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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. No, it isn't FS as I just tested now with Qavimator bvh files and the latest FS viewer. Are you sure that you "EXPORTED for Second Life" the files and aren't trying to upload the active .avm files? They wouldn't show up for the upload process.
  2. Did the person LOOK to see if there is an Omega Relay for the body they purchased? There are ones for most every body except some very specialized ones. This would solve their issue, this assuming they want to buy a tattoo and not MAKE a tattoo (your post is a little confusing on that part for me). IF they want to make their own tattoos then there is possibly an Omega developer kit. Obviously it is very important to check and see what is available for the mesh body your are purchasing BEFORE you buy the body. There is a reason why some bodies are more popular than others, and part of that has to do with the ability to purchase items FOR that body. IF it is a newly released body then it is likely that a developer kit for appliers will be in the offing. And as many have said in this thread, most designers either pick a body or two to design for OR use Omega for appliers. They do not HAVE to make a version for every body out there. A few do, and that is their choice. I agree it is too much work and I wouldn't be one of the ones make a zillion versions :D.
  3. You definitely don't want your lowest LOD set to the full number of vertices as you Highest setting. You LIKELY can use the defaults (I am assuming this is a good sized boat) and be able to see the boat clearly from a very long distance away. Try uploading your hull with the default settings and TEST the LODs visually and then adjust from there. Making your own LODs is good of course and you can likely improve you land impact by making your own physics model. If you have been uploading everything you make with high LODs in all four LOD slots, then you are GREATLY CONTRIBUTING to a difficult viewing experience for everyone so now is a good time to learn more about why you don't want to do that. Here is a boat with oars that is much more complex than your hull. I can't speak to the size relation of course as I can't see the size of your hull. Note in the tiny photo from far far away with my LOD set a 2 that the boat is still clearly visible.
  4. Agreed that paying annually is the best method if you can do that. "Almost free" with some nice perks. BUT you can often rent land for a lot less money, the bigger the parcel, the more this comes into play. I pay $52 for my land instead of $75 per month and that can definitely add up over time. If you can find a landlord that has been around a LONG while (mainland cheaper than private land in most cases) then that is certainly an option. There is no GIANT reason to go premium though; you can do most anything you want without that commitment. It's all up to you.
  5. Mainland has its pluses and minuses for sure. Most of my mainland is surrounded by abandoned land these days (it has been group land for oh so many years and abuts protected Linden land so that is a plus). My store is on a road and really pretty good for mainland and since it is a large piece, that helps too. Even with private lands you can end up with some pretty awful neighbors -- and there is always the sky and surrounds (my biggest seller for maybe seven years now and there IS a reason for that -LOL). Unfortunately it is really difficult to sell land these days unless it is priced in the dollar per meter area. Just too much land and not enough buyers. So I do wish you great success and be sure and come back and add to this thread should you actually get to try out the ideas. "I" learned a lot from researching and knowledge is a good thing :D.
  6. That works OK if you have a really powerful computer :D. But, if not it can be problematic and of course visitors might not have the same capabilities :D. Good luck. If you are lucky there are just a few pieces that are causing issues and you can get rid of those or use them in a more minimalist area :D.
  7. LOL. And that could be your issue too. If possible limit the amount of items "in view" depending on the direction you are looking. Even with well-made mesh and reasonable texture load you can be in big trouble depending on the number of item you have "in a scene". Great new profile photo BTW :D/
  8. In general the FPS are always better "in the sky", BUT beyond that it is likely that you have some badly made mesh in the mix of your "new house and furnishings". You can tell in part by turning your avatar in various directions (this if it isn't the HOUSE that is the issue). If you watch and find your framerates slowing you can carefully DERENDER (available in most third party viewers - not sure if this is in the Linden viewer now) items and see if there is a giant change in your framerate. If you don't have the derender option you can take the objects up and put them back down as a test. IF it is the house that is the culprit the taking the house back into inventory will definitely tell you. Heavy mesh as well as a LOT of 1024 textures can definitely cause lag. Unfortunately some creators that make lovely items miss that part of the process and their items (especially when there are a lot of them together) can definitely strain the server. Good luck.
