they were several hours late and they were asshats about it).

Then I was a regular in the assorted "wars of religion" chatrooms and communities on MSN, including being a Mod on 2 of them and a Senior Mod on a 3rd, and a Special Guest Mod on a 4th.

Spent a lot of time on 3D gallery/community sites, and games modding sites too.

Did a stint on Nation States as well, running the duchy of "British Aquitaine" :D but I found the fact that 95% of the population seemed to be Murican Undergraduates, deeply depressing.

There's only so much "I r do major in Murican Feetball, wid a minor in Lokka Ruum Sanitatin wid a modul in Filosofy. I r an Intalektul" you can take right?

Then I came here... :/

15 mins later I PERMANENTLY disabled VoiceSpam, an hour later I'd been called a "filthy alt" by some head-up-their-rectum Lastnamers, because I had an AO, and a non LL issue skin that looked ok... :/ 

Played a couple of MMO's over the years too...

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Other than a few misc chat rooms off & on over the years, SL is my first cyberspace venture.  I was never into any of the online RP games.  Prior to that, I simply played various PC games starting with some text based adventure games and moving into the graphical ones later (Wishbringer, Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest, Myst, Syberia, The Longest Journey, Aura, Dark Fall, The 7th Guest, etc... )

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I'm too young to tell an interesting story, I guess. I started joining the online world when I was 15. Its not an understatement if I say that the hot summer day in August '06, when I discovered World of Warcraft, changed my life forever. It was my first online game and I still play it. It certainly helped setting foot in Second Life.

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Compuserve .. $300 a month phone bills .. IRC & Usenet .. and that was it really.

I only joined this mess as there was suddenly a Linux client, which due to the complete lack of everything even vaguely contemporary on Linux at the time was & installed on principal.

I was doing a lot of 3D rendering with POVRay at the time and was active on their news server, kinda wanted to do more real time stuff and found SL a natural fit as it used the same kind of primitive based geometry I was used to .. except no CSG :(

For some reason, my partner at the time had made a rule "we shouldn't play the same virtual world" and said 'I was ok on SL because There.com was better'. I had no idea why this rule was even a thing ... 

24 hours later .... 



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I'm from everywhere on the Neopets side of the internet.  There's a whole cottage industry of browser-based virtual pet and avatar games, all of which are much smaller and more insular than SL.  Imagine all the different SL breedable communities, but each of them is their own separate website and everything is 2d.  Oh, and none of them let you cash out your in-game currency back into real world money.  But on the other hand, they don't charge you for land, because land usually isn't a concept in those games.  Most of those games also have a complex avatar system, but in 2d, so it's like layering pieces of paper onto a paper doll.

SL's advantage over those is that you can be in the same game and just wander over to a different sim where the pets are different, or maybe there's no pets, and maybe there's an entirely different gaming experience, but your account and avatar are the same.

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Played an MMO called Lineage II for quite a while with a great group of online friends until they started getting dissatisfied with the game... then they tried several others. I tried Warhammer Online for a bit, then they tried to get me to try Wow. I hated the look of the characters, quit it, tried it again, I sucked at it. In betweenst all that, another online acquaintance introduced me to Second Life. He didn't  stick around, but I never left and probably never will.

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Never did any MMO's or online games any games i did do didn't need the interwebs or was stuff like Tetris & bejewelled used waste time on stuff like Myspace Last.fm or message boards of bands i was in to one of which i was a mod of. SL was my first foray in to virtual worlds

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18 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

I was in Everquest 2 and placing tables sideways to make walls in my "player housing". I though to myself at the time, "There has to be something better than this!"

EQ housing brought out so many great skills in decorators - the ability see a unique use in a table.

Mostly, though, this guy!


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Way long ago I started out with RuneScape. Anyone remember that one? Haha. I also played other various games like The Sims, Maplestory, Gaia Online, etc. My final stop before SL was IMVU. It just wasn't enough for me and I was always searching for something that had more freedom. And here I am today :)

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Like others, I came from MMO's. I started with Maple Story, went to Silkroad Online, and then to many more, at one point I played a rather obscure FPS-MMO Spaceship flying game that now has changed it's name and publishers for the third time, heh. At one point, we befriended an SL-Resident there, who told us about it, and invited me and a friend to make an account to take a look. So, my first avatar was born. Wasn't exactly blown away, so I didn't spent more than a day until I went back to play games with my friends. Something around a year later, I made this account, since I forgot the passwort of the first one, and then started to learn about prim-twisting. Then I finaly got hooked, obviously, heh.

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