  9. LOL. I don't vent often but I have this customer repeatedly complaining about a build that he purchased. ALL his complaints are clearly listed on the Marketplace page. "It's 34 prims!" (listing says clearly 34 land impact) "You didn't make it so people could modify" (It IS mod, just not the mod that the purchasers wants). In his latest note "I build too, just not mesh". (Demo link in Marketplace listing to see and test if it would do what he wanted). We can only do SO MUCH as merchants. Those in H&G are pretty much forced to have big shops in order to show their wares. It really doesn't help when folks don't BOTHER to come look and then COMPLAIN! This is not most people, but it happens often enough. IF someone bothers to ask I would certainly tell them that they wouldn't be able to move around walls and such (actually when you CAN do that I have that info in the listing). We need a "venting" Emoticon. Found one. Free to share LOL. We ALL NEED THESE FROM TIME TO TIME.
  10. Well that was MY thought also and glad you responded to this as well as the poster before you as I forgot to come and end the story. The reason why I didn't think it might "just" be a mouse thing was because it only happened in SL, not in any other program (not the wearing of a house of course, but the EFFECT of the seemingly double click). And yes before ADD became a very important part of our skillset I would double click on an item all the time to wear it. But no other issues an any programs and I use my mouse a LOT. So I ordered a nice new mouse similar to the one I had with purple trim and waited for Amazon to deliver. Then in the manner that the Universe sometimes uses to remind us things are not what they seem, the effect went away. No more odd items being worn even when I rezzed something close to myself. My new mouse arrived and stayed in its mailer pouch for a few days since I was still not having issues, then I opened it and adopted it since It was prettier ---- being all shiny purple trim and all. So it is difficult to say what was going on, but I do have a new mouse and all IS well.
  11. OK. I had to smile at this broadly. The point for most of us is to look good for EVERYONE and in ANY Windlight setting. This is much like the first days of the web where you would go to a page and be told you had to use such and such browser with such and such page resolution and such and such plug in. Really? You CAN get skins to work in any Windlight setting (as shown in my photos above). It just takes a lot of demoing and testing.
  12. Yes, me too long ago and that was definitely the party line. I heard it SO MANY TIMES. Most of my items are blogger copies and of course MY things which I can replace by uploading again which costs money but it is doable. So redelivery isn't really an option -- and then again, often we lose things and don't notice for a long while -- a problem for sure. I am happy that folks are at least beginning to realize that inventory loss DOES happen. One gal long ago wrote that she had lost 10,000 poses. Now that's way too many poses to keep on hand IMHO but she was of course devastated. I am very happy that this is all out in the open with more folks coming forward as I have been "crying into the night" for a long while now and I am happy to have some company :D.
  13. Definitely true and important, but I always test with all my personal Windlight settings, not just the ones with very little contrast. All those photos above work in any Windlight that I have tried. And I definitely agree that it takes time to find a skin that will work with both head and body -- no matter what combo you are using. Some skin designers apparently test and others do not
  14. Yes. A friend of mine had some similar things occur this last week. Another thing that has been happening recently to me is that my 'local textures' that I upload and put on the items aren't "sticking". Originally I thought I had just forgotten to put them on (certainly an easy thing) but it is happening much more often this last month or so and I am beginning to think it has something to do with the corrupted textures I am finding (oldish ones that I happily could upload again as they were on my computer) as well as some textures that were favorites and that I would NOT have deleted that are GOOOOOONE. No way to get those back. I would THINK that the textures would be on their own set of databases on their own set of machines (maybe MANY MANY machines LOL. But something also seems up there. Someone said that much of the inventory stuff is now "in the cloud" (well on a different set of computers) and not where it had been residing in the past. Don't know if this is part of the puzzle and don't remember enough about it to be very helpful. But maybe someone DOES know what changes were made (or not made) and can post about that.
  15. Just wanted to note that beyond that bug from awhile back and the changes being made, there are still major inventory issues going on that have nothing to do with the "your trash is overflowing" bug that was fixed. I did just now however get back a "chocker" that I put in a ticket for the day before yesterday I think. No message from support, it just reappeared in its original folder and with the rest of the set. (ALL were gone from anywhere in my inventory a couple of days ago but had been there a week or so ago as I blogged the item and have photo proof LOL.) Anyway if the OP happens to know or can find out THE EXACT NAME of her most precious item -- and turn in a ticket with that info it looks possible that she may get that one thing back. I have no idea of other lost items from the same time came back to me. I have been noticing folders appearing in odd spots still (another thread verified by a Linden that it really was an issue) and things have been disappearing and textures corrupted so its not over for some of us anyway But happy to have that choker back. EDIT: Well I forgot my original point I wanted to make :D. I NOW carefully not only look at my trash before deleting (I always looked just not quite so carefully) I also OPEN ever folder to make sure that there isn't a folder inside a folder. This has not solved my issues and things are still disappearing -- seemingly much more often in than in the past. My only non-techie thought is that the databases are getting larger ever day and may have come to a critical juncture. I have friends that work in RL database backend stuff so while I don't understand how it all works, I DO understand how complex it can be. So just "looking at your trash before deleting" is NOT solving the issues -- THAT was what I really wanted to say.
  16. So FINALLY A HAPPY ENDING! While there was no message from support and I made no further efforts to retrieve my missing choker, it appeared today when I searched and it was not only there but in the correct spot (under jewelry - chokers natch) AND had all the versions of the set (different color stones) in the FOLDER that it was originally in. Whether anything else that was gone and I didn't notice came back, I don't know. But, if you have the EXACT NAME (with all the spaces and dashes and such) it appears you have a fair chance of retrieval. THAT is good to know.
  17. Along with the other answers which are all important you MUST have an applier that will apply the skin to the Maitreya body while you are using the system skin for your head. With that you can visually eliminate the seam as much as with a mesh head. BUT that being said, not all appliers even within a skin maker's line will work as well. Sometimes the skin maker updates the looks on the heads and doesn't change the body (hence seam). Sometimes they just aren't that great at making skins. So demos are VERY important. Some examples. AKERUKA head and system body - 7 Deadly Skins (not all of these are as good a match) Catwa Head and Maitreya body and WOW skin L: Letluka head and Maitreya body and amias skin
  18. This is a long and ongoing issue and while the newer versions of the official viewer and Firestorm now have fixed PART of it and give you a warning about how many items you are about to delete, the ONGOING and apparently more frequent "inventory disappearances" are still happening. A long thread on this for those who missed it is here: It is VERY likely (from my personal and ongoing issues) that the disappearance had absolutely NOTHING to do with you. While you have a few choices to get things back, your chances are slim unless you can get a redelivery of the item from a kiosk or the creator IF it was a product that you lost and IF it is still available. NOTE that even WITH a new viewer version (I have the latest FS and have for a long while) the folder movement and loss of inventory continues. If you know the exact name of the item there is a slightly better chance for its return. I can't say that I have had any great success with that though. DO get a viewer update though, that at least helps with SOME of the bugs. EDIT: Looking though this morning's unread content I noted a new SL viewer out with lots of changes as to the Trash. These don't actually sound all that promising to me, but hopefully some stuff "underneath" is also getting changed :D. Anyway here is a screenshot of that part of the release notification. The trash purge message has included the number of items for quite awhile now so not sure what that actually means.
  19. BETA GRID IS OPEN!!!!! in case that is helpful for anyone.
  20. LOL. UNLESS of course the DATABASE loses it! But yes, typically correct. You made me smile there!!!!!
  21. According to a post on the Opensim Blender group awhile back, if you are ONLY using Blender for poses or animations (and not the Avastar add-on) you need to rename all the bones in the file in a certain way. There may be more to it than that too . Here is her blender section on Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/sK7oME if you want to look through that. It was awhile ago (more than six months I am pretty sure) but she did document it all. It was way too much work for me to care about, I just use the old Qavimator so I can't explain more. Good luck.
  22. Thank you. What a great photo below. You even got the floating light in the window! Thanks for the plug. Glad you enjoyed.
  23. I am kinda missing what ADVICE you want from the OP??????? Maybe it is late and I have had too much wine, but a list of likes and dislike and what you are doesn't seem to pose a question. OK. I can still type sanely so obviously not too much wine. MORE WINE!
  24. It DOES much more which is why so many people use it (last I heard 75% but not sure how close it is). It IS HOWEVER a much larger learning curve because of all it does. There are inworld classes you can go to to learn all you need to know. A good plan if you are just starting out.
  25. I am on the 99 percent line for this one and it was spectacular -- especially the sunset glow AROUND the horizon in all directions right before and after totality. Something to remember for sure.
